*Ronnnnnn will have his usual "Trash the Oscars" show this morn on KGO --a program that was mildly interesting about the time of the GWB administration. But Ronnnn will persist because you have to satisfy the 50 year-old housewife in Pleasanton --"Hi Ronn, first time caller, longtime listener!", thanks Gretchen, suburban yenta on line three.
*Meanwhile, over at the Cumulus whorehouse on Battery --better known as the "SF Cluster", the morning bozos on KNBR, paid a "tribute" to their fallen, fired update comrades with an extra salvo of "dudes" --the usual driven bs that was punctuated by all the serenity of a Daly City pawn shop. "Murph" exuded his usual "what a great bunch of guys bullshit"--about as genuine as his partner's fake New Jersey accent.
*Up until the "Oh Shit" moment, I actually thought the Oscars was pretty entertaining which hasn't been the case since the days of Billy Crystal hosts and actual, real movie stars in the theatre. Jack Nicholson we need you sir. Although Jimmy Kimmel was fantastic and had some great lines to boot. Loved the solo shot at Mel Gibson and bologna line re: OJ Simpson. Kimmel knows how to run the show. Too bad he'll be largely forgotten because of Wrong Best Picture Gate.
*Has Jon Bristow installed a cot inside the lounge at KCBS on Battery? He's not only on almost every day, it seems every hour. Bristow has taken over which is OK since Bristow en fuego is a hell of a lot better than an ounce of Jeffrey Schaub.
*Both Gary Radnich and Larry Krueger were supposedly shocked over the dismissal of Joe Hughes but in actuality, they both knew beforehand of Hughes' fate and didn't say a word to him. Classy.
*Anne Makovec is still doing street reporting and occasional anchoring at KPIX which is a story because she's clearly pissed off over her Sunday morning show anchor gig being taken from her. Makovec and Channel 7 are probably a good fit. The same too with Juliette Goodrich but looks like PIX suits are working out a deal for Jules to stay. At least they're trying.
*I never said I disliked Brian Hackney on the air; quite frankly I like his style and knowledge. He's very good. I did say at times Hackney acts as if he's the second coming of Walter Cronkite.
*The new Martin and Lewis? Ken Bastida and Dennis O'Donnell with their supposed comedy act at the end of the newscast. Two words: Not funny. GAME OFFFF!
*Was there a reason Veronica De La Cruz was spotted at 30 Rock /NBC in NY a few weeks back? I'm sure she was just a tourist watching the Tonight Show but I'd be damn wrong.
*PIX has no clue as top how you mix and match anchors. They're horrible. I could tell the schmucks over there what's a winner and what's not and I'm not even a consultant.
*Entercom has in its corporate culture (surprise) to cut and cut. They will no doubt apply that missive when it comes to screwing around with KCBS, which they will do when the merger is OKed later in the year. Yes, they will have to get rid of some FM stations in town to satisfy the newly lame FCC. In the meantime there will be no noticeable changes on the air except for Jon Bristow's 500 hours-a-week.
*Believe me there ARE people at KCBS royally pissed off at Bristow's growing stature and they're not so much pissed at Bristow but how some of them got passed over. Personally, I think Martin Lenz is better than ALL of them.
*The honeymoon is over for the new ND at KNTV (NBC Bay Area) --Stephany Androuny is dealing with a few unhappy campers who killed during Sweeps and were largely ignored. She has her first test down in San Jose.
*Raj Mathai: too happy.
*Janelle Wang: out of the loop for no apparent reason. At least they didn't stick her in the "We Investigate" unit: total irrelevance. Which reminds me: Just what the hell do they investigate?
Except for your obligatory post-Oscar dig at Ronn Owens,and repeating the obvious re Bristow this is a good post today. Keep them like this.
ReplyDeleteI seem to remember that according to his family, a certain former KGO host that went to jail were furious at Bristow for all the alleged slanderous stories and constant reporting by KGO.
ReplyDeleteTells us more Darrin C.
DeleteI am curious to know the whole story here.
11:29 -- The way I understand it is during the leadup to the sentencing, the physician wife of the former host was furious and made on air and off air statements that "they should go after real criminals and not her husband" and is still furious with Bristow and his former employer.
DeleteI think the last scene on OSCAR was staged. I already knew a color theme movie will win, but did not expect they will do it this way. They should just let La La Land and Moonlight both win making a history than this embarrassment all over the world and everyone is talking about.
ReplyDeleteI heard some other tin hat types come out on this. Would they really stage it after three presumed Oscar winners had given their speeches? And why would they wait until the end when the ratings were largely done with. They don't need pranks like this for announcing Best Picture.
Delete@1:19 Ratings were largely done with at the end? People stay to see best picture and best picture JUST won. Maybe that tin foil hat will help you think more clearly.
