Monday, June 24, 2019

Bob Fitzgerald 'Retired' Just as Gary Radnich was 'Retiring Too'--What are The Odds? KNBR Cackler 'Rudy' is a Goner But Who Cares

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Bob Fitzgerald
MORE "Retirements" --Gees, what are the odds of another retirement involving another alleged KNBR personality?

The latest victim? That loveable little guy, Bob Fitzgerald, aka: "Rudy." Funny, all I've been hearing is Gary Radnich sudden "retirement" now this retirement phenomena has induced the Serra-grad cackler who mysteriously and miraculously has vanished from the Knibber airwaves, I don't know if that was in the "Fitz Files", but what a sad day nonetheless.

To be serious for a moment, I never liked Fitz; never found him to be the least bit interesting. He came off as a smarmy, egotistical, know-it-all, asshole with 10x little-man syndrome. How ironic that his biggest ass-kisser, the first "retiree", Radnich was shown the door on Friday, oh, wait, excuse me, he retired.

Fitzgerald managed to hang on at KNBR because his inflated friendship with Warriors' ownership saved his ass only the Warriors are no longer on KNBR and Fitzgerald therefore was unable to kiss further ass --it's a tough world, Fitzie.

Let's be real here: This is no loss, (Fitz) this is a sign from the radio gods that justice has been served. Now if only those radio gods took aim at this pathetic show from 6-10 AM we'd all be ecstatic.



  1. To quote Joe Starkey, "What a bonanza!"

    Rudy Rudy Poo Hay and Bentley Boy "retired" to save face -- tell me someone who wants to be fired. Also, they can save their company retirement benefits by declaring "retirement," but considering who owns the station, their "benefit" would be having a job and spewing bullshit for two hours a day.

    You are so right about everything you said about Fitzgerald. Every asshole gets their day eventually. It may take some time, but it does happen. It rarely happens when you want it to. But note that when it comes like this, it's so much sweeter.

    Maybe Rudy and Bobby Bentley can pirate broadcast from somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. And there goes the fish population.

  2. Wait, so Fitz is retiring from KNBR? Will this mean he will eventually go to 95.7?.... Also, could this affect his status with the Warriors?

    Yeah, the Warriors are on 95.7, but Rich, you did point out that the Warriors could make a change at TV play-by-play when they officially move to Chase Center this fall.

    We'll see. I hope Fitz does stay on as the Warriors TV play-by-play guy. I think he does a great job with Warrior telecasts, he does his HW, and you learn a lot from him and Barnett, moreso than you do with other NBA teams TV broadcast teams or even the national TV broadcasters. I learn more from Fitz and Barnett watching Warrior games, than I do Van Gundy and Mark Jackson for example watching nationally televised games of other NBA teams and nationally televised Warrior games.

    As far as Fitz on KNBR, I used to like his show with Rod back when they were the main Bay Area sports talk radio option in the afternoons back in the mid to late 2000's. When Damon Bruce originally moved to 1050 and created more competition in that mid-day timeslot, I made the switch to Damon Bruce at the time, as I am a fan of Damon Bruce. Then when Damon moved to 95.7, I then started listening to Papa and Lund in the mid-day timeslot and then of course Papa and Bonta.

    When other options became available in that timeslot, I moved on. LOL. No offense to Fitz and Brooks, but they just weren't as good as Damon Bruce, and then Papa and Lund and then Papa and Bonta in that mid-day timeslot.

    But yes, wow. You do kind of feel bad for Fitz a little bit if he was forced out. The Greg Papa move to KNBR really has had a domino affect on both stations.

    1. This exactly.
      Good PBP announcer,bad talk show host when paired with Brooks (who doesn't need help being unlistenable.
      The only thing that gave Fitz and Brooks ratings is the poor signal from 95.7.

    2. greg papa and john lund's act worked on the fm station, but on knbr, which has a much older and frankly more conservative audience time will tell if the sex jokes will drive the older radnich listener away

    3. I agree. Even though Papa and Lund will be re-united on KNBR, they will have a different audience on KNBR than they did on 95.7. Hopefully their show lasts, but they might have to cut it out on some of the sexual innuendos. Even Gary, Larry, and Kate Scott stopped doing the "Yes" thing whenever something sounded like it could be a sexual innuendo.

      We'll see how it goes. I'll try to tune in for their first show on July 16th.

  3. One of the world's great mysteries is why Powlie Mac is still employed at KNBR . . .

  4. Fitz is a terrible play-by-play man. Constantly drinking the Kool-Aid but since the Warriors have been so good it's not noticable. Hopefully he gets replaced before next season begins

    1. If you can get past his homeristic, "the-Warriors-can-do-no-wrong" tendencies, which Barnett does a good job at offsetting, Fitzgerald is a good play-by-play man. He and Brooks were not easy to listen to on their radio show, though. Fitz will almost assuredly end up at 95.7.

