Good old Gair Radnich opened his show this morning with the usual non-sports mucky-muck, playing audio footsie with "dibs" and the back-window enabler.
"Am I too tough on callers?," asked the knibber tonsil, before using his first caller as fodder and using the cut-button after five seconds. Ha-ha.
Then switched to Ronn Owens on KGO; a little too heavy first hour for me, subject wise. Cup of coffee, NY Times biz 5-minute read, (a record) and quick piss-match with my cousin over why the hell I stuck with Browns-Ravens last night on ESPN. Oy.
**Sylvia Chacon is doing fill-in radio in San Jose, having just departed Star 103 FM. "Don Bleu is the only "live" DJ on the station." Indeed, as a noted radio analyst in the biz told me earlier this year, "by the end of 2009, most of FM radio in SF will be 'people less." Thanks again, Clear Channel, Cumulus and Fagreed and Lew Trickey Dick Dickey.
**Sure, the MNF bore on ESPN was a total dud; Browns are hopeless, but worse yet, Jon Gruden wouldn't shut up for a minute. Between Chuckey and Jaws, the airwaves were electronic fender-benders.
**The difference between ESPN and NBC: Had Al Michaels been doing Browns-Ravens, I'm 100% certain that Michaels would have been frank; like, "folks, 'this is an out-and-out stinker--what can I say?"; instead normally reliable Mike Tirico stuck with the script and opted to babble on and on with perhaps the WORST game in MNF history. And that doesn't include the two bobble heads next to him.
Another Radnich note: Later in the show, Radnich scored his best attribute; a spot-on interview with NBA/ESPN insider Rick Bucher, who spoke about the Warriors dysfunction under Donn Nelson.
Bucher, with good prodding from Radnich, spoke volumes about the horrid inner-workings of Nelson and his relationship with ex-GM Chris Mullin. If only the Noon-3PM guy could speak the truth, but that's not in Flunker's dude m.o.Follow me on Twitter.
I agree Jaworski gives you nothing, but Gruden gives you a little substance, such as agreeing last night with the Belichick 4th down decision.