DeleteRadnich- the weasel we love to hate- Was blaming everybody who heard what he said about Murph.Once again our bay area sports Trump,made it sound like fake news when it was just reported what he said and how he said it. He really has no shame- he gets away with ripping the morning show,and then says its the worlds fault for that.
ReplyDeleteSecond- they still have the pre commercial anouncer. Its the Covey guy. Radnich has said nothing. He's the same guy who for weeks said "Kate Scott isn't off the show,she's on assignment"
I would draw the conclusion Radnich is fine with everybody else getting cheated and back stabbed wherever he works.
There is only team Radnich that matters. He's the only member.
Radnich- the weasel we love to hate..
DeleteNO, the weasel Stan loves to hate and hates him so much he listens to every minute of every show.
That's the definition of insanity.
Careful with your constant attacks. He might sue and get your Lionel Ritchie album colletion and your Air Jordans.
DeleteMy most popular posts are about Radnich!People really don't like him. So,nice try KNBR or KRON intern who Raddy gave five bucks to get a comment in. Spend it wisely.
DeleteCan't we all get along? ..get along without Stan's obsession with Radnich, that it?
DeleteVLDC was accepting her 2016 Selfie Emmy in New York. Nothing to see here.
ReplyDeleteThe thought was too good to be true that the sports updates would get axed (get rid of the incessant traffic updates too). Brown nosed Covay in there, gawd awful presence he.
ReplyDeleteThey will be axed: March 1.
DeleteThere's no need for the sports updates other than 2-3x a day. We all have smartphones. Traffic too - not at all needed and just annoying. We all have smartphones.
DeleteGood to know, but if they're replaced with more kars for Kids or Handlerly or Moskowitz commercials then that's it. It's over!
DeleteWhile I LOVE my Waze app for traffic. I STILL look forward to traffic on the 8's on KCBS. If I'm stuck in unexpected badtraffic all of a sudden, I know that within 10 or less minutes, I'll know what's goin on, what lane to avoid so I can start making adjustments. Waze may tell me of an accident (Again I LOVE my Waze app), but it doesn't often offer specifics.
Delete...maybe you meant on KNBR they aren't needed/appreciated ?
Janelle Wang??? I'd happily bang the bejesus out of her!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure she wouldn't feel the same way about you.
DeleteJanelle Wang was also at 30 Rock, but not to watch the Tonight Show.
ReplyDeleteFor Conservatives, Hollywood was the place back in the days of Ronald Reagan and George Murphy. And The South loved their Jimmy Carter during his successful run to the White House. My, how times have changed!
ReplyDeleteReagan, Murphy, and especially The Duke, John Wayne. And to lesser degrees, Bob Hope & Jimmy Stewart. Back then, the Liberal side was represented by Henry Fonda & Jack Lemmon.
DeleteSTREETS!!!!! Love the picture, loved the show!
ReplyDeleteShooter, before he was Shooter. And the legendary Schnoz, before his American Express gig.
Thanks, Anon, you've given meaning to my evening.
DeleteAgree with guy who liked this blog content today. More of it please Rich. And, can you cut down on the woman hating posts?
ReplyDeleteAbout the "We Investigate" thing, the answer is of course not much. Stations pack sweeps months with "special reports" about things "you need to know." Who's stealing from us, what's making us sick, why our pets are in danger, etc, etc. If it was so damned important, why did they wait until February to tell us?
ReplyDelete> Makovec and Channel 7 are probably a good fit.
ReplyDeleteI used to produce for Anne when she was a freelancer there. She was always wonderful and a delight and I love her. But as usual the good get squashed.
Which brings me to Stephanie Adrouney. Couldn't happen to a nicer person (yes, that's sarcasm).
Radnich was laughing and joking about the loss of the announcer job positions. Joked and giggled to Covey hes a "One and done-LOL" Radnich breaks himself up.
ReplyDeleteOne more: From the day Trump won.I've been rabidly watching CNN,MSNBC,and even some Fox.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the number of commercials and breaks explode on those channels. Ratings I have read are through the roof. Boy,you can really tell. "Hold that thought" is the new motto of hosts..
Also,Larry Kruger at KNBR has returned to his 2005 self. Embracing racist guests,sounding off about having been born into money.He's been towing a line that Radnich of course instigates him to walk.
ReplyDeleteRadnich? He praises Serena Williams in that story of her playing a pickup game in SF. Yet,he welcomes Sid Rosenberg to his show..the same Sid fired from the Imus show for calling Serena an ape a few years ago. Radnich pretends it never happens.
Trump has freed the bigotry.
Radnich admitted his used and leased car broke down again. Didn't I just post it broke down 2 weeks ago? What a piece of junk.
ReplyDeleteWell,it was rated most UNRELIABLE make of car in the world by the British press.
Don't Raddy know it.