Monday, November 9, 2009

Cohn of SR Press Democrat stands up to Singletary, (finally)

I wrote yesterday that for a guy whose team has lost three straight, (before yesterday,) Mike Singletary has essentially been given a pass by the local SF sports media.

Very rarely has he been aggressively questioned by the writers and columnists, (only scarcely Matt Maiocco, who covers the team for the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat) has tried in earnest to inquire about Singletary's game plans and motivational speeches.

**That all changed today. Finally. Thank goodness.

Columnist/blogger Lowell Cohn of the same periodical confronted his 49ers highness. Here's the transcript:

**¶ LC: What makes you think your players can turn it around? (I also said Singletary's words to the media were quite motivating but we aren't his players.)

¶ "You know what sir, I don't know where you're from and I don't know what you really meant by that. I understand that you're not my players. I'm thankful that you're not my players. I do want to win. But let me say this, you have to know guys that you spend days with. You have to know the guys that you spend hours with. Just like you when you're at home. I don't know how much time you spend with your kids. But it's important that when things happen you have a pretty good idea of how your kids are going to respond. If you tell me that one of my kids slapped you, one of my kids spit on you, I've got a pretty good idea of who it would be, because I know them. 'OK, that was Jack, or you know what, that was Brooke.' When I think about our guys, when I'm talking about our guys, I know them. When you spend as much time with these young men and you know what they're made of you have a pretty doggone good idea how they're going to respond. Does that makes sense?"

¶ LC: "It may. We'll see what happens."

¶ MS: "It may? You asked me a question. I thought I responded to your question."

¶ LC: "I appreciate your response."

¶ MS: "Well I thank you, very much."

¶ LC: "And I wish you the best."

¶ MS: "I appreciate it."

¶ LC: "But when you say you know how they're going to respond, I don't know how they're going to respond. You may know better than I."

¶ MS: "You're not the coach. I wasn't asking you the question. You asked me the question."

¶ LC: "You asked me if I thought you did OK with the answer."

¶ MS: "Thank you."

¶ LC: "My response is, I guess we'll find out. You clearly have more confidence in your players than other people may, including me, and that's why they play the games."

¶ MS: "You're exactly right, and I appreciate that. Are you going to be here next week?"

¶ LC: "I'm going to be here all the weeks."

¶ MS: "Now that's exciting. That's outstanding. I'm looking forward to it. I want you to sit right here, or get a seat right here and you ask me those same question."

¶ LC: "I'll stand up there next to you."

¶ MS: "Outstanding. Fantastic."

¶ LC: "OK."

¶ MS: "All right."

So, that's me and Mikey. He sort of came unglued, no?

**Note to Lowell:

Who really cares, Lowell, if he DID come unglued? Its your job! No one else in this area has the balls to get into "Sings" face. I mean, look, this is professional football; its not life and death, but we're talking about a coach who talks a lot of 'stuff and whose holier-than-thou persona sort of grates, particularly when no one asks him anything of substance. I call it intimidation.

But that's just me.

**Follow me on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the SF sports media are fawning sheep BAAAAA BAAAAAAA BAAAAAA. Two exceptions: Cohn and Ratto
