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Rick Barry |
Then NBC Bay Area columnist, Ray Ratto, wrote about Barry on Trump.
He has every right too but since when did Ratto become a part time shrink?
I contacted Barry to get his response to Ratto's rap on the Hall-of-Famer. Barry thinks it's all personal and he didn't mince words.
"I'm disappointed that 'Ray Ratto' continues to bring up the past with regards to me. As he wrote, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but for him (Ratto) to make a statement as to what I meant by what I said is so far out of line it's embarrassing."I said earlier I'm just as outraged as anyone on Trump's Tuesday bizarro. It was surreal at best and literally crazy at worst. Like many others, I was completely dumbfounded and searching for answers. Is this the worst it can be?
That said, everyone, even Rick Barry, is entitled to their opinion --Ratto sort of piled on and he's been doing it for awhile.
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Ray Ratto |
“How long does it have to go on?’’ Barry said
ReplyDeleteSimple Rick, until Trump is gone for good...
Rolled my eyes at this comment. And lol@Rich calling Rick to stir the pot. You're better than that, Rich. These childish posts and antics are more along the lines of something you'd find over at Stan55chevy, not the great Rich Lieberman's blog!
DeleteThis will all be over next week.
That's fine, I "rolled my eyes" at Barry's comment...
DeleteI've rolled my eyes at most of Barry's comments the last 40+ years.
DeleteI roll my eyes at Stan's comments daily.
Delete"Simple Rick, until Trump is gone for good..."
DeleteScrew this guy, to hell with the electoral process. I don't like him! Let's gang bang him until we get rid of him!
Don't worry Rick.
ReplyDeleteRatto will explode soon.
We just hope nobody gets nailed with all of that "chin shrapnel".
Ray's show is beyond suck.
Ratto, Kawakami, Purdy, Shulman, et al, think they have all the answers. Especially people like Ted Robinson who simply re-tweets other's thoughts. Here's an idea--have an original thought. We are all disturbed about what is going on. The left, right and middle. It's not the domain of any one group to lecture their views.
ReplyDeleteRatto, Kawakami, Purdy are journalists. They express opinions. You don't have to agree with them. That's their job.
DeleteWrong. A journalists job is to gather facts and present them in as objective a manner as possible. Rattoo and company are columnists so they are allowed to express opinions as they see them no matter how controversial or out of mainstream thinking they are.
Delete12:43 can you please email and tell that to CNN and MSNBC?
DeleteRatto seems to believe that everyone must agree with him.
Delete12:43. Correct. A journalistic organ's bias, though, is manifest in the editorial choice as to what stories to cover and not to cover.
DeleteThey are sports journalists. Not political commentary. Their political views are uninformed.
DeleteBarry must think Robert Mueller is doing his investigation on a grudge. See,this is what Trump teaches- suspend reality. Rick see's no reason for the Special Prosecutor or before him the FBI to look into Russia and Donald Trump?
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to bet- like Radnich and Greg Papa- Barry screamed bloody murder when Obama went golfing. Now? Crickets from them.
I hate a Republican. Keep their bigotry and anti science views in the their basements.
At least you finally admit you're full of hate. Slip up?
DeleteFull? I know more then Republicans you fool. I do hate you.
DeleteStan is so full of hate it has no where to go but out his mouth.
DeletePapa has been pretty vocal against the ridiculousness of this current presidency; surprisingly so, in fact.
DeleteUh...sports guys + politics is a non-starter, WGAS?
ReplyDeleteI've been a huge Warriors fan since the early 70's and Rick Barry was my idol back then but has proven to be a big dick off the court. He never made head coach in the NBA cuz of his constant burning bridges. I'm done with this guy after his latest comments and being an ignorant Trumpster. Steph Curry and Coach Kerr are the classy new faces of Dub Nation. Barry's just a fading memory.
ReplyDelete“How long does it have to go on?’’ Barry said of the investigation.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize Barry is a complete idiot. Does he think Watergate was all wrapped up within a couple months?
I like Ratto and his sweaters too. Also like Barry. Both are interesting.
ReplyDeleteVery disappointed that a Warrior All-Timer would support a Supremacist Rapist. Mr. Barry needs to study up and see how many people have sued The Donald for physical abuse. And I can't see Rick declaring Bankruptcy even once (vs five times by you-know-who). Marital adversity may be the only similarity that the 1975 MVP has in common with the Hairpiece, except the Basketballer has clearly learned his lesson and his current marriage is a genuine success. Rich, please remind Rick how truly horrible a person our country's first despot/dictator really is. There are more classic Republican-like values within the Warriors organization than people may think, even in a franchise and league that has more often than not been and continues to be Democrat friendly (as was proven by Adam Silver's predecessor David Stern, who would never have put up with the likes of hate monger broadcasters or even middle managers like Trixie Silva), and they all likely condemn what has happened the past week and through most of the last 7-9 months. The Barry Family, despite its travails, absolutely has morals. Cannot say that about the Hairpiece-In-Chief, his Elephant Man's Little Brother Chief Strategist, and especially the ugly mouths throughout the U.S. from the Fatmouth in Florida to the Mannity in DC to Hunt Valley MD (Sinclair's HQ) to yes, even San Francisco, at the left dial 560. Anybody, including from the right side of the aisle, private or public on the air, that says they have values or common interest have severely diminished credibility as long as they continue to support this Evil Commander-In-Chief. Shame on those who delude themselves into believing the most dangerous con man in the world. It's all a scam that is sadly too effective and swallowing up terrestrial radio and TV throughout the country. Scary threat.
ReplyDeleteYeah, agreed but Rick can still hit those free throws blindfolded. Too bad he doesn't remove it for his political/social comments.
DeleteRick Barry was a whiner during his playing days, a whiner when he was at KNBR, he's still a whiner, and he'll likely always be a whiner. Like the guy whose first name is Barry (Bonds), Rick Barry has always been difficult. That shared character trait has caused many people to dismiss the amazing performances/accomplishments and technical perspectives of two all-time greats. And the "It's Barry being Barry" rationale has never diminished the egregious nature of some of their more offensive outbursts.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its a case of Barry hitting Gold/Paydirt when he called down fans on Lacob.
ReplyDeleteBut, Trump?..he played back that winnings. Best he stop now while he still gets some respect from the old crowd.
Rick ''if you're bald your nothing'' Barry. Gary ''If you don't have a Family'' Radnich.
ReplyDeleteAt least Ratto didn't bring up Barry's "Watermelon smile" quote, on national TV, when a picture of a young Bill Russell appeared on screen. What an ass, then and now. The Bay Area's own version of Curt Schilling.
ReplyDeleteRick! Yes!
ReplyDeleteThen again, did you see what Jon Stewart's said?
ReplyDelete"White supremacists, man. I don't know what to tell you. It's a free market. If you guys feel like you're losing out, fucking work harder. I don't know what to tell you. If you're a white supremacist, if you think you're the master race, how come we're all kicking your ass so easily? You're the master race! How come you're not winning everything? Why aren't the Olympics dominated by you? You're the master race. What do you have left? Golf and tennis, maybe, maybe. And even then, the first black people you came across, you're like, 'We can't play this game anymore.' Williams sisters, Tiger Woods. Okay"
Barry is an odd duck. You hear him do these quick hits on second-tier sports talk shows to promote whatever new sports gadget is willing to throw him a few thousand dollars and he's pretty dismissive of everyone. He's the guy who rips everyone in a room and wonders why nobody is friendly toward him and why people hold a grudge.