Only a tease up in the far right corner of a story that the Chronicle buried on page 12. It's not a local story, true; in fact, it's local, national and international yet the Chron threw it on the back pages.
Am I missing something here? Is it because the latest mass shooting by a demented, anti-Semitic killer armed with a military-style assault weapon murdered Jews inside temple and wounded many others, including four police officers.
Oh, because I'm Jewish, I'm biased. You're damn right I am!
The Chronicle blew it here. It isn't heinous selective journalism. Editors are human. Editors make mistakes. This isn't the worst decision by an editor at the SF Chronicle but it's right up there. I'm not shocked nor surprised but a little angry.
You might agree with me or have different thoughts.
Don't you just love liberal newspapers? Anti-Trump shooter, nothing to see here. Pro-Trump shooter, front page.
ReplyDeleteThe shooter, in this instance, didn't like trump, because trump was surrounded by too many Jewish influeces. However, he shares many of trump's ideas such as white supremacy and hatred of immigrants, unless they are NOrwegian dominatrices.
DeleteWhether or not he "liked" Trump or not, he most certainly was inspired by the hateful rhetoric of current politics, with Trump as our leader in hate-mongering and conspiracy theory crap.
DeleteWhy, yes 11:11...I love liberal newspapers. I cannot stand pro-conservative/pro-republican media.
DeleteThanks for asking!
Rich, we shouldn't be surprised by what the Chron did! This ragtag is no longer a viable place where one goes to read the news. This paper, and mind you I call it a paper because the word "news" in front of it is no longer deserving. With the advent of The Internet and the dozens of legitimate news site out there, ragtags like these are going by the way of the dinosaur. At least the dinosaur left us something to be used later, oil! When history is written about the end of these once powerful members of our society, these ragtags and all the others that have since vanished will be remembered by something no more than an asterisk. What a bunch of morons. (and I'm not even using the plural requiring an apostrophe, they don't deserve it)
ReplyDeleteRich, I agree with you 100% and I'm not Jewish...the Chronicle and whoever made this decision should be ashamed of themselves...
ReplyDeleteThe Chronicle hasn't been a real newspaper for some time now...
ReplyDeleteI put some in the bottom of my bird cage and the bird looked at me like "get that fuckin' shit away from me".
The only thing The Chronicle good for is testing your ad blocker on their web site.
In other words, the last time the Chronicle was relevant, Charlie Brown and the Far Side were still running comic strips? Like the one where the crooks repeat the name of their next front of parrot cages? Not exactly bright bulbs. Like the EIC that RL can't stand.
Deleteit's not a big deal and i would not read anything into why it was not front page. probably do not have staff to cover the story. newspapers are dying off because of the internet.
ReplyDeleteThey don't use their own staff for non-local stories. That's why they have wire services.
DeleteI’ve been reading the Chronicle,particularly rhe green pages, since I was a little kid in the early 1960’s. I still receive it daily for the sporting “green” not green anymore, and I receive it on kindle. Outside of sports, the rest of the paper is a pure liberal supporter. The editorial pieces are so biased supporting the left, it’s hard to read. Where’s the news without taking political sides? And the funny thing to me is when those smart people at the Chronicle support their views by stating that “it’s our California/Bay Area values”. That’s a laugh! Most of those people are not from California let alone the Bay Area. They write nothing to support this 3rd generation Bay Area guy. And to your observation about burying The Pittsburgh shooting....well it just doesn’t support their real thoughts.....might as well as put the story behind Willie Brown’s moronic Sunday piece....
ReplyDeleteAMEN. Liberal rag. The Mercury News is just as bad.
Delete2:57 & 5:01
DeleteI'm guessing, then, that you two prefer the pure conservative Fox News. Funny--to use your words--their coverage is so biased supporting the RIGHT, it's hard to read. Where's THEIR news without taking political sides?
Ben, I didn’t mention what I prefer regarding my news source. Your guessing is what is funny.......
DeleteWhere do we go for local unbiased Bay Area news?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't exist. In America more and more there is NO unbiased source. EVERYONE has an agenda. I learn the most about what's happening in America through "foreign" sources (BBC, La Monde, Independent, Guardian, Al Jazeera...)