Monday, June 7, 2010

Anatomy of the Helen Thomas story; began with Drudge/Michael Savage Show

The first remnants of Helen Thomas' bigoted, anti-Semitic statements surfaced on the Drudge Report, via on late Friday.

Soon after, syndicated, SF-based, talk-show host, Michael Savage devoted his entire Friday show to Thomas' remarks and was the first major media figure to call out Thomas and called for the White House to strip the veteran Washington reporter of her credentials.

Savage and his callers were outraged over Thomas statements and his reaction indicated that the story may survive the normally semi-forgetful weekend news cycle.

Not so.

On Monday, Thomas was scheduled to speak at a Bethesda, Md. high school commencement ceremony, but was soon asked not to appear because of objections to her remarks, and soon thereafter, her own speaking agency dropped her.

At that notice, it would only be a matter of time before Thomas would be out.

She "retired" on Monday, effective immediately

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  1. What a double standard you have with Savage. One stupid remark by an older woman-and its fire her!!- But Savage everydays makes racist remarks about Mexicans,even playing dumb and taking out of context the meaning of La Raza. If he took spanish for 7 years as he claims-he flunked. He doesnt wail at "The Chosen People" right? I'm sure if that was taken literal by the rest of the world Savage would have a non racial explanation-or confirm it!
    I see through Savage,and like his "miracle" gas saving invention he endoreses,he's phony. He knows the right wing simple answer to every social problem revolves around dog eat dog-to the victors gp the spoils. Until the victors fall on hard times, then they see socialism in a new light-bailout!

  2. As they say in Italy, " You cannot make good soup with old meat!"

  3. Way to go Michael and Rich!

  4. I am glad she is gone, she fell victim to the wave of antisemitism going on since the flotilla and thought everyone would applaud her on. Lol, her true colors ended her 60 yr career.
    "A tree cannot bear evil fruit unless its got bad roots" cya crone!

  5. Savage/Dudge called this one from the start. Savage speaks the truth. The truth stings. The truth hurts and the truth is necessary in these backward ass times. He's been on the air for over 15 years because you can't argue with facts..... Listen and learn.

  6. btw,I have heard Spanish teachers call in to Savage to explain the meaning-and Savage wont let the truth get in the way of his rant. Despite a clear explantion Savage ignores them,sticks to his propaganda and then hangs up on them!
    Or how about Savage claims Obama was unarming America reducing the nuclear stock pile. We would be helpless the "intellectual Dr." claimed. When a defense dept. employee called in( a former Navy commander) and made it clear there would still be enough nuclear missles on just submarines alone to bomb 'em back to the stone age...Did Savage in the face of truth admit he was wrong? NO,of course not. We agree to disagree was Savage's,to proven wrong,answer!..and again,hung up on the man.
    So,no I dont but into his intellect, or his value as entertainment. He's a hater liar. plain and simple.

  7. Old Crow that needed to retire to the Crow's nest. She has always been a biased old cow.

  8. And Rich,explain how you endorse Savage attacking Thomas for anti semitic remarks,but you ignore his daily stereotype attacks on liberal Jews? And he even uses those anti semitic remarks to make his point..but no outrage?
    It's ok for Savage to be racist against people who dont advertise on your blog?..but suddenly he's a good man for ripping Helen Thomas?. One more, as you Rich, rip at those SF types who look down their noses at the eastbay-Oakland,what do you think Savage thinks of Oakland? Ohhh,you know you could imagine dont you?

  9. Double standard? DBD Savage is an entertainer not a white house correspondent.
    Socialism = slavery watch youtube fall of the republic to learn more.

  10. Anybody who "claims," to listen to Michael Savage would know that he is not racist. La Raza is a racial organization. Why? Any organization that promotes a race of human beings over other races of human beings IS racist-and this is what La Raza does.

  11. La Raza is a "Racist Term" and if you studied Latin American History (in Latin America, not the BS they teach here in the States) you would learn that it refers to the "Spanish/European" Raza, not to the mesoamericas.

