Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Major" media figure headed out of Bay Area?

UPDATE: Nothing to this, but lots of rumors; as of now, NOT a story. Will continue to monitor. Btw, the person of interest does not work in sports.

UPDATE: Ray Ratto is indeed leaving the SF Chronicle and headed to Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area and Yes, he does work in sports.

I've been deluged with e-mails and info that a "major" talent is about to hang it up and leave the Bay Area.

So far, nothing to confirm and/or report.

Stay tuned.



  1. Is it THAT guy?

  2. Is it Rich Lieberman?

  3. Damon Bruce? Radnich talked about him the other day like Bruce had crossed managment and wasnt part of the team. And adding that Bruce was an "ant" to him. Something you know isnt right..

  4. Damon Bruce is hardly a "major" media figure.. not even a minor media figure; classify him as an obscure media figure. If he killed 20 strippers at Ristorante Umbria he would get some press.

  5. Is it he or she? TV or radio? TV would be hard to imagine giving up the money-Radio,the only big money are the old timers who I would guess are retiring rather leaving in anger. Just a guess.

  6. No word on this yet?

    And what of Evelyn Taft (a major "figure" in a different way)? Was she just on vacation that week or is she truly leaving?
