Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back Friday; Didn't see the Raddy 'flareup'

Lots of coffee and air.

By the way, I wasn't listening to Knibber/Raddy on Wednesday morn so I have no idea what happened, (if it was real or not.)

Please...fill me in.


  1. I missed any flare up. I tuned in for 30 seconds and realized why I haven't been listening for several weeks now. Bruno's on vacation so there really is no reason to listen whether there was a flare up or not.

  2. Radnich was talking about Jeremy Roenick being on another radio station on Tues in which Roenick thought was KNBR(he was on 95.7) Apparently, the powers that be at KNBR didn't like Radnich mentioning another station(although Radnich never said the call letters). Aren't radio people silly?

  3. A bigger flareup was the day before when he had the Giants P.A. announce on -Rennel?...and he wanted her to say she didnt deserve to have a championship ring. She,of course was never going to say that and even said that she EARNED a W.S. ring-lol!
    The funny bits were: Radnich tried to sooth feathers by reminding her of when they first met at the 'stick 24 years ago...she didn't remember-lol,THEN Raddy said we're freinds aren't we Renell? answer. Dibly: " Tense"..and the mood was.
    What sista?-what woman? is going to say she don't deserve a ring worth more than her car?.lol..find one!

  4. this blog should be called 680 Media because that's all that is ever mentioned here

  5. It was actually pretty funny. Like the comment above says he was talking about Roenick being on another station thinking it was KNBR. Basically defending Roenick; he didn't stiff KNBR he just made a mistake. Then mid sentence Radnich yells out a loud growl and throws daggers with his eyes to who ever was talking to him through the glass. He says, "Well put him on here then!", "He didn't stiff us, I'm telling the damn truth of what happened!" You can see he was really pissed. I know he likes to play around by pretending to be angry but you can tell he was genuinely ticked off. He was red in the face and mean mugging who ever was talking to him in his ear bud. I've listened to Radnich consistently for the pass 3-4 years and I've never heard/seen him that piss. It's hard to tell who was talking to him, my guess is Patrick (he's always trying to please Lee Hammer). During his flare up, he sarcastically said about 3 times "Great win by the giants", basically taking a jab at KNBR's handbook. It seemed like he was just frustrated of having to be so censored and tow the company line.

  6. I'm a Radnich fan... at least Radnich from back in the late 90's thru a few years ago. Now he seems to believe his own press and is over the top... He's going to go out angry and almost friendless. You saw Renel give him the business, Pam Moore and the rest of the KRON women barely tolerate him, Dan Dibley is "ascending". Gary has pissed off Papa and a whole host of others- Heck even Bruno sounds a muted p/o'd sometimes. While I only listen to KNBR to hear Radnich (and Bruno), it looks like it's time for him to step down and just do the sports on KRON and enjoy his family. I used to listen 9-noon in it's entirety. Now I only listen from maybe 9- 9:30-45=- definitely not during 1000-1030... I come back at 11-if I remember to hear the Bruno segment- but even that is getting old unless there is something of significance in the sporting world going on. You can hear it in Bruno's voice that he's just kinda tired of the bit. Gary, it may be time. Just sayin
