Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Santangelo rips Radnich/Aurilia on KNBR

FP Santangelo, from out of left field, (or maybe second base) jolted his Monday night listeners on KNBR with a rather candid, up-front, mildly surprising take-down of Comcast post-game hosts, Gary Radnich and ex-SF Giant, Rich Aurilia.

Both Radnich and Aurilia, after the Giants loss to Florida, spoke about the possibility of MVP status for Buster Posey. Santangelo wanted no part of that.

"I gotta say this, --Posey isn't even the MVP on the Giants!--Huff, (Aubrey) is, " offered Frank Paul.

Santangelo made a point of maintaining that indeed, Posey was 'the real deal and an exciting player, and his criticism of Radnich and Aurilia was not personal, but, said Santangelo, "there probably goes my Comcast gig."

No, FP, you were honest and genuine and it wasn't like you went out of your way to get dirty. You didn't. It was nice to hear an opposing opinion particularly when it involved this trifecta.

**Marlins star second-baseman, Dan Uggla, makes an appearance on ""JJ and the Mouth" today on the XTRA Sports Show, (http://www.ktrb860.com/)


  1. Radnich on his show said he never called for Posey as MVP..maybe rookie of the year he said.
    That Stan guy on SF gate once blogged that FP really doesnt like Radnich's way,or how Radnich talks to FP on pre-post game shows. He was right-they arent a match.One takes his craft serious,the other wants to retire...

  2. Jaymee Sire seems to be annoyed at Radnich's non sports schmoozing too.
    Radnich getting harder to stomach every day. He brought up the Posey as MVP thing again with Aurelia and Aurelia said that "No. He isn't event the MVP of his team, Huff is"

  3. That's because Radnich is more and more about entertainment. He concentrates on entertaining more than anything else.

    So he'll say things off the top of his head, simply for show. I hope this doesn't bite him later...

  4. I think Radnich is way better than FP, FP sucks and always seems like a tight ass and is quick to call out Radnich. You can tell by the always smug expression on his face everytime Radnich speaks that FP is a douchebag that doesn't respect people and thinks he is the shit. By the way he absolutely sucked at baseball.
