Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Local TV Internal Strife plus more about the 'Major Announcement'

You would assume that there would be relative glee at at least one or two of the local TV news stations, but that's simply not the case.

Based on the e-mail and some of the real insiders who work around town, issues galore permeate the Bay Area's news departments. Even at KTVU, still the preeminent and much-admired news outlet, there is a high degree of tension, particularly amongst the veteran reporters, editors and writers. This angst has been boiling for a considerable amount of time--it makes you wonder if upper management is aware enough of the strife. Maybe its a good time to debut a new set.

**At KGO-TV, where things seemed to be quite swell, (and still is tranquil, to some degree), the sudden exit of Kevin Keeshan, (News Director) to NBC in NY has people on edge--especially, one or two veteran news anchors who saw Keeshan as an ally in their tenure at Circle7. Am I the only observer who still likes Cheryl Jennings? And Carolyn Johnson still works hard and is quite admired and liked in the newsroom. Another "veteran" female anchor is still rumored to be less than thrilled at her current usage.

**KRON: We have gone here up the ying-yang and continue to be aghast at how and why some of the so-called "leaders" have not been called out by the big bosses in corporate, even at this albatross. Please, someone, come out and come clean.

*KPIX: The anchor parade in search of a possible new morning voice is apparently over. What's next remains to be seen. Tranquil at the moment.

*KNTV, (NBC Bay Area): Just still unable to gain any traction. As I said last week, they're lucky that the Olympics are coming, (which should undoubtedly help both the network and its O and O's and affiliates); that said, San Jose puts out quality content and solid, if not spectacular news programs--only no one is watching.

--The "Major Announcement" involves no one local person in this market or any other person--I'm sorry, but this is a small tease. Not a Geraldo-vault-like item, but something you folks might enjoy coming down the pike soon--be patient.

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  1. At KGO, who is the "veteran" female news anchor that is discontent with her usage?

    You pretty much named them all...
    Kristen Sze?
    Carolyn Tyler?
    Ama Daetz? (she's new!)

  2. Is Karel going to say he had an affair with Ronn or Jerry Rivers?

  3. Yes, you are the only one who likes Cheryl Jennings.

    You seem to like the older ladies, Rich.

  4. Would probably help KNTV if you could find them on Channel 11. Drives me buggy to look for them on Channel 3. No one watches NBC and then you have to know about the Channel 3 thing.

  5. Cheryl Jennings was a kick ass reporter in the seventies..has seen more stuff and understands how the world works..having reported on all of it. It's like saying a mechanic who had worked on every type of machine for decades is no longer valuable because he knows too much. I mean the old f-ability test thumbs up or thumbs down,pretty puerile. I'll take the veteran over the newbie any day.

  6. I used to like Cheryl Jennings before she had too much plastic surgery. Now it is too distracting.

  7. Cheryl is a rael coug. love watching her.

  8. I like Cheryl Jennings and having worked at the station I can tell you she is so pleasant to be around!

  9. I'll take anything as long as it's not Mitch Thompson coming to KPIX mornings to add a face to that intolerable voice.

    I like Cheryl too. She's a pro...and there is a certain late 70s-early 80s quality to her (maybe the hair): a throwback to an earlier time. And I'm a fan of both the Carolyns--Johnson and Tyler.

  10. I think that KNTV is still an outsider and after a decade nowhere near incorporated into the greater Bay Area TV news consciousness, not really part of the landscape.

    As awful a mess as KRON is in, the memory of it as the NBC station is even now hard to shake. KNTV is after all a San Jose station, and for many people that makes Channel 11 less than a major player. And it has always had a generic image and look; not only are the graphic design and music identical to many NBC "O and O's" around the country (so is KPIX's now, for that matter) but to me KNTV has for these ten years lacked any kind of character and identity; except for a few reporters still there from the sleepy Doug Moore days it's a station created from scratch and to specs by a corporate parent. By contrast, KTVU resists entirely the Fox design and goes its own way.

  11. I like KNTV's Maggi Scura.

  12. Well, maybe if KNTV would spend a few $$ and put their transmitter on Sutro Tower, those of us in San Francisco and beyond who can't get it over the air might watch. They essentially have eliminated at least 250,000 households from their viewing audience. Amazing. Guess NBC doesn't care. But then again, those of us that can't receive it don't either.

  13. For God sakes!

    To all--please spare us the "who's a hot chick" debate.

    So demeaning!

    Boys, can you stop thinking with your package for a minute and actually review women journalists for their WORK?