  12. The Savage Nation is growing,,,sheeple beware, be very aware, there's going to be a run on sheepskin..........

  13. Not only is the savage nation growing, it is already much larger than the liberals could ever imagine. It is about to buy them

  14. Oh,by your standards the JDL is a racist organization? or Jewish man of the year awards and that Jewish telethon would be racist by your definition as promoting only one people?
    "The Chosen People" isn't racist but "La Raza" is? nobody has answered that-and I'm sure Savage NEVER makes the comparison on his show-I havent heard it. Like I said-he wont let the truth get in the way of his propaganda.
    Entertainer ? is that another word for liar and con artist?

  15. LA RAZA even in russian sounds like the THE RACE! you can translate it the way you want - it still sounds "THE RACE"... I agree with Savage...

    And that person who defends LA RAZA... Are you from ACLU? a Laya? :-)))

  16. besides helen, you're hard on the eyes and ears.

  17. Savage says it right....tonights broadcast said the truth..I hope Michael will read this....the permanent government is in place, and rules matter who is the ostensiblle leader, it goes it's merry way.
    As Savage said, it is doing badly, very badly.
    Thomas said something stupid, but, guess what...many people believe this kind of crap.
    We may be able to correct many bad things, but, not ever the ordinary stupidity of most people.

  18. OK, so a senile 90 year old woman says something stupid. I don't think she even knows where she is at any given time anymore. Not much different than the blather coming from our 40th president in his 2nd term.
    Unfortunate comment from a woman who seemingly has had a brilliant career. There comes the time in everyone's life when you should step aside and take a break.

  19. That old witch showed her true colors like so many libs end up doing.
    It's reasons like this, that so many of us TRUE AMERICANS love & appreciate how you speak the truth!

    Good Job Savage & Drudge, you guys rock!

  20. I think that libs are enbolden by having a liberal president, letting their true feelings slip, its foul, theres more to come, I could not have been more please too see her seat empty today.

  21. No,its not what it sounds like thats racist its the reader who chooses to call it racist,thats racist. When a culture explains to you how to understand its context and your deaf dumb and blind..your choosing to be a hater. Its obvious Savage is a good vent for hatred and bigots and for those who's career he can help-wink wink.
    I have given examples of flat out lies by Savage-pure lies and you nuts say he's the truth? No ,he's your bigoted views made sanitary on radio. I have to wonder how many liberal programs and grants helped Savage in his life? unemployment,health insurance, school grants-all liberal.
    He can deny he ever used them..but he knows its more lies...

  22. btw,Sangria wine? Its not blood,its wine. Oh,but Im wrong because you take everything spanish literal...

  23. at the next La Raza protest... ask them for ID's!!! Most of them are ILLEGAL ;0)

    La Raza = racist

    The next time a Mexican Navy helicopter violates US air space... SHOOT IT DOWN!!

  24. I just discovered Mike Savage by a video someone sent me. I was "Hooked". I love the way he gives it to these moron liberals who have nothing in their eyes. They are dead. No feelings, no compassion, no brains.

  25. I have yet to hear anyone give a good reason for Helen Thomas saying the Jews should go back to Germany or Poland. Does she believe that they belong in death camps and ghettos? When people like Marge Schott and Mel Gibson made "unfortunate" remarks, they were hammered for it - and rightly so. Surely a woman who is accustomed to asking tough questions wouldn't mind answering a few herself. So far the only defense I've heard for an action she has admitted is wrong is that two of the people who carried the story are racist. Defend her freedom of speech if you desire, but please don't hide the seriousness of her remarks behind allegations against others.

  26. Now if we could just get rid of Michael Savage...

  27. Hey Rich,you proud of the bigots who back your man ,Savage? The more i go at them the more their real feelings get its murder Mexicans.Typical Savage loonys.
    Hey,Mike spent some time today denying he's a liar..He reads these posts.
    Savage is a racist and bigot-he laughs at all other cultures,makes fun of what they have done in history. And all those cultures are people of color. And why does he hate liberals? and Jewish liberals?..because they are the only white hand to help people of color. So,that proves his whole being and act is racist. But Savage is a tormented,confused man...when he looks in the mirror everyday of his life,he expects to see blue eyes,blonde hair and a thin nose. Your not aryan Mike Weiner and you never will be.

