Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009; Hey, I didn't take the day off

Today is the day when the big-time media mavens take the day off; a really, really, s l o w news day, unless shots of the Macy's parade, NFL football, and the 200 or so morons who have nothing better to do than consume turkey and invade, en mass to the local Walmart and stand in line so they can be the first dope to buy an electronic gadget for 29 bucks. Whoopee! Question. As Seinfeld would say, "who are 'these people?"

My own itinerary today, (and by golly, I just know you're dying to know)is for the big feast tonight with extended family in Marin, preceded by the Raiders-Cowboys game at 1: 15. I'll skip Detroit/Green Bay because I'm trying to get a life and viewing that would be tantamount to watching a shamwow infomercial. OK, yeah, so the Raiders suck, but Dallas isn't exactly the '72 Miami Dolphins...

**Received mega feedback on the "Golden Turkey" awards; some of you liked it; some of you didn't; hey, for those of you who said I left out some obvious recipients, we'll, duh!, but for this inaugural year, I decided to be a tad picky; I'm sure, God willing, next year, we will be more generous.

**Black Friday: Tomorrow I will turn off the radio and TV so I can escape the inevitable media putzes giving mucho air time to the yahoos who revel in the so-called shopping orgasm called "Black Friday." Does it not seem to be a tad inappropriate THIS year? I mean, last I check, we're in a "deep recession", (mild depression) and over 3500 meals are being served this Thanksgiving at Glide Memorial. I don't get it.

**Have a joyous Turkey day; eat all your vegetables and don't get into anything political with your in laws--its not worth it, besides, as my mother would say, "fress, fress." In English, that's "eat, eat".

Enjoy and follow me on Twitter.

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