Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Julie Haener's Surreal Image of Frank Somerville; KTVU "Haunted House"; Pam Cook Morning Drama: "Be On Time"; KCBS Disaster (Again); Guiness/Burns Yuckfest; Tuesday Trouble


He may be dead, professionally but personally he's still very much alive, that said, KTVU anchor Julie Haener, a close Frank Somerville advocate, is HAUNTED! by his absence, like, yeah, haunted! Somerville has been absent from the KTVU news desk since March of 2022.

And his legal issues and personal trials continue to mount.

Even with all that, Julie sees his image inside the studio--both literally and figuratively--a KTVU/Somerville HAUNTED HOUSE? You betcha!

An Insider tells me, "She's told a few of her buds, 'she can see 'Frank even though he's not here--It's kind of weird."

You don't say?

*MORE KTVU DRAMA: Pam Cook wants everyone in the morning studio to "be on time"--she's quite disturbed that the AM "MO2" crew takes their job for granted,"--I say, huh?

Cook seems to believe she's the Managing Editor of KTVU, but in reality she's more like Mrs. Pynchon.

*IT's SO CRUMMY at KCBS, every day now, that when it's go time--when your shift is over, you GO!--everyone can't can't wait to ESCAPE the hell hole at 855 Battery and DEPART the premises.

Another, (where have you heard this before?), awesomely LOUSY Monday overnight and early Tuesday (this morning)--

Shane Guiness, where did they get this guy?, displayed awkward, frequent bits of DEAD AIR! After every traffic toss to inept anchor, Carolyn Burns, he said, "thank you very much"--like EVERY TIME!!

Burns is clearly over her head with her reports that include multiple "uh's", "traffic in THAT Oakland area," --Burns use of the word. "area" and "that" is hideous, to say the least.

Then again, at least Guiness and Burns are NOT the morning ROBOTS known as Eric Thomas and Margie Shafer.

Talk about DISASTER!


  1. I shall go out on a limb and predict, confidently, that Julie “Look at ME” Haener will soon be seeing flinging footballs in New Orleans. Miraculously, Frank S will go unseen during these summer flings, a Saint he ain’t.

  2. Julie is suffering from the KTVU blonde crazy syndrome.. i.e., Leslie Griffith

    1. Ms. Haener is not speaking literally, but rather figuratively. Many here whine about how the station is not the same as it was with the drunken fool.

    2. @11:04 Hey, respect, ok? RIP Leslie

    3. Sanctimonious drunken fool.

    4. I doubt the carpet matched the drapes (blonde) in the case of Leslie G. Maybe Mark I can weigh in

  3. I swear! Just shit can all of these idiots.Can you say ''arrested development"? Are we in fucking junior high school? There are people beyond the bubble of a news studio who have real life problems, yet they soldier on! Bunch of sniveling prima donnas!
    Get over yourselves!

  4. Totally agree 11:16

  5. Is Frank suffering from depression and cannot over come it more serious each day?? He should be on a alcohol and suicide watch his behavior is getting worse and needs serious help

    1. It should be interesting if they respond 12:17PM.

  6. I messaged KCBS Programming regarding what’s up with In Depth. I said the past 2 shows have been a trainwreck.
    If I hear back, I’ll be surprised.

    Darrin C
    Rohnert Park

  7. I think everyone at KTVU is a nutjob. Fred Zehnder must be spinning in his grave.

    1. Wasn't Fred cremated?
      "Agitated in his urn"?

  8. So now we've got to tune in to see if Julie Haener starts having a conversation with Frank's ghost during a newscast. I think there's more than a ghost of a chance she'll be retired. These newscasters are bat-shit crazy people, thank goodness they're given scripts to follow on the air.

    1. “ So now we've got to tune in to see if Julie Haener starts having a conversation with Frank's ghost during a newscast.”

      Where is Paddy Chayefsky when you need him?

    2. Julie's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. A journalist would perhaps see the ghost of Walter Cronkite or Eric Sevareid. Seeing the ghost of Somerville is like seeing the ghost of Pee Wee Herman.

    3. I am channeling Frank S: the crystal ball says he wants-
      A high paying job
      More sexy interns
      A Mercedes Benz
      World Wide Fame
      The Cheetah Law Firm
      Great seats at A’s, Giants, Warriors, Ringling Brothers
      A Cadillac dealership

  9. Perhaps the Frank Somerville ghost wants Haener to come over to the other (retired) side.

  10. "That" - I hear David Muir on ABC News introduce several stories like we know what he is talking about. "Now about that explosion in Texas."

    1. That's because its been all over the news by the time they report it on air.

  11. Julie Haener seems to be very affected by Frank’s plight. As his apparent friend, has she done anything to meaningfully help him through this difficult time?

    1. She could at least take him out for drinks.

    2. I can’t tell if this is a serious question or sarcasm, so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt and give a serious response: Julie is a caring and compassionate person. This is not in dispute. I have no doubt she has done what any friend would do if someone they cared for was struggling with addiction and related issues.

  12. Rosemary better be on time or Pam Cook is going to have a fit and probably call her out in front of everyone. It's happened before... allegedly. Same with Gasia. Thankfully it's been cooler in Livermore this summer so we haven't had to listen to Gasia complain about "we don't have air conditioning!" Wah! Cry us a river.

  13. How does KNBR even afford to pay all those inflated salaries and egos? Smurf and Smack should be GONE! So should Lund, Copes, Tolbert, FP Slamtangelo, and Papa. But we know Papa has job security with being the 49ers Play-By-Play announcer and being great friends with Bob Sargent. Bob Fitzgerald wants the Niners job badly and will stab Papa in the back again to get it.

    1. Fitz has NO desire to call Niner games. He is a Warriors honk for life. Charter flights, 5 star hotels, free dinners, handsome salary, etc. Why give that up (82 games a year) for maybe 17-ish Niner games.

    2. FITZ isn’t qualified to do college radio, let alone TV for a big league team. There were lots of reasons KNBR chopped him off at the Mic. I say ship him to the Indiana Pacers for $14 bucks and a quarter pound o cheese curds. Indiana deserves Fitz, we would be better off without his “contributions”. No doubt he has photos of someone in compromising positions - nobody likes his work, save 6 kids and the real housewives of San Leandro.

  14. Guiness Beer was dragged off the street by Don Badtida. No audition, no nothing. Guiness sounds like he has pebbles in his mouth and talks with a lisp. A speech therapist would have full time employment with him.

  15. Oh no! Not Nancy Marchand, she and Junior tried to take out Tony, her very won son.....Wow!
