TODAY we bring to you on this rainy Wednesday the essence of big liar, fake, Ronn Owens, who, in his sunset years and disgusted and upset he's no longer a fulltime radio talk host has been LYING about his relationship with the just-found-dead, Ray Taliaferro.
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Lyin' Ronnnnn Owens |
Taliaferro had a schtick sermon-like plea for donations to the Leukemia Cure-a-Thon in the old days when KGO was the old KGO and Ronnn egged on Ray and money rolled in; it was funny listening and watching Ray plead for financial support and moreover it was for a good cause. Then it ended and Ronn would tell people how "I made Ray"--liar! Liar! liar!
Ray Taliaferro had many faults but his charm and theatre on the air was authentic and real; genuine to the max. He was beloved by many and loathed by many too. In real life, sometimes disturbing. On radio, max move-the-needle supreme. Ray was just the same off the air as he was on the air for the most part which is the anti-Ronn. Because Ronn is a total fraud. How do I know this? Because I kn ew both well; in Ray's case, not as well as I knew Ronn but well enough to know that Owens talked a lot of shit behind Ray's back and Ray got wind of it and knew Owens' brand of BS had involved him.
This needs to get out, ladies and gentlemen, as Ray would say. It's not only Owens telling flat-out lies about he and Ray it's the chutzpah of making it seem as if the duo were the band of brothers: NOT!
When Ronnnn sullied his entire career the day after the KGO massacre and went on the radio and acted like a Cumulus dog and said how things were going to be just rosy --Ray and others were finishing packing up their things a few doors down inside KGO. Ray was seething as were others.

It was never confirmed but anyone who knew Gene knew he was devastated. His health was frail to begin with and his KGO axing sealed the deal, He died a few weeks later before he was to start a new gig on 960 AM.
But back to Ronn Owens and his BS trail involving Ray T. Even before Ronn became a Cumulus kiss-ass, Ray hated him, saw his superficiality and one time called him out on it. Ronn thought it was a joke and walked away.
*Ray never had grudges but he also never forgot the past. He was disliked by Mickey Luckoff even though his ratings were great and he became one of KGO's biggest celebrities --even more so than Ronn. Unlike Ronn, who beat Luckoff in a famous salary dispute that went to arbitration, (Luckoff didn't speak to Owens for several years) Ray was mainly diplomatic with Mickey and wasn't afraid to call him a jerk off the air many times. Owens was the opposite kissing major Luckoff ass and trying hard to win back Luckoff's affinity --why? Because Ronn was/is a complete fabricated individual.
At the recent Luckoff Christmas party, Ronn was there telling people how much he thought of Ray and how concerned he was over Ray's disappearance --this was at a time before Ray's body was discovered.
Luckoff too played faux concerned. He managed to convince some of his own lackeys; John Rothmann, Ronnnn, Ed Baxter, and the like that he was sincere. OH PLEASE FOLKS, THIS IS THE BS HERE. And it needs to be called out.
Ronn: once again? LIAR LIAR, Pants on Fire.
John Rothmann: How could you become such a coward and bestow such love for Ronnnn? Ray, John, would have given you a call and said to back off. He would.
Ed Baxter: Well, I know you're one of Ronn's bootlickers, but seriously now, Ed.
Mickey: Jack Swanson was right: you are one big asshole.
Ronnnn has always thought the KGO universe revolved around him. Being the one survivor of the massacre only made his head bigger.
ReplyDeleteI used to work nights back in Rays heyday. Spent many night also talking back at the radio because half the time I didn't agree with what he was talking about. But, as I said I spent MANY night tuning him in. That is the sign of a great talk show host. Making people remember you and keep tuning in even when they don't agree with you all the time.
They've all grown as adults and moved on from petty grudges from the past. You should, too. Rich seems stuck in the 1990s or whenever his phone call situation happened. Move on buddy, it will be better for your health, soul and karma.
