Monday, December 3, 2018


Image result for ray taliaferro kgo radio Ray Taliaferro: 1939-2018


  1. Ray was a bigger than life personality.
    He was in his element while on the air.
    Maybe there will be a movie about him someday.
    Not with Jamie Fox, Denzel or Cuba Gooding though.
    There must be some new talent out there more worthy.

    1. Since Ray can no longer speak for himself, I’ll speak for him based on what he said on his show. Ray did not like anyone from the Bush Crime Family and for very justifiable reasons. I listened to his show every night during the Bush I regime, and Ray had nothing at all positive to say about warmonger and hawk George H.W. Bush. Ray spoke the truth every night about this political tool that was occupying the White House at that time. Fast forward to today, nearly everyone is eating the upper colon of Bush I. Sainthood status is being bestowed upon Skull & Bones, as revisionist history trumps cold hard facts during this Century of Insanity. Make people and or situations/events out to be something other than what they were. In other words, lie, lie, lie. Seems few people — especially corrupt “Democratic” and Republican politicians — can tell the truth about anything these daze. Revisionist history seems to be in full-force and effect now -- especially when some politician dies. Make him out to be nothing less than Jesus Christ "herself". It’s disgusting and a damned lie -- and this is what Ray would have said on his show, or words to this effect, if he were still alive to speak truth to power. Ray didn’t mince words. He told it like it is/was. Chau...

    2. dear el barrio. I've interviewed HW..I'm a liberal, former talk host. Unlike the current orange vulgarian, HW wasn't afraid of follow-up questions, wasn't rude, had actually read the Constitution(see Yale), and did not dodge the draft, quite the contrary. If you can't understand the contrast and basic tradition and respect for a president who had more guts in his toenail than the entire trump family, then you are incapable of either grace or basic manners. EVen Ray, were he able, wouldn't be bashing HW today. See if you can figure out why.

    3. Christine is correct, Ray wouldn't be bashing Bush. He'd simply be telling the truth and reminding people what Bush's presidency wrought.
      And he'd be chuckling that Ray chuckle over the insipid hagiography spilling out everywhere, "to a fare-thee-well".

  2. So sad, well-loved man and I enjoyed listening ... back in the days of the 70s and 80s ... RIP

  3. God bless you, Ray.

  4. Rest in Peace Ray...

    There are so many unanswered questions.

  5. A true San Franciscan. I shall miss him.

  6. Strange. His Wikipedia page shows three sons, but I could swear he had a daughter who was a fill-in anchor on KRON for a time in the 70s or 80s who went by "Talia Ferro" I crazy or is there a missing daughter somewhere? Or was that a wife?!?

  7. Sorry to hear. I always listened to Ray on my way to work. He was very entertaining and always put a smile on my face.

  8. Ray on C-SPAN, scroll towards the end

  9. "Posted by Rich Lieberman at 8:10 AM." How very appropriate, Rich.

  10. Ray was definitely one of a kind. I remember one of the best and most heated debates on radio with Les Kelting when was filling in for Jim Eason during the prop 13 campaign. There hadn't been that much heat on the radio since the days of Ira Blue!

    Ray was great all night radio, R.I.P.

  11. RIP Ray ,you were there and kept me company on all those sleepless nights. You had more class and savvy in your little finger then Ethan and Chip on their best days--- combined.

  12. Still no word from his wife.

  13. Still amuses me when I think about his heated discussions and him saying "no, sir", "no, sir". "That's a damnable lie!"

  14. One of the most amazing things about Ray was how active he was and how little sleep he operated on. Always lots of passion. Ray was the voice of West Coast overnight for decades. Rest in peace, you earned it.

  15. Kentucky friends were saying that his memory had worsened significantly. RIP, Ray

  16. And still, his latest wife remains a faceless avatar; No photos,
    no quotes, no reactions, no nothing.
    Curiouser and curiouser.

  17. Of course Channel 7 news had to drag Ronnnn out to ask him about Ray and boy did he make it sound like they were great friends. After reading your Blog I know thats not true.

