Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jim Eason checks in; Officer Vic out at KSFO--Geraldo in?; This and That; Happy 2012

** Former Bay Area newstalk great, Jim Eason checks in to 415 Media:

"I do like to read your rants on KGO and KSFO  (my almas mater).
"Sock it to 'em..."
However, I fear you are in fact BEATING A DEAD HORSE.
Those two stations died several years ago, but didn't actually
crawl into a grave until recently.  It's over.....O-V-E-R."

Thanks Jim, but seriously, they make it easy. And the ex-listeners are still pissed off at the Dickey dicks. They've turned KGO into the Bay Area radio version of Walmart. They got a guy who pretends to do "live" shows, but who's really on tape; a weekend late-night mutt that loves ghosts and flying saucers; an overnight embarrassment that's been running a taped, OLD, show about Frank Sinatra, (5x, at least by my count), and more gaps and dead air in their news shows than an KRON infomercial...Other than that, they're just fine and dandy.

**"Officer Vic", the occasionally funny co-host and traffic guy at schlockville, KSFO, is out after 16 years of duty, (including a stint with Lee Rodgers, and until now, Brian Sussman). OV, (Tom Benner) supposedly found heaven and divinity on a recent vacation to Montana and decided to stay put, and thus, avoid having to deal with the Cumulus dust machine.

**One of my radio moles tells me that Geraldo Rivera, yes, that Geraldo, the Fox guy who's now doing morning radio in NY on WABC, is about to hit the Bay Area airwaves, at, yes, KSFO, from 10-Noon, sometime soon. The Sussman fest will add another hour, (5- 10 AM, gees, can't wait) and Geraldo will follow. Remember when I was telling you guys the Tricky dicks would eventually shove a ton of syndicated crap down your throat? I rest my case and more is coming.

**Part of the problem at 95.7 FM, "The Game" is that they picked the wrong sports team to build an audience around. The A's are apparently doing their damnest to become innately irrelevant and non-worthy of any discussion. With a little luck, The Game might have been able to snag the Raiders, but that's a Compass Media conduit.

**You want to know what's wrong with this country? When we get 7000 stories about the monkey that was monkey-napped at the SF zoo. Believe me, I have nothing against monkeys, but, seriously, it was a damn monkey! And now, the monkey is home at the banana buffet while I'm noshing on a bad egg-mcmuffin, go figure.

**Karel: So, how was your NYE?

**The "loyah", Len Tillem, is worried that nobody will call his new show, (that debuts this Tuesday on KKSF-AM 910, 3-4 PM); I doubt that, Len; By the way, Tillem and I will hook up on a first-day "sat the secret word"-contest and get lunch with me and Len as the grand prize. (And the "loyah" is buying, eat up. The secret word? Stop be here Tuesday morning.

**Follow me on Twitter


  1. Another hour of Sussman? The Islamophobe Tea Party hack? You've got to be kidding. Really? His book about climate change is a farce, as are most of his myopic views. He's a mental midget. Hey, Brian, I know you've left comments here before because you used the same terms in comments as you do on air. Yeah, I sometimes listen to you, just to see if you have figured out that Allah is God in Arabic. You still don't understand.

  2. Rich, is it my computer or are you now using a tiny font in your posts that's hard to read? The comments come up in the bigger font, but the posts.... too small.

    KGO teases: "If you read about it, it's history, if you hear it, it's news." They should at least amend it to say "if you hear it the FIRST time, it may be news..."

    And there's something about if it's on your mind and you want to talk about it, Ronn Owens is talking about it. I don't think so.

  3. Run for your lives, local radio talk show hosts across the nation! Cumulus is coming to town and they will destroy you.

  4. C'mon, Rich, do you think you could use an even smaller font for your posts? LOL.
    Please return to the "normal" larger font you usually use.
    It's way too hard to read a long post in the tiny font you used this time.
    Please and thank you.

  5. How much you want to bet getting rid of OV is a cost saving measure? Another hour of Sussman talking to himself? I think he will get someone else in who is cheap.

    If Sussman is working alone he might go further down the vicious anti-Muslim track. Might be a good time to let the new Owners know what he is up to. And of course his advertisers.

  6. KGO is a dead horse. But Cumulus is alive and kicking. I am surprised that Brian "Bongwater" underestimated his audience.

  7. Sussman won't be working alone.

  8. Geraldo is that rash that keeps coming back. One of the original gonzo jouralists. From Al Capone's vault to giving out troop locations during the war (and being removed, remember?).

    On a brighter note, while Henry T. and Gary did their thing on the KRON New Years broadcast, Catherine Heenan looked stunning.

  9. LOL Jim Eason. He's as relevant (and useless) as an old 78 rpm record.
    Let me guess, KGO "died" once he left the station.

  10. hope jim is not saying...just give up

    the next stage in operation corporate takeover will be the cross ownership of tv and radio

    when that happens, we are indeed doomed

    we have to keep fighting this...and maybe congress will heed our calls

    i remember when stern was begging stations to pick him up or syndication....when the only syndicated am talk show was rush

    both had years of they will put anyone on the air no matter what their background....cuz its all about cutting costs at the local matter the market

  11. Len Tellem and Rich Lieberman. That'll keep 'em.

  12. Weatherman Sussman doing 5 hours alone? He is gonna have to steal more material from Savage to fill another hour. How many hours can this hack fill in a day with Islamophobia and Obama bashing? OV had a good run considering how dim witted he was on air.

  13. Geraldo?

    This literally can't get any worse.

  14. See the posts on Former listeners of KGO fb page about tweets from Mike McVay re: big changes announced tomorrow in a major market - changing a music station to all sports. If the poster's speculation is correct, there may be even more changes coming. When will it all end?

  15. The other part of the problem at the game is The Rise Guys and Dibley are 50 something no talent BORES,Lund and Mychael Urbans GIRL talk your CUTE no your CUTE.Thierney and Davis the drive went into a ditch . Am I the good guy or bad guy this HOUR.The A s Four rings 2 billionares nobody cares. Lund makes FOOLS out of Papa,steinmetz,brazil and rox bernstein I guess they the cash.