ReplyDeleteI just don't care about this petty gossip!! There are much more important issues in life to deal with.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I saw that photo of Mickey Luckoff, Ronn Owens & Ed Baxter, I knew a bunch of insincerity would be displayed at a Christmas party.
ReplyDeleteNo one is surprised by these characters two-faced approach to Ray Taliaferro.
Absolute fakes.
Looks like Brian Copeland is taking Ray’s death hard. I forgot that Ray is the reason Copie worked at KGO and were close friends. I remember the comedy bit he used to do of Ray and it was hilarious. Copie is posting cryptic things on Facebook. It sounds like he is going through actual depression over it.
ReplyDeleteMakes one wonder what Copie thinks of Ronnnn's act after Ray's death. Copeland & Owens still pals?
DeleteRay has passed.
ReplyDeleteIs it really necessary to lash out at Ronn Owens about this?
Sadly that's Rich's style...
DeleteRonn is a macher, and as far as that Alter-trombenik Baxter goes---zzzzzz.
ReplyDeleteI have no inside information on Ronn. I have listened to Ronn since I moved to CA in 1983. I see him as a front running, band wagon jumping, superficial phony at all times. A man without a strong center or soul. Right on Rich.
ReplyDeleteAll you had to do was listen, and I, we all here, did...for years. From 1975 through 2011, if you listened, you knew, heard the character of the various hosts who dominated. Owens was a complete phony, never standing for anything except himself.
ReplyDeleteRay was completely himself, honest, true to his values and standing up for his beliefs. I'd hear Owens' snide on-air remarks about Ray and his show over the years, they were quick but if you paid attention over the years it was an obvious disdain, probable envy, Owens showed Ray.
Ray, never suffering fools, would let it out here and there his own feelings for Owens and his show. And to listen to the All-star remotes it was great theater to hear them "debate", with Ray just shredding Owens' ridiculous and namby pamby stances.
They were total opposites and Owens was not even close to the host, or man, that Ray was.
We'll remember Ray forever.
The sad truth is - who else at KGO would be able to speak about Ray? Everyone who was there when he left - is gone too, except for Owens.
ReplyDeleteIs Jim Eason still around?
DeleteI'd like to know how Ray's son feels about the woman who "married" his old, senile father. Six months into their "marriage" and now Ray is dead. If Ray was in his right state of mind, would he have moved to that hillbilly part of the country ??
ReplyDeleteThe number one reason a woman marries a senile old man is for his money.
OH MY GOD!! This is about the sleaziest thing I've ever heard. Idiot R0nnnn Owens interviewing Ray's grieving son. Listen to Ronnnn's phony tone. Almost giggling at times. Rich is absolutely right, ROnnn does NOT care!!! Disgusting!
Like Ronnn or not it was good that somebody talked to Ray's son. I agree 100% with Ray's son's strong suspicions about the woman who "married" his senile father
DeleteRonn "The Owens report" only has about 10 minutes, I think he was trying to get some facts about what happen to Ray, or what his son think might have happened. As for the giggling I believe it was when Ronn said something to this effect "your Dad was not a motel kind of guy, more like a 5 star hotel", at memorial services people often laugh when recalling some fun memory, or personality trait the deceased might have had. I heard people laugh at the service for former President Bush.
DeleteTyrone the friggin idiot: Stop referring to other places as hillbilly.Who are you to judge asshat? Ray was not working so maybe he wanted to retire somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, it is clear Ray wanted nothing to do with his children. He denied even having any children. Pat Thurston and Rothmann and other colleagues just found about it now.
That was my exact impression when I heard the clip of Owens' interview with Ray's son. I thought I was projecting too much into it until I got to the end of it and he couldn't even act as though he muster a "I'm sorry for your loss"...it was a perfunctory interview framed as "look how much I knew about Ray's personally..." and even the context of the tidbits Owens would interject was gross. I never liked Owens but I listed to him, that is until he acted like a child and quit doing the debates during the Iraq war because he felt piled on.
ReplyDeleteI heard this morning that Ray's son is hiring a private investigator to find out what happened. Tragic end.