Wednesday, January 16, 2019

OMG, There's a Storm Brewing; Really? TV News Can't Wait For 'Storm Center' Coverage; Kim Wonderley Medical Mystery on KCBS AM Traffic; There Really IS a Blue Box; Sarah and Vinnie's Lovely Uzette; More KPIX Dysfunction Update; KTVU Anchor Issues; Wednesday Wash

Image result for Rainy in San Francisco  RAINY WEDNESDAY IN JANUARY; What a surprise.

With the coming storm approaching this afternoon you would think we haven't been down this road before but we have. Even in drought years we have a few big rain events but the TV folks are acting as if Armageddon is near.

Cut to 5 PM --the obligatory live shots from Marin, probably Mill Valley and the hardware store guy answering the usual stupid questions: "Are you busy?" No, he's sleeping actually. Holy Smokes.

Let's not stop there. Let's go to the East Shore Freeway and show the commuters drive stupid as they do, always, in this area this time of year. Then the gas station in Emeryville live shot with the CHP officer telling us to slow down. He's right, we should. But do we need a parade of reporters capturing his every word? Dumb. You could file this statement and use it every time we have a storm, it's undated.

*Kim Wonderley has been off the KCBS air well over a month now and because of strict HIPAA laws, we don't know exactly what her medical issue is (which is fine with me) ; I'm told it's nothing serious but the more time she's away, the more worry. We wish Kim well.

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Kim Wonderley with Stan Bunger
My report recently about fill-in Peter Schofield eventually taking over the AM drive traffic gig is more sooner rather then later.

*Yeah, I felt this morning's tiny earthquake up near the Oakland Hills in Piedmont; a 3.4 magnitude dinger. It did wake me up --so too, Doug Sovern, who called into KCBS' John Evans , but three minutes of play-by-play I'm not sure was necessary.

*A real 'Blue Box' is a secret code that enables one to work in media circles in the Bay Area. Or Not. It's so secret I can't go into details only to tell all you assorted folks who thought it was my creation to basically go take a hike.

Image result for Blue Box Rich Lieberman
The secret coded Blue Box
Yes, there IS a Blue Box and if you don't have one, good luck, maestro!

*Dear Sarah and Vinne, your lovely Uzette on Alice 97.3 FM is a personal savior with a ton of positive virtue and excruciating intrigue. I will eventually hoist a few with you guys and girls at the Blue Light, courtesy of Entercom, they can afford it.

*Speaking of CBS, its alleged TV News station here is once again clueless. They can't seem to figure it out. The morning show is in serious disarray (for years now to be exact) because of the queen diva who continues to dish crap on everyone but herself. (When you have shitty numbers, MG, eventually your clout shrinks) The evening is a relative truck wreck with no direction, no planning, no real ideas and no enthusiasm from the troops who sit on the desk and wail mostly un-profound stories with a bunch of Fresno reporter-rejects who look as if they just graduated from the academy of talent-less TV Radio school in Barstow.

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Sarah and Vinnie gang
Lucky for PIX: CBS has the Super Bowl this year. The sales guys need the money.

*KTVU anchor mystery: a slew of issues and personal crap that would make anyone else vulnerable and on high edge.

He'll be OK though because the company needs him.


  1. Kim Wonderly: A no-nonsense pro and a real joy to work with. Very sorry to learn of her situation; I wish her a speedy recovery.

    1. And a clear-speaking mature news reader, you know, who's never, I mean, needed to, you know, verbally crutch up her reports, I mean, with faux-youthful whining narcissistic inflections. Absolutely, you know, we need to have her back on the air ASAP. "I Dare You", Um Gowa, Da Wonda, to release clean dubs of your "misspent youth" mid 70s KROQ AM/FM air tapes from the "blue box" to Rich Lieberman for 'historical preservation' in his 415 media archives. Better late than never, my brother-in-arms...

  2. As mentioned in the "I Dare You" comments, severe weather hype is the most common form of "fake news" on Bay Area TV.

    I will believe the hype when I see such conditions materialize. Don't these weather barkers realize that they've cried "Wolf!" so many times that nobody believes them anymore?

