Thursday, July 29, 2010

Here's a new one: SF Chronicle/Gate steals my Copeland post without attribution

I got "staff-reported" by the SF Chronicle on Brian Copeland's new gig at KGO/ABC7. Print edition too.

Don't know whether to be flattered or ticked. Oh, maybe "pissed" is the operative word.

Here's my original story about the Copeland gig at Channel 7 and the SFPPC picking it up; notice the time stamps.

Anyway, how was your day?

I'm off to read poetry in Berkeley.


  1. Considering the way Hearst shafted the Newspaper Guild -- as you stated earlier -- you should not be surprised they did the same thing to you. -diogenes

  2. Years ago I'd see verbatim transcripts from Giants radio post-game interviews in the Chronicle as "staff reports."

  3. Rich what happened to your City Brights posts on SFGate? That's how I originally foudn your great blog.

  4. Didn't you used to have a SFGate blog, Rich? Maybe they felt entitled?

  5. Bloggers do this all the time to newspapers. They report without giving credit. A lot of bloggers would not have much to say if their local paper went away. You are an exception, which is whyI read you. BTW, Chronicle could have found this out without knowing you had it. A simple call to a reporter or editor; "Did you hear Copeland is going to have a TV show?" would get someone calling Copeland to confirm or deny. Copeland himself or Channel 7 might have called the Chronicle to keep friendly. Your story, however, was much better done.
