Maybe not, maybe. We don't know much.
Scant info and that's not fair.
At least the main guy, the president himself, according to the early spin, won't be indicted (although you can't indict a sitting POTUS unless he shoots someone to death on 5th Avenue in NY)
Reaction began immediately over the local airwaves--all the local TV News stations; KTVU; KPIX; KGO-TV;KRON all broke into scheduled programming. The networks too. Of course the cable universe soon followed. Spin reared its ugly head early as the usual "Dems, good, Repubs, bad and vice versa" were soon saying all they could say without even reading the report itself which isn't public yet but why let facts get in the way.
On Radio, KGO and KCBS soon went all-t-wall --as they probably should --although it being a Friday night (and I'm sure the report was purposely let out as to not affect the market) the slim-pickings staff are on hand. That's OK, Anderson Cooper, CNN's movie star was nowhere to be seen; (although he did finally come on after 5 PDT)-- Don Lemon too; Sean Hannity on Fox News is busy preparing his saluto message to Mueller thank-
king him for the process; the same process his buddy, Donald Trump, had called a witch hunt the past two years. (When it looks like you got cleared, everything is rosy now; a Trump specialty)
On Friday night, I'm going to listen to John Rothmann on KGO who will have an interesting three hours, I'm sure. As much as Rothmann is a center-left political host, he's also far more objective than most of the pundits, at least that's how I see it.
Please, I know many of you have takes on what transpired --this is a media blog, so try to give me your thoughts on media coverage today and what you expect moving forward. And hey, try to be civil.
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Rich you were right about Jeff Adachi...finally breaking news today.
ReplyDeleteYawn!! another waste of money because they're going to find nothing.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It wasn't an investigation of a crime. It was an investigation in search of a crime.
DeleteI'm thinking there are at least two states (as many as three) that Trump did not carry in 2016 but will in 2020. His Electoral total will be 360-380. This is why most serious candidates have said they won't run against him. There's no way. I don't care how many checks Tom Steyer writes. This is over.
DeleteSince no details whatsoever have yet been released either to congress or to the public, what is there to talk about, exactly? As for the contention that the Mueller investigation was a "waste of money", please note that they collected more in fines and seized assets than they spent. Unless John Rothmann or anyone else has a spy lodged in the Justice department, he doesn't know anything either.
ReplyDeleteVeronica De La Cruz broke in to programming to go, "Duuuh...Who's Robert Mueller?" while sticking false eyelashes on her face.
ReplyDeleteThe nationally recognized $300,000 a year hotshot mispronounced his name, too.
DeleteCivil? This is the Bay Area ....
ReplyDeleteYes, Rothman is fair, generally.
ReplyDeleteThe Weismann (Mueller) investigation has always appeared to be a coverup. Coverup Hillary's illegal behavior, and then the framing of President Trump (the "insurance policy"). The FISA process was clearly fradulent; the dossier was funded by Hillary and the DNC.
This is all really 100x bigger than Watergate. The FBI and DOJ working to frame a President with foreign countries?!
The OIG has another report in the works on the FISA abuses, and the POTUS has yet to divulge numerous redacted documents - which should be historic. My guess is he will wait as ling as possible to show the crooked nature of our government, MSM, DOJ and FBI.
The dossier including the details of the orange vulgarian's need for pee pee dominatrices, was first commissioned by a right wing publication.Check your facts.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Trump Russia collusion?
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for all those angry white liberals to come out in full outrage form.