  28. Another point,what I said about Savage taking advantage of what liberals created to help himself? Being a social worker that he was-was a liberal creation!..he can say now how he hated it and make fun of the people that needed help..but Savage cashed those liberal generated checks didnt he?-lol..Just another example of a hypocrite he is.

  29. Sean

    Hey S, what the hell are you saying you left wing jackass? For starters your NOT making any sense, all your doing is lying and making all sorts of BS about Michael Savage, hey dumbass, have you EVER listend to the man's show? Apparently you haven't, if you have listend to his show you would know where the guy is coming from, and your claiming that he's bashing mexican people? Hey stupid, he's NOT bashing mexican people, he's telling the truth and giving out the facts about illegal-immigration, and I'm not going to let you get away with your bulls**t S, and S your the one that's the racist & bigot here, NOT Dr. Savage, this is very typical of you leftist, you can't handle an argument and a debate what you left wing morons do is resort to libeling, defaming, lying, etc. And what are your opinions about Helen Thomas making anti-semetic remarks towards jewish people? So far I haven't seen you condemn her, and it looks to me that your making excuses for this neo-nazi witch. Folks, I think S is a George Soros hack, all he's doing is lying, libeling and taking Dr. Savage's words out of context, etc.!

  30. YEAH Sean? the truth hurts. I gave exact reports of experts who proved Savage wrong on his own show-did he admit it? NO as I said before. Savage is a racist and bigot-its what he exploits to make a buck. Savage who claims to respect intelligence and expertise..couldnt be big enough to admit he was proven wrong.
    If I wasnt in a hurry to leave in a few moments I could give you a few more original and accurate takes about the Dr.of Hate. More later..

  31. Ok another-from today. He ripped Obama for the new health plan for middle and low income. Savage blast Obama..and what is there to complain about? More people have better benefits,Savage still has his Mercedes,his Ferrari, and his wealth. Now all he can do is invent doomsday scenario's of the future for his rabid right wingers..because today is fine!
    Thats his con..his act. And you people buy into his end of the world..while he goes shopping at the local Porsche dealership laughing at you fool followers..

  32. Oh,today he said Israel is going to fire its nuclear weapons and cause a world war. Wow, I only heard that said before by Nazi's, skinheads,neocons,the minister of Iran and those cults who have mountain tunnels-lol!
    Listen to him-he's all future horror..because as a very wealthy man what else can he say? Admit all he wants is more? or the only thing important in his life is keeping ALL his wealth? Your crazy if you think that wealthy man worries about soccermom van drivers future!

  33. When Helen asked a question during WhiteHouse News Briefings; she would quickly flip to an attack and interrupt while raising her voice. She a pioneer? Not. Unprofessional? Disgraceful behavior? Frequently, Bigot? She abused her access and created Choas. Good riddence to bad rubbish.
    Adios-- Ding Bat from Hell.

  34. Dr. Savage , I am a police officer in Mississippi. I listen to your show nightly , and I just want to thank you for what you do.I was outraged at the remarks made by Ms. Thomas , and I am glad she is gone. I am a firm believer in the Bible , I am a friend of Israel. I would not want to be any mid east country that tries to harm them.Fear not only America's bombs , but also fear GOD'S wrath. In November 2012 we will send Obama an eviction notice. Hope he can go back home to Chicago ,Kenya, or wherever he is from.

    God Bless America

  35. I support Michael Savage everyone on here must choose the side that you represent, Do you support Antisemitism or do you shoot it down, you must look at that comment that Helen Thomas made is is something that you would here out of the 3rd Reich, She is someone that is very bias and full of hate in her heart look at her history. Is this someone that you would support I despise this woman this is the type of person that would feed children into the gas chambers just to live another day, and you who support her are supporting Antisemitism.

