Tuesday, July 11, 2023

SF June '23 Radio Ratings; KCBS Nosedives Below 6; KNBR Flatlines; 95.7 FM "The Game" Dominant Sports Station --The Full Numbers

KCBS FALLS BELOW 6 to 5.9 in June/'23 SF 6+ RADIO RATINGS...

After falling down internally to 1.3 late, The Game came up big in later stages.

KNBR flatlines; 95.7 FM, "The Game" surges ahead. Clearly, 95 7 is the Bay Area's DOMINANT sports-radio station.

KCBS, how the once-mighty has FALLEN.

KGO, in its new iteration as betting outlet, is now officially not even registered.



  1. I believe KGO needs to pull the plug and go dark
    If not,just run Ryan Scott interviewing all of his gay restaurant friends..

    1. Re: :KGO, in its new iteration as betting outlet, is now officially not even registered." OMG! Betting radio a no-go? Who wudda thunk it? .... lol ...

    2. Sadly Cumulus doesn't care. They aren't selling ads, they are selling off blocks of time for the sports betting shows themselves. If they ever decide to sell, the signal won't be worth anything because no one will visit that part of the dial and discover a new format. Cumulus had to work really hard to take the number one station for decades and drive it so low that not enough people are listening to register on people meters. That's especially astonishing when you consider how powerful the signal is.

  2. The best AM signal in the Bay Area -- what a waste.

  3. So have they started placing yellow post-it notes on office furniture for sale yet? This applies to all three.

  4. No surprised on KCBS, stopped listening a long while ago

  5. I don't understand the Nielsen ratings. If KGMZ goes from 3.1 in May to 1.3 in June, how can 95.7 The Game be called the dominant sports station if KNBR is at 2.7 in June?

    1. Exactly…thought the same thing.

  6. The Game an okay listen but light years ahead of The Bleeder. Actual respectable sports talk with fewer drops or infantile double entendres. Gee when you treat the audience like adults see what happens.

  7. The Game destroys KNBR because it is a sports-talk station. At KNBR, they gab and fake laugh about booze, chicks, gambling, old TV sitcoms and classic rock: A recipe for dreadful ratings. What a bunch of nimrods.

    1. For those of you with sons, tell your son to listen to afternoon show for one hour, then tell your son this is what happens to your brain when you spend your entire life thinking about only sports, beer, and betting.

  8. KNBR and the Game are both meh.

  9. Nice to see Live 105 get a huge bump on their first month back. Hopefully it stays that way. Dave FM was crap.

  10. KGMZ will have dominant ratings for Warriors season. The season is over and now lets see if they are still dominating in ratings...

  11. Let’s be honest, KNBR, the Spurts Bleeder, is losing listeners as fast as F Somerville. From 6am to 10pm, there is NOTHING worth a listen. That spills over to Giants games. I tuned out KNBR long ago, to save the few brain cells I have left. Reducing the lame banter helped me to escape another mediocre Giants season. (They can’t hit!)
    Only when the Giants and Niners catch on that KNBR is more anchor than support, will we see some changes and ensuing rolling of empty heads at KNBR. I’ll tune back in when they rid the station of their brain-dead hosts.

  12. Stopped listening to KNBR 7 years ago and don't miss it...

  13. I'm a lifelong KNBR listener and even I don't turn it on much anymore and find myself turning on 95.7 daily as crappy as their signal is. Cant stand Murph and Mac and have NEVER listened, used to like Papa and Lund until Papa's arrogance and politics came through more than once, was a Lund fan until I realized he's lying to us daily while selling vision correction, never really got why Tom Tolbert was popular and Adam Copeland sounds like an intern. Eh, F.P. is "ok". And the latest regular fill-in Dieter has grown on me.

  14. FP at night on Knbr is getting better, at least he takes calls , Murph and Mac need to try that instead about talking about the Dead shows and how much pot he can smoke like a freaking looser plus Mac’s pod casts are terrible

  15. The idiots at KNBR just keep mailing it in, while their long time listeners keep tuning them out. Hasn’t the Bay area suffered these fools long enough?

  16. I also like Dieter and as well as Kerry Crowley. You know why? They actually discuss SPORTS without the infantile banter. What a concept!

    1. Crowley has improved, but I can't stand Dieter. He drones on and on, basically lecturing listeners as if to prove he's so smart. Cocky and smug. If he's on, I find something else to listen to.

  17. Both of the local sports stations suck. Too much talking loud and saying nothing. Too much manufactured content. Podcasts and XM are the only things worth listening to.

  18. The only truly good show is Steinmetz and Guru. It’s just that KNBR is so bad the Game ends up just beating them by default.

  19. Smurph & Smack were talking with your favorite Giants color commentator, Mike Krukow this morning. I was in the car ,& caught the tail end of the interview. They were discussing the Giants playing the Cardinals next year in Birmingham Alabama in June at the stadium Willie Mays first played at. Murph at the end of the interview says "Come on KNBR! Our bags are packed! Let's go! First Wrigley Field in Chicago then on to Birmingham." Do these two fools have any idea they aren't going to be working at KNBR this time next year? Better start saving up your money now boys. You're going to be paying your own way.

  20. KGO: just start playing tapes of previous programs, back when you were good. Instant 3.0 or more.
