On KSFO, Morning Show host, Bran Sussman, who has been a sturdy Trump supporter no matter what the circumstances, said it was "left-wing" agitators who "didn't even have 'permits' to demonstrate at the rally" who were the troublemakers. (Stephen Colbert had a great line about this: "Yeah, Nazis are much better with paperwork.") Sussman, who is Jewish and should know better, remarkably didn't offer one bit of Trump criticism --I think he's still star struck.
On KGO, "Armstrong and Getty", offered mild criticism for Trump but seemed to defend the Prez because "the left-wing was just as egregious as the White Supremacists." Are you surprised? I'm not. KGO is trying desperately to DUMP the gruesome twosome from their station but don't want to have to pay off the remainder of A&G's contract. Yes, their ratings are that low.
Sussman has been delusional, especially since joining KSFO. On the other side of this radio area, any thoughts on Savage's views?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet Rothmann and Lowenstein don't like Sussman. Self-hating bastard.
DeleteDon't agree with Savage on this topic; disappointed.
ReplyDeleteBut you've agreed with his support of Trump up to this point?
DeleteIf no, why are you disappointed?
Rich, you must be unaware that Jason Kessler is an agent provocateur and behind the riots in Virginia. He was an Obama supporter, an assignment editor at CNN and wrote articles for the NYT in support of Occupy Wall St.
ReplyDeleteOh, and also the leader of this "white supremacist" get together.
He also colluded with the Charlottesville mayor, Michael Signer, who declared his city "a capitol of resistance" against the Trump admin, and ordered his police to stand down and create the stage for violence.
This is the truth and it is out there and millions already know it and that number is growing by the day. What now, Rich? You gonna keep pretending the MSM isn't seditious, or finally wake up to it?
Sussman is an ass. Biggest phony in the history of bay area media.
ReplyDeleteTrump says the right wasn't racist? Well,I didn't see any people of color or signs of "Jewish for White supremacy". So what does that leave?
Trump is every Stanford- Philip Zimbardo psychological experiment on exposing the inner evil of certain people.
As soon KGO dumps A&G, maybe they'll actually have a chance to turn this thing around. It's the lamest, most un-KGO show in their history. 2 guys laughing for 5 hours at their lame jokes and no listeners can call in. Just plain bad radio. Makes Karel look like Gene Burns.
ReplyDeletedid anyone tell sussman that on friday night, during the klan tikki torch march, the wonderful nazis and klansmen, without any agitation by the left, surrounded a synagogue and started screaming SEIG HEIL?
ReplyDeletethere was a time when it was good and right to beat the hell out of western nazis....elvis costello sang about it
here is the incident
This presidency is a surreal nightmare. I don't know how some of the TV or radio hosts keep a straight face when having to report on the latest stupid thing Trump has said or done.
ReplyDeleteA & G are hopeless. I tried listening to them a few times so that I could make up my own mind, but they were a disappointment every time. The other day, I caught a snippet of them talking about Realtors (my trade) as being people who "tell you where to put the couch" and griping that there's no real reason for real estate agents to be licensed by the state. I wanted to scream. For most people, buying or selling a home is the biggest financial investment they'll ever make - it would be good if there was some governmental oversight, d'oh. Real estate is very complex, and I'm sure they could not explain the nuances of the contract if their lives depended on it. Morons.
The President was completely correct in saying both sides are at fault. If anything, the left has had a Head Start on Hate ever since they lost the election and then their minds.
ReplyDeleteSurely you heard about the Hillary voter who shot his Trump supporting neighbor twice in the head, just last week.
The intolerance of the left rivals that of the Taliban. Now, they and the BLMs are destroying historic monuments, just like the Taliban did and still does. Does that not concern you?
Are they not guilty of, shall we say 'indiscretions of forethought?' I am thrilled our president calls it as he see it. For the first time in many years, I support Sussman 110%!!!
Unfortunately for Daft Donald, there is a cavalcade for former supporters who are jumping off his sinking ship. I'm talking conservatives; people who voted for him and were smugly predicting that there will be an easy landslide reelection in 4 years. Now they are disillusioned, disgusted, and planning their "Beyond Trump" phase (8 months, not 8 years, in). And it ain't "The Liberal Media," "Fake News," and Stephen Colbert that are putting words in their mouths!
DeleteDonald's delusional dreams that he was qualified for that position are done, and conservatives need to focus on the rebound from DJT's disastrous decline. Or in other words, truly "Making America Great Again" sans The Apprentice Politician.
DeleteKeep dreaming.
Shall I pour you another tall glass of Kool-Aid?
You drank the first pitcher so very quickly!
What historic monuments has BLM destroyed?