  36. LOL! A testimonial from a "police officer in Mississippi who wants to send Obama back to Kenya" LOL,what a bigoted, racist, remark..typical of you Savage people-real savages.
    As a matter of fact-I think a good chunk of Savages audience are anti semite conservatives..he just feeds their hate for people of color.
    This is too easy.

  37. Do you dopes think Savage with his Ferrari collection relates to the common working man? hell no!.Doesnt he spend alot of time making it clear he thinks he's smarter than you?...So,he thinks he's smarter and he's wealthy..and he's concerned about what? His bank account! Or is it YOU he worrys about?-lol!
    Savage does what all the hate righists do-He pits the middle class against the poor-all those Mexicans and blacks on welfare are taking your money-LOL,Here,this country was on the edge of a economic collapse because Bush gave the green light to the powerful to loot-and they took it all..and Savage is worried that poor people crossing the border are going to cheat him out of money?-BS!...He knows,no chance of that,but it wont get listeners to say that will it?
    Savage is the worst kind of person there is. He wont assasinate the president..but if he gets some nut worked up to do it,wouldnt be any guilt on his part.I mean,does he say anything about the kook he convinced to threaten Nancy Pelosi?..Savage sure didnt say a word about that.
    I know all the techniques these haters use. Grow up to the way your manipulated through your bigotrys.

  38. One last-I think...You haters get back to me when you can tell me the last time a Mexican crossing the boarder or an illiterate black man on welfare(I'm going worst stereotype case for you haters) ever swindled you out of your life savings. Or 401, or property or home. Or of anybody you know.
    You can't.
    But you will not hear Savage say that. It's not the bankers or the BP's of the world..its the poor who are ripping you off,he says. A con man to his last day.

  39. One last,last-lol
    You think Savage really cares Mexicans come here to work cheap? who's his maid? who's his gardener" who's working on additions to his estate? Hell,Mike Savage is saving a fortune hiring them. HE'S WHY THEY COME! He knows he benefits. Me? I do my own work,Im not a rich man who can take advantage.
    Ask Savage who he hires as cheap labor . It aint a union housekeeper.
    s- and final..maybe.

  40. One guy on a sub is no "expert" Savage has MANY friends in the military, most he won't name to protect them from the liberal vermin like "Anonymous". Well I'm not anonymous. My favorite show is the Savage Nation 6p-9p eastern on most AM talk networks, and a few FM ones too! My name is John McHugh, I live in NY, I consider myself an Independent Conservative Libertarian. Gun owner, outdoorsman, more of an environmentalist than the limp wristed liberals that cry "environment" yet they probably never caught a fish much less fired a BB gun. So why don't you grow a pair, "s" I can only think of one word that begins with that letter when I read your posts. So what's your name? Grow a pair. You know I had my cat neutered, now he's a liberal!

  41. Your last name is boy? Sure..a dope who contradicts himself in less than a paragraph. And then theirs-what's fishing got to do with emvironmentalism and natural sciences?-nothing!..more stupididty of a Savage fan.
    Let me tell you -Savage is vermin,scum. A fat wealthy man who collects Ferraris and yaughts,who HIREs undocumented workers to keep his home-I didnt hear him deny that today,did you?-. So,what does Michael Weiner have to complain about the god blessed USA? nothing!...he can only do doomsday talk-since his life is great and easy today,he has to come up with "pretend" America,and since this country has made him a VERY rich and wealthy man-he spends his day being a agitator!!,trying to make the system that enriched him unstable! I would call him a TRAITOR! Go ahead, follow a weathy man who complains HE doesnt have enough!

  42. And you ALL have noticed-Weiner has yet to give even one example of how his bank acount has gone backwards under Obama! When is Weiner selling off his Ferrari's because of Obama? fools!-he's ADDING not subtracting under Obama...and Mikey knows thats a fact!
    S-bring it on!
