Monday, April 29, 2019

Natasha Zouves Is Back at KGO-TV; The World Is a Better Place

Image result for natasha zouves kgoTHE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE; There is peace in the Middle East; President Trump is humble; the homeless have been rescued and are nowhere to be seen; the streets of San Francisco are clean and pristine, all feces and urine long gone; The song, "Baby Shark" resonates around the globe; Jan Wahl is a Nobel Prize winner; Ronn Owens has donated $50,000 dollars to the SF Public Schools for students to get their nails done; Darya Folsom will be speaking at the Commonwealth Club on "Climate Control"; KQED has decided to stop doing pledge breaks and instead, concentrate on the beauty and serenity of "Check Please"; KNBR "Morning Show" is gone; all members of its radio staff are "on assignment"; Peace and Love on the set of "The 10 O'clock News" as all interns dance The Macarena with Frank Somerville and Mark Ibanez; KGO Radio brings back Owen Spann's ghost and KCBS and Susan Leigh Taylor spray mist on everyone's windshield; Natasha and Reggie Aqui? You are our heroes. We Love you.


  1. Did you hear her little speech this morning explaining her absence and saying she was happy to be back?

  2. From her presentation and speech it does not appear that Natasha engaged in any academic pursuits during her absence.

  3. Immediately turn to a different station hearing a news story wondering why Jessica voice has changed to a voice talking so fast like a witch, definitely that voice is not the loud and clear Jessica Castro, you said it, the rich gal able to get her job back in more than 8 months when most places can let you go in 6 months. When I read your lovely post on this blog about people and events, power and money helps. For a rich background, why show yourself on camera to get fame, wouldn't being a model, opening your own fashion business using those connection can get the fame even higher.

    And, it looks like Rich prediction was wrong when someone will never ever come back. I am sure people surrounding her who dislike someone will say "yeah" and one reporter looking at herself so high being the next morning anchor with a Masters Degree qualifying her to take this spot must be so upset this morning with an eyesore around stealing her fame for 8 months. Day 1 when she was hired, I knew power and connection helps and bad enough kicking Eric Thomas in the streets and on weekends and a Kristen Sze fighting back where the two reporters cannot work together.

    After 8 months off when more people might thought this is an maternity leave instead of a disability, please talk slowly and smoothly and stop wearing the same old dress.

  4. Well, I read the article on the ABC7 app where she detailed her experience with the mousse on the floor. Based on the detail contained and the wording, I have no reason to think any of it was faked. It sounds like a horrific experience and I'm glad she has recovered. We'll see how things go in the AM now that she's paired back with Donny-boy. From what I saw this morning, in some aspects it's as if she never left and in others she seemed less "flighty". Let's see if the behind-the-scenes shenanigans bear out a change in her demeanor. I'm rooting for her to do well.

  5. If I am not mistaken, one cannot be fired when they are out on Workers Compensation which covers injuries on the job. A doctor decides when you go back to work not your employer, presumably when you are healed from your injuries. Depending on the injury, that could take eight months ... or longer.

    1. If this was real, how come she did not show any of her injuries and strength to move on on her Facebook or any social media page??? When Veronica had a brain issue forcing her to leave, she took some amazing photos of herself and letting the audiences know she will be back. Not Natasha!!! Her injuries was more personal than workers injuries even when the incident happened at KGO 7 during working hours but unrelated to her work causing her to fall.

      If KGO 7 decides to keep an injured person when contract ends, we know the connection. If not, the right choice. No workplace can afford something like this and from this blog, not the first time.

  6. Oh yes you can. Take it from an ex-RN. If you can't resume your former job (i.e. turning 400 lb patients, standing on your feet six hours in a row) you can indeed by legally terminated.

    1. Not if you were injured on the job and receiving Workers Comp. You sre then supposed to be eligible for Rehabilitation and retraining if you can't return to your former position.