DeleteDeclining public opinion ratings (here and abroad), declining support from former allies, unstable cabinet, unstable tweeting, unstable speaking, unstable personality, criminal investigations, inexperience clearly a hinderance, can't handle going "off-script," impulse control still a problem, losing focus, overly concerned with ostentation, has Nixon-like persecution complex, may mean well but is not sufficiently qualified for the job (causing a disturbing and imperative dependency on a topsy-turvy staff). Did I mention declining support from former allies?
DeleteThis presidency is in REAL trouble. The Donald is a very hard working, energetic, ambitious, and power-driven man who took on a task that is over his head. This "project" in his life is not working out, in a particularly miserable way. The sooner he steps aside and lets a more qualified and experienced person take the reigns, the better it will be for his party and their causes, his family, his friends, himself, and our country.
Thanks for the example of psychological projection, 5:36.
DeleteSussman is not only an ass, he is an idiot. I listen to him every morning not his whole show, I switch between Sussmann and A&G, depending on the subject, mostly I prefer A&G, they are not quite as one sided as Sussman and Katie, they can do some good interviews, and have a sense of humor. I work late so usually I wake up between 8 and 9, but often is awake for a little while around 5 or so. If I'm awake before 6 a.m. I listen to Hugh Hewitt, I might not agree with him, but he is fairly intelligent. Problem with Sussman is not only he is one sided, he is also a hypocrite, there are subject, issues where he not only give Trump a pass, but praise him, where as if it was Obama he would be all over it like white on rice. I don't know that he is a phony, I think he is a true believer, and unfortunately not intellectually honest.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, this is what Sussman just posted via Twitter:
Setup? Man behind white-nationalist rally supported Obama!
Brian Sussman has to be one of if not the biggest hack on radio in the Bay Area today. All that he now does is parrot (when of course, he's not just reading off from the Drudge Report) and blindly agree anything that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth. In Sussman's world, he equates Trump's manner of speaking as an "alpha male in chief" (much of Sussman's shtick is him being this weird, nerdy guy who uses a sense of "false bravado" as a defense mechanism) talking tough and therefore, "like it is" (i.e. un-PC, which must equate as "genuine"). He's whole show is just a smoke-screen. It's as if Sussman prides his show at being for the nonintellectual "'Merican" crowd (he pretty much plays a right-wing cartoon character, without any sense of irony or self-awareness)
DeleteStan The Dummy, Republicans tend to be overwhelmingly white, so it follows that the Virginia alt.right protestors were white. And most were not Nazis.
ReplyDeleteAre you really this stupid? Is anyone?
THATS'S correcting me? LOL.
DeleteYes, he IS that stupid. Haven't you been reading his ridiculous comments the last few years?
DeleteSuss is a Jew.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the C'Ville White Supremacist protestors would feel if they knew a Jew was supporting them???
While A&G are totally suitable for Stockton and Barstow, they really don't fit a cosmopolitan market like SF. One problem with radio is that it's all owned by a few large corporations and most of the content is syndicated. This gives very little opportunity for fresh talent to develop at smaller stations and then migrate to the big city. KGO used to get some of their talent from KSRO, Santa Rosa, but this doesn't happen anymore. Basically the reason you have a group of stations carrying A&G is there is nothing else to put on the air in the a.m. - except perhaps Don Imus, who may be more of a problem than a cure...
ReplyDeleteSan Rafael--
ReplyDeleteThe rally attendees want to regain White Supremacy/White Superiority.
Those against are only seeking EQUALITY...not "minority superiority."
BIG difference.
There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Antifa groups and the so called White Supremacy groups save for one thing.
DeleteThe Antifa groups are far better financed by people like G. Soros and the Antifa groups are far better rationalized by media and most school systems who teach victimhood and envy instead of the three Rs.
The Antifa and BLM groups have become the ISIS of America! There are NO LIMITS TO THEIR VIOLENCE OR INTOLERANCE!!
I don't have time to listen to the radio anymore, I'm too busy downloading all these apps all the News station are telling me to download. Will it ever end?
DeleteI'm tired of taking the "verify" tests, I hate tests! I have an idea which will probably bring in more money than you can imagine, to your site...If you donate to 415 Media you never have to take that annoying little test again, they will be donating like crazy...big bucks!!
I tried to file a complaint with the FCC, they always tell me to quit bothering them.
2.33 pm
ReplyDeleteLook again. Those against the rally attendees, the bused in, weaponed up oppressors only want to snuff out the right to publically disagree with their Socialist views, or should I say
creed. They are completely against all that makes us American.
They always have been against these parts of our culture.
NVM that. How can we get Terisa Estacio to do more anchoring mornings on KRON?
ReplyDeleteoverheard at after work Friday party..."" you mean you haven't been hired by ''The Athletic'' Yet Sam?? What's wrong with you??
ReplyDeleteSussman may be ethnically Jewish, but he is 100% evangelical Christian.