  5. Rudy out, Papa in. How appropriately karmic. Now we just need to get Greg back into the warriors play by play seat.

  6. Bob Fitzgerald has been fired?
    Best news of the day.
    Too bad Serra Guy. Keep telling us you went to Serra High School, little boy. See how far that gets you.
    Haven't you grown up and left your high school memories behind ?
    No more berating callers for asking for asking innocuous and innocent questions.

  7. The animus toward Fitz is shocking. He is a terrific PBP announcer especially with Barnett. If you listened to his announcing outside KNBR and the GSW you would find he can announce any sport in a knowledgeable manner.
    Fitz was/is a nice guy and good man.
    He will be missed however he was making too much $$$ for the cloud slashers

    1. Oh pleeze. Are you related to him?

      If you're in the business, you'd know that this fraud is who everyone says he is: rude, pompous, full of himself, self-centered and obnoxious.

      Harry Potter isn't real, by the way. Now your day is all messed up.

    2. Excellent rebuttal at 1:04pn.

  8. Ronn Owens
    Gary Radnich
    Bob Fitzgerald
    and Larry Baer
    Name 4 individuals in the unemployment line who look to downsize their lifestyles.
    Next stop is River Islands in Lathop.

    1. River Islands!! That's funny. I hate those ads

  9. Sounds like the Night of the Long Knives to me.

  10. Fitzgerald really got off on the wrong foot in the Bay Area and never really recovered. No problem with someone young coming along, but he came across as quite arrogant and didn't even seem to enjoy sports all that much. And then when Papa was switched out of the Warriors for him - it only made things worse. He came across as entitled and seemed to be defensive most of the time.

  11. I hear Notre Dame radio has an opening for a "Spotter"

  12. Bob Fitzgerald represents everything that is odious about modern sports talk radio.

  13. Fitz is not a bad play by play, what he is horrific is he tries to be both play by play and Commentator, he sucks on that, average basketball fans learns nothing from him, now that being said I learned alot from Barnett, hopefully next season I finally can have the sound up. Please Joe Lacob do the right thing and replace Fits with Ted Robinson.

  14. I can't stand "homers" and Fitz and Krukow are the worst...

  15. Fitz is horrible. Least favorite announcer ever- totally lacking in integrity, he lies a lot to support his points. Hope Dubs can him, and keep Barnett.

  16. I'd rather hit my johnson with a hammer than listen to Rod Brooks pretend to be an ex athlete...with his pedantic "I know everything" delivery. I'm waiting on Tommy with this idiot to see who leaves first.

    1. Spot on. I stopped listening to KNBR because Gary Radnich was stale and boring and Fitz and Brooks were atrocious. Tolbert is fun but Brooks needs to go.

  17. Fitzgerald has been insufferable for at least 20 years. His clearly discernible desire to be personal friends with every Warriors player is unprofessional and unbecoming. A total jock sniffer. No one in radio history has gotten more pleasure from his own "jokes" than Fitzgerald. And NO ONE has ever sucked up to a cohost more than Fitzerald did with Brooks: "Well, Partner, as you so eloquently pointed out...." "Well, see, you're the ideal person to talk about this with, because you know hoops." That little ass kisser never gave it a rest. I only turned the show on when 95.7 was in a commercial, and that's STILL all I ever heard from that idiot--kiss, kiss, suck, suck. So Long, Loser.

  18. I have to agree about Fitz, but Gary was a hoot. I feel bad if you didn't get his schtick, which held beautifully to the end. Nobody cares! If Fitz wasn't so pompous, he'd have taken more queues from the outstanding Tim Roye. tbh, I often feel the same about Murph with his uppity Marin sensibilities. His holier-than-thou voice fits conservative tunnel and valley folk, Marin-ites and white South Bay types. Hardly a good representative of the Bay.

  19. Whatever you people think, I liked Gary Radnich because he made me laugh, contrary to the dry bs that came out of Krueger.
    I have been listening to Fitz since he was with Pete Franklin on the King and the Kid. I loved him and Rod Brooks together since they were on the 1st Fitz and Brooks. They were funny and they had a rapport.
    I am sorry that you people can't appreciate what they brought, but it is what it is. No more Fitz and Brooks University and no
    more laughter. Dry BS I can get from the internet but quality radio shows that make me laugh are hard to find. All the Best to Fitz and Brooks.

  20. Nobody can suck an owner like Bob Fitzgerald! He also tries to suck the players but they pay him no attention. I damn near cried with happiness when i found out they canned that arrogant ahole. Karma baby!
