Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mark Ibanez and Larry Beil Don't Like Each Other; Confrontration at Warriors' Game; Stemming from Beil Trying to Get Ibanez' Job When Both Were at KTVU

Image result for Larry Beil KTVU Mark Ibanez Mark Ibanez is too busy celebrating his 40 years at KTVU to care about an ongoing war (sort of) with onetime KTVUer, Larry Beil, (now on KGO) but a recent incident suggests otherwise.

I recently reported years ago Beil went into then GM, Kevin O'Brien's office telling KOB he wanted Ibanez' job. "I'm not a #2; I'm a #1 guy." O'Brien laughed and told Beil he could leave the room and station too because Ibanez wasn't going anywhere.

Cut to today and the then and now.

Ibanez doesn't have any love for Beil and hasn't forgot Beil's attempt to essentially go after his job in such a bullshit manner.

At the recent Game One Warriors-Houston playoff series in Oakland at Oracle,  Ibanez and Beil (who was there to host the KGO post-game show) were seen exchanging unpleasantries in the media meal room --with Beil staring down Ibanez and Mark staring down Beil, it was short and not so sweet but it happened. They're were no fists thrown because both guys are not that crazy but there's a groundwork for a future confrontation. Both men can't stand each other; more Beil, less Mark who is doing fine at KTVU and wants no more of this drama but drama it is nevertheless.

Beil, meanwhile, continues to torment the little people at 900 Front where his arrogance and male diva persona is taken as a grain of salt. By now, I'm told by some staffers, people routinely shrug off Larry as the boob he is and just ignore him.

Image result for Larry Beil KGO"Look, he's a jerk, why give him the satisfaction", said a station staffer.



  1. Asshole Beil hung Mike Schumann out to dry . . .

  2. Ibanez is at best 5'4" I can't see him having any power behind a punch.
    Maybe you can get these two to do a boxing match for charity? You can referee the match.

    1. It would be nothing but a "bitch slapping fight".

      Copeland will sue because he was excluded from the fight!

  3. How childish and who the heck watches the news and local sports anymore, unless your 82 years old.

  4. Speaking of sports - it's been a year since the Schumann jacket - can we send him some respect

  5. I hope I'm not out of order. Just read your older post about Liz Cook being pregnant. Any woman who looks as good as she does in a sweater will eventually end up pregnant. There are the Laws of Gravity and the Laws of Sexual Attraction, and she has a whole bunch of that attraction stuff! She does look good!

    The women are the News...always will be!

    Fox (cable) 17 years in a row, #1 in the ratings. It's not the News, it's their beautiful women who bring in the numbers. Noticed they just hired another employee...another "beautiful" woman! Go Fox!!

    1. I guess that's why nobody's watching.

  6. I got one Ibanez's stares one time. He was obediently following his hot GF through a Nordstroms. She caught my eye so I took a nice long look and Marky saw me so I got his evil stare. Mind you this was back in my bodybuilding days and I was literally twice his size. I gave him a cocky smile and laughed at him.

    1. Good for you! :-)

      He's a prick.

    2. He is bad. I won't argue with you on that one, but the all time 24 karat assholes, in my opinion (I was on the receiving end of one of his stares when I was shopping for groceries at Nob Hill Foods in Redwood Shores) was Tim Kawakami. What a real piece of shit. And like I was supposed to be scared of that arrogant little runt. Joke.

    3. To 2:23pm.
      I can easily see this happening.
      Tim Kawakami comes across as a real jackass.
      Someone to be avoided at all costs.
      Tim Kawakami, a man who feels most comfortable in front of a group of grade schoolers.
      As they are . . . his height.

    4. Add me to the long list of people who are not fans of Kawakami.

  7. What a scoop-2 male sports diva's in a-LMAO-"stare down"! Priceless information that I gladly pay for!!

  8. This is the kind of stuff you won't read anywhere else. Good work. And this gossip isn't the sporting life...nor does this tend to make one say "aloha means good-bye."

  9. Glad I don't work around egos like this.

  10. these comments make me want to throw myself in the bay

  11. Larry Beil is a midget also. Maybe we can have midget rasslin at halftime of the next Warriors game.

  12. Speaking of local sports guys who are shitheads, Marin Yookla frat boy Smurph admitted on The Only Some Sports Leader this morning that he doesn't give a shit about hockey. Waaaay to alienate listeners, dude.

    1. I doubt that he can figure out the rules and strategies, and he's not exactly a sage when it comes to other sports. Many of us in CA didn't grow up playing hockey, but the game is not that hard to understand. It's also not that hard to understand how exciting it is, especially come Stanley Cup Playoff time!

  13. Larry Beil has nothing to worry about.
    Mark Ibanez is a grey haired old man, who looks tired.

  14. Mark Ibanez, the ladies man!

  15. Looks like the White Strips are working.