  18. Damn! So sad. I was an avid Ray T. fan for 25 years when I worked the late shift. I'll miss, "But, sir!! "

  19. The latest news report says "foul play not likely" after the initial autopsy findings, oh really. Can someone explain how he got from where he left his rental car that was parked at the bank that he visited, to somewhere over a mile away where he was eventually found dead in a wooded area?

    Lots of questions that need answering, I hope they get to the bottom of this and not just sweep it under the rug.

    1. Exactly! His wife went to look at a window and Ray vanished? I smell a rat!

    2. We don't know..but a mile is a very short distance for one used to rambling in the woods. He died surrounded by big trees. When a person is 79, and with or without underlying medical conditions, confused or not, exposure to the elements can easily liberate you from this mortal coil.People with end-of-life dementia often wander off, seeking solace and nature, as opposed to some hideous nursing home.

    3. Even at a somewhat easy pace one can walk one mile in 30 minutes.

  20. Worked at KGO-KSFO on the sales side before the coup. Ray' hours and mine rarely overlapped. But he'd come in daytime's and he always remembered my name and asked how I was doing. Then if the two of us didn't have to rush off we sit and talk. A million subjects and did Ray have a opinion on all of them. I agreed 90% of the time. But he was a real life compassionate man. After talking with Ray I always felt a nice positive vibe. One of kind. And so many great stories. And for those of you he eviscerated on the air, he got you. He knew the difference between facts and opinions. RIP Ray, Norm

  21. I'd always listen to Ray's first 30 minutes to get whatever news was breaking on the other side of the world, after which --- having a day job -- I'd have to hit the hay. But when he announced it was poetry night, well, anybody who knew me would know when Ray's poetry night was, I'd show up for work late. God speed Ray.

  22. Very sad. As someone who's had family members stricken with Dementia and/or Alzheimer's, what happened to Ray was terrible. When someone first starts exhibiting disorientation, you have to clamp down on their mobility and supervise them like a small child. When my mother was still ambulatory, our greatest fear was that she would wander off when we weren't watching. It sounds like Ray was not properly supervised. I know it sounds harsh, but when someone is suffering from dementia (even in the early stages) you have to be so careful with them and always be watchful. I'm very saddened and sorry for the manner of Ray's demise. RIP Ray Taliaferro.

    1. Oh nonsense, 11:27, you assume that everyone who has some form of dementia( and there is a wide range of conditions) would prefer to be "clamped down and supervised like a small child". I"m sure Ray T would have preferred dying next to a tree, free, than confined to some charnel house, also known as "memory care' or stuck with a relative like you, just waiting for death and a big payoff.

  23. I will never forget first time I heard Ray's program back in its hey day. A caller said he had two questions. Ray responded by saying they best not be about Republicans or Democrats because many of his listeners were behind the wheel and he did not want to them all car sick.

    15 minutes later... the caller said "Ray, Ray, no... I was going to ask about traffic lights" "What about 'em?" Ray said. "You might not be aware of this because you're inside a radio studio doing your show...but, do you know just before your show begins all the traffic signals in San Francisco flicker off and then flash yellow on all sides for the rest of the night? Ray, during your show its possible to drive from the Cliff House to the Ferry Building - and back - without catching a single red light! Its one of the greatest things about San Francisco -- right up there with the cable cars! And Ray, when your show ends all the signals turn back on.again! Did you know that? "

    Ray then uncharacteristically demurred by saying: "I've heard that rumor before; but like you said I'm in a radio studio. And.. it is now time for the news with..."

  24. No foul play nothing fishy, not even a Willie Mays foul ball?

    Like Cumulus KGO ghost casts??????? There Creepy & there spooky?.?

    Toxicology reports take awhile to see if coffee drinking? Are all these involved verifiable real or fake or both??

    The Waterboys Sweet Thing

  25. Ben Webster's In The Wee Small Hours was Ray's theme. Lovely song.
