Monday, July 26, 2010

A few Monday notes; "JJ" scores Josh Johnson on XTRA

Short one today due to business elsewhere...

**"JJ and the Mouth", (JJ Stokes, Roxy Bernstein and Geoff Silvius) scored an interview with Florida's Cy-Young standout Josh Johnson today at 12: 25 on XTRA, (

**Local airwaves were hummin' as both A's and Giants completed successful runs; the Giants swept the lowly Arizona D-Backs the A's took control of the south-side Chicago bunch.

It's still July.

**Check back later.


  1. Geoff Sheen works as a better radio name than Silvius. I'm still waiting for them to ditch JJ tho.

  2. JJ takes some heat for being low key-but in football season he knows what he's talking about-sort of schools the others.
    Another thing about JJ and "The Mouth". You ever see that Movie be Kind Rewind? its amazing how those two are like those characters. JJ sounds dead on like Mos Def,identical..and the manic Mouth could be compared to Jack Black. I can't listen to them without being reminded of that movie!
