Friday, May 6, 2011

Bay Area needs 24-hour News Channel; 95.7 Sports Radio/KNBR Guest Wars; Friday Rundown

Aerial view of Downtown and Fisherman's wharf. San Francisco, California, USA (color)

We're a top-10 market without a 24-hour news channel.

A few years back, KRON began "Bay TV", (where's Susan Blake?) and for awhile, it took off.

While viewership numbers were not large enough to sustain longevity, "Bay TV" provided an outlet for news-hungry audiences.

God knows we have a thirst for information in this 24/7 news cycle world, you would think someone/ some monied outlet would try to launch its own station on a cable channel. Of course that would require a ton of money and resources, a few good reporters, anchors, and producers too wouldn't hurt.

I know I'm reaching.

*Both Kevin Lynch, the SFGate 49ers reporter/insider, and Mychael Urban, the Giants reporter for Comcast SportsNet Bay Area, appeared, Tuesday, on the "Chris Townsend Show" on 95.7 FM. No biggie, right? Wrong.

Lynch is a frequent guest on KNBR's staple of shows, as is Urban, who appears weekly on the Damon Bruce show. Don't think the KNBR/Cumulus suits weren't aware of that nugget. Folks, what we have here is the beginning of a new "if you do that station, you're not doing this station." Trust me.

*Speaking of Knibber, a reader asks "where's Ray Woodson?" Woodson, one of the very few talented tonsils over there, has been noticeably absent from his news duties and sports updates.

*David Louie: the Bay Area energizer bunny.

*Props to Dan Noyes of KGO-TV/ABC7 for his exclusive interview with the "Hummer Mom", Christine Hubbs, who was convicted of underage sex with 2 Livermore boys. Pretty riveting stuff and a look into the mind of a woman who still apparently doesn't get it.

*ClearChannel buys Metro. Look for a ton of layoffs.

*STOCK UP:  KCBS morning traffic anchor, Kim Wonderley...Sports tonsils, Dave Lewis and Joe Salvatore...KNBR sports updater, Matt Kellog...KQED-FM "Forum host", Michael Krasny...CC Times media writer, Bill Mann.

*Although I have a few issues with KCBS morning sports anchor, Steve Bitker, I, again, for the umpteenth time, applaud his consistent, professional style of ALWAYS crediting the announcer on an actuality. It's called professional courtesy in the business. You'd think the "Dibber" on KNBR would practice the same, but that would be like asking Willie Brown to lift out his wallet every now and then.

*What has 200,000 legs and drinks Corona beer? The 'Bay-to-Breakers'...time to split next week.

*Follow me on Twitter if you have a life or even if you don't.


  1. I disagree with the need for a 24 hour news station. We have KCBS 740. Nuff said. When something's breaking- whether it be 3PM or 3AM, that's where I'm at. Now... if you want to simulcast 740 on a cable channel- maybe that would work ? A need though- em meh. Think about it... all a new Bay TV is going to do is re-run taped news "updates" during the slow times like Headline News- but with second rate talent just starting out from or transitioning from Bozeman or Monterey or someplace like that (You know kinda like how KRON is now ?). Yeah

  2. First, you say 'Bay TV' took off then you say its viewership numbers were not large enough to sustain longevity. Isn't that a contradiction? Bay TV never 'took off'. If you think otherwise show me the facts instead of spouting baseless information. Second, 'Bay TV' was never a 24 hour news channel. It was 24 hours of local programming. If you are going to be a credible source, you must get your information correc. The closest thing now to a 24 hour news channel is KRON and you bitch and moan when they cover something extensively. I do agree with you that this type of station is missing from the bay area. Sort of a NY1.

  3. I agree that KCBS fulfills the need for a 24/7 news channel.

    Remember how Susan Blake's wardrobe became hipper and sexier when she was on Bay TV? Sigh! Now there was a sexy lady. Last I saw, she was subbing the other year for Laura Garcia Cannon during her maternity leave. Has she been seen since?

  4. I think Urban is still stinging that Lee Hammer took his show off of KNBR...because "I didn't like it" quoted Urban of Hammer in a tweet,Hammer sent him.
    Urban,when he's not trying to impress or come up with the BIG story, is a smart baseball guy.
    I think he got caught up in KNBR's enemys/freinds crap, so went overboard on locals who KNBR favors and ranted too hard on KNBR's victims.
    It might take a few more years of seasoning before he gets it just right. Or,he might fade away coming that close...

  5. We're a top-10 market without a 24-hour news channel. should look into it.

  6. Ray Woodson has been in Hawaii for the past week or so with his wife. You don't follow his twitter Rich?!/RayWoodson33

  7. When is 95.7 going to get some decent programming? Townsend is the only person over there I have actually listened to and thought it was decent.

  8. Urban, and all other writers/media types have been appearing on KTRB 680 since its inception (maybe not now) so I don't see it as an issue if they are appearing on 957 and KNBR now.

    I think you may be wrong on that one Rich.

  9. Bla bla bla. Who gives a good damn?. Your writing in circles again. You blast, then praise the same people. Better expand your topics, it's getting old. Quit writing about radio stations that 68 year olds favor like KGO also.

  10. How come no mention of KNTV splitting up its husband and wife morning anchor team?

  11. I have thought about this for a long time Rich. Bright House operates 24 hour news channels in Tampa an Orlando (much smaller markets) and I love them. Granted while I love KCBS, and we have the net in the palm of our hands a local 24/7 newscast packaged with weather, sports, traffic, and local news at the flip of one button for those that don't have normal 9 to 5 schedules sounds appealing, rather than having to sit and surf for all this information.

  12. I thought Mann is with the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat and Chuck Barney is the CC Times' media writer. Clearly, I'm missing something.

  13. My wife was an editor at Bay-TV. She wasy whiel the pay was lousy (compared the KRON'er brethren), it was one of the most enjoyable times of her life. She says they had a tight-knit crew--everyone was united in their (relative) poverty...and their disdain for many of the KRON'ers who looked down on "us ugly stepchildren." She's outta the biz know, but still looks back fondly on those days.

  14. Why no 24-hour news channel?

    You answered your own question: "viewership numbers were not large enough to sustain longevity"