      Or, that is, in theory, how it works. It would, of course, depend also on how well your attorney represented you. I'm sure if her father is doing so well, he saw to it that she got superior legal representation.

  7. Did the hair spray can belong to Jessica, Alexis, Reggie or Mike? Where is Dan Noyes to investigate this injury? I am hoping this becomes a 2-hour special on 20/20.

    1. It belonged to Wayne Freedman.

    2. None of the 4 reporters you named is FIRED, the answer is Natasha hairspray.

    3. I'll take "Sabotage" for $500, Alex.

  8. What a big welcome back from KGO 7 having a segment discussing her medical leave and reading about how sarcastic she was turning her family down when pending on them to take care of her and not receiving her Emmy Awards in front of her parents.

    No wonder KGO mornings news was so bad with these type of reporters showing no passion to their job, lack of contact with viewers claiming she is very private person. Nice act of support to get viewers attention, no need to even discuss her absence. Julie Haener medical leave a few years ago shows how she values daily viewers sharing the true story behind camera on social media letting us know she is OK.

    Natasha, just lousy acting and what a waste!!!

    1. Oh, really! Some people are very private about their personal suffering. They don't seek attention for such things nor the sympathy of strangers. It boggles the mind why anyone would.

  9. Speaking of heroes...
    George Rask traffic reports on KCBS
    Saved my day !!!
    Avoided that nasty nimitz accident thanks to George!

    About the only thing good on that station...traffic reports.

  10. > Darya Folsom will be speaking at the
    > Commonwealth Club on "Climate Control"

    She could reduce global emissions just by keeping her mouth shut.

  11. I was glad to see Natasha back, and it was good to FINALLY hear her side of the story; ie, what happened. And it did sound like certainly a freak accident, especially since it kept her out of work for so long. But, having said all of that, I think she did a good job this morning, although I could see there was tension on the set, especially at the beginnings of the half hour newscasts from 4:30, and Jessica was NOT at the desk with everyone. They are all usually sitting at the desk at the beginning, and then go off to their respective areas, such as weather, traffic, and back again, the "Live Desk". Jessica did NOT look happy this morning at all. I did feel sorry for her, as I think she did a capable job while Natasha was gone.

  12. Could be mistaken....but it looks like the same "Anonymous" made comments at 9:49, 11:11 and 2:01. Pretty incomprehensible....if you're gonna use social medial or post on blog sites - maybe try to make sense??? And also maybe not be so mean-spirited.....sheesh. But hey - peace :)

  13. Welcome back, Natasha!!!!

  14. Jessica is spray hair product all over that floor now

  15. I'm glad to hear Zouves is back.
    I missed seeing her return, but will make sure I record tomorrow's a.m. news.
    (I'm more of an evening news person.)
    Her medical issues are her business and didn't need to be publicly shared if she didn't want to do so.

  16. Oh yes you can. Take it from an ex-RN. If you can't resume your former job (i.e. turning 400 lb patients, standing on your feet six hours in a row) you can indeed by legally terminated.

    If your union and the union liked you they would fight like hell for you. If your not liked by your union, you will rot.

  17. OMFG!!! I almost hurled as she got teary-eyed (fake) telling viewers how much she missed her co-workers. Gotta go, have to really hurl now.

  18. Gawd, that infantile duo just feeds on one another, and it started when she got back on Monday! Her presence eggs on Reggie, who acts like he's 7 years old. And Natashsa continues to be oh-so-cool, referring to social media as "social" and committing other acts that attest to her being so hip.

    Jessica had a hard time containing the 7-year old Reggie's childishness: and she even had to humor him every once in a while.

    Would love to see this gruesome twosome gone.

    Unwatchable. I try to catch their support team because I pretty much like them. Then I turn when the anchor team comes back on.

  19. It's official!! A race to the bottom in morning news. KGO 7 Vs KPIX 5 both are now at full strength to see who can stay there longer.