    Maybe if they focused their reports on the population centers we'd get more realistic information about what to expect that would be relevant to the most viewers. Santa Rosa is not the center of the Bay Area weather universe, and Ukiah isn't even part of the Bay Area. Can these people even stretch their sensationalizing any further?

    So yeah, tonight it will be about the Lucky Drive exit and the usual drop-of-a-hat flooding spots. I don't even pay attention to this sort of bullshit anymore.

    1. KTVU is king of fake news.
      And filler & fluff babble.
      And the "lets just ask the reporter a stupid question" after every report.

      Further down the line is KGO with some effort on that "storm impact scale"
      Thats a start to minimize the KTVU-BS 2

    2. What now makes KTVU unwatchable is the sad faces from Heather or Julie and Frank after a "heartbreaking" story, usually about some black person who suffered the same slings and arrows whites have been suffering forever, but we've never had them do stories about it.

  3. If the blue box is so super secret you can't share it with us why did you bring it up in the first place?!?

    1. A blue box is better then a blue bag located in the front of your airplane seat.
      Next to that in-flight magazine.
      "Thank you for flying fox 2"

    2. At this point, the BB BS is perceived by most here as a pathetic attempt at increasing return visits to this blog.

      The buzz term is "Keep it," not "bury it," btw, so yeah, Rich, KEEP IT!

  4. What's Steve Paulson's issue with Richmond? EVERY morning for years, he mentions El Sobrante, El Cerrito or even Pinole when mentioning weather for western CoCoCo- I have NEVER heard him say, "Richmond", the most populous city in western CoCoCo. I got a 415 Membership in your name if someone knows. Did he get carjacked there or something? Steve. Shout out Richmond every now and again!! :)

    1. But no complaints about not hearing about San Pablo??

    2. I don't think a lot of people even know that the town of San Pablo exists. The long street? Sure. The town... not so much

  5. Breaking News: We're LIVE from the fountain in Walnut Creek and it's raining cats and Blue Boxes.....

    1. No, covfefe and hamberders...

    2. the worst of the doom sayers
      is 7's patel, she literally
      has an orgasim on air when
      she is "predicting" the approaching the impending
      doom, and then she climaxes
      with "street level radar",
      it's called hyperbolic bull
      shit, sensualize the pablum,
      now if we could only get "a
      storm of the century", and
      wipe "norcal" or "north bay"
      off the face of the boob tube, that would make it worthwhile

    3. My wife agrees. But man, she is a hottie when she wears black boots.

    4. I personally would love to see Sandhya have an orgasm on air. Heck, I'd set my DVR for that one.

  6. blue box gives access to free wood fired pizza drinks ,a ccess to interviews with players , coaches. also, frre passes to all bay area sports events. that's why theyre pissed. or its full of Blue- berry Bagels.

  7. Big fires that destroy massive amounts of vegetation and kill many, many people mean that big storms cause big mudslides and destroy lots of property and kill even more people. The potential is immense.YOu should know this. Many folks who might not ordinarily listen to or watch the very much.

  8. Michelle G. what is the appeal? Why does KPIX management keep cycling thru everyone else and keep her around? She does not do alot of the social media crap that the station values. she's not interesting or bring much to the broadcast and by all indications she's not great to work with?

  9. MG is a true backstabber. A figurative Norman Bates

  10. Paulson mentions El Cerrito because one of his weather followers-reporters is located there. Probably not so in Richmond.

  11. Wonderley is back today (Thursday morning)....sounds great

    1. Purrfectly excellent news. God Save the Queen within the Fascist Regime. Drop your socks for the blue box! "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, a joker, a midnight toker, get my lovin' on the run, stuck in the middle with you". A-way!

  12. For anyone still interested, a blue box enables you to broadcast your show remotely, say from home, rather than having to go into the studio every day.

  13. ############
    FEB 2020 —— what’s going on at Alice radio? Uzette is out... what is going on?...
