Sunday, July 2, 2023

Bay Area Marginalized Media; Another Bad Morning at KCBS; Keith Menconi: "Outta Here"; Lonely Days/Nights at Newsrooms; KTVU Sports Weekend 911 State; ESPN New Motto; The Sunday Before The 4th of July


Marginalized TV News: KRON, KTVU, KGO7, KCBS.

KCBS Sunday morn. they had a traffic guy who also does fill-in sports and soccer pbp literally tell everyone--in three straight reports--that "there are no accidents to report"; good summation.

Then there was the ex-KG0 Radio anchor who insisted on telling us all, again, again, and again, that "it's going to be cooler but not much", and that it would
still be sunny."

We've sunk. It's official.

*The Sunday "In-Depth" show on KCBS, once the hallmark local interview show, has now been TRASHED by KCBS/Audacy.

The Sunday effort today was pitiful--two rehashed week-old interviews by woeful Eric Thomas and Margie Shafer--a total nothing burger supremo.

*Keith Menconi, disgusted with the state of KCBS, (he also hosted In Depth)--basically SPLIT from the premises and has now found serenity at THE SF Chronicle podcast.

*KTVU might as well just pick up a person off the street to anchor their weekend sports, it's that bad.


Lonely days, lonely nights: the newsroom personnel actually in the building at their respective places this weekend. They better hope there's no earthquake or major breaking news event.

As a vet staffer told me from Circle7, "it's lonely here."

*Molinari's is doing brisk business --a few generous producers from PIX bought lunch for the loyal soldiers on Saturday.

*At PIX, a new line: Borba the Greek", which I'm sure will make MIA Andria Borba happy. Send in the clowns.

*No truth to rumor, KTVU tried to see if Borba could do the Sunday night sports.

*Nobody of name got 86ed at ABC7 but a few EPs got walking papers.

*ESPN motto: Be LOUD and shout; make outrageous statements; SCREAM AND YELL. Don't worry about facts. Your job is safe.

Pass the hot dogs, mustard/onions only.


  1. Talk about "another bad morning" on KCBS....waking up to Pat Thurston may have been the worst changed immediately.....

  2. Keith Menconi "In Depth" was one of the last KCBS shows I enjoyed and also learned something.

  3. So that’s why Molinari’s was so slow when I was there yesterday.

    1. @11:19 One of the best sandwiches in SF CA, Subway it's not

  4. It's all caving in on itself and deservedly so. The worst is yet to come. Anyone with any shred of dignity and marketable skills will hightail out of this industry and do so pronto!

  5. Threw out local radio news long ago. loving SiriusXM, you won't miss a beat, just chose the right medium as far as news ans sports goes

  6. With all her baggage, ktvu may be able to get Borba for a bargain basement price. If they split sports her and Bailey, then Borba may be able to get the half time schedule that she desires.

    1. No body cares just another reporter
      what the big deal about her?

    2. She is a big enough deal that the fine folks at Digistream are interested in her daily activities. Best of luck to her.

    3. Borba does want a “half time schedule,” she wants a job where she only has to work one day every 3 months and then complain about how stressed she is while doing so.

  7. This just In. Ineffective radio stations aren’t going to improve over a holiday weekend. ESPN and Sports/Political programming think the volume and numbers is the answer. You see how many boxes on the screen or podiums/seats on a set of a debate/pregame show? Way too many and all loud. Podcasts are mostly content and minimal crosstalk . That’s why they’re growing.

    1. Apparently, Trumptards don't agree. Though the numbers are slightly down, Fox network news/news shows are still must-watch/must-listen programming for the sheeple.

  8. The only thing worse than the 3 straight traffic reports without any traffic was Pat Thurston giving inverted baseball scores…”the Giants lose to the Mets 1 to 4.”

    1. Maybe she thought she was calling a European football game?

  9. "*KTVU might as well just pick up a person off the street to anchor their weekend sports, it's that bad."

    You mean they're not already?!?

    1. Last night it was Cristen Kafton and Amber Lee together. Both are great individually but together they were a disaster. It didn’t help that Amber Lee looked like Piston Honda from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.

    2. 4:08, Grow up. Amber Lee is highly competent and very deserving of an anchor role. Next time try to watch the news without fantasizing about cartoon characters.

    3. Amber Lee is not bad at all.

    4. I mean, it's holiday season. It's pretty standard to not have your regular crew doing sports/weather. Having said that, the weekend anchors are not bad. Greg Lee and Cristina Rendon are more than capable. Jana Katsuyama filled in on Saturday, and she was very good.

  10. At the end of the Giant's broadcast yesterday Dave Flemming announced that today's game vs the Mets was radio only when he knew damn well it was the ESPN game of the week. How pithy and dishonest. Who made him say that : the Giants or KNBR ? In either case, can't they just be honest with us ?

  11. Rich; I'm available to do sports!! But I may be over qualified..I studied journalism in college and grew up in the area. Plus at 66..and being mostly Caucasian..I don't check all the boxes. So I guess I will stick to my Sunday college rock radio host job..Sigh.

  12. KTVU is being really unfair to Bailey. They should have at least hired a journalism tutor to sit in the office with her. Way to hang her out to dry.

    1. Sports Wrap is a good name for KTVU’s weekend show. Cuz thats a wrap for sports on the channel now that Balee O’Carol anchors it.

    2. 7:38 Quit bitching about your "mostly-caucasian" crap. Just as minorities dominate here in the liberal SF market, you Whiteys dominate in TV markets throughout the south and midwest.

      The broadcast news scene truly is Fair-and-Balanced, babe.

  13. In Depth on KCBS was the best local news show on local news. Now it is garbage, almost unlistenable. The retread KGO jockeys were bad at KGO and are bad now, nothing has changed.

  14. That's how I used to eat my hot dogs! Now it's salsa dogs! Spicy mustard and onions on Polish dogs still.

  15. I think we may have reached the over saturation point with the news media in general. I mean how many ways can they refry the same stories over and over again?? I don't even bother to watch much anymore unless there's some unusual event or natural disaster. There are so many ways to get our news these days. Unless one is fixated on some news personality or reporter it's all a hard pass.

    Even CNN is a no go for me these days. They fired Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo and tried to make that Katlyn Collins a superstar. And then had Anderson Cooper come on air and insult us all by saying we were 'living in silos' for not approving of them platforming the multi-indicted Mango Mussolini. We see how well that all turned out. They're now trailing NewsMax for fourth place in the ratings que. Karma.

    And then there's Elon Musk doing his very best to blow up the once relatable alternative and town square known as Twitter. You've now reached your 600 tweet reading limit. (Insert eyeroll.) What a maroon!!! None of these platforms and elites can be trusted quite honestly (with the exception of But seriously...We see through all of them. Fomenting a 'ball of confusion' to maintain the status quo. A pox on all their houses and their summer homes. A reckoning awaits. ( that you in our future??) And the revolution will not be televised. - Gil Scott Heron

  16. 10:45pm, I reason for the saturation is self inflected (the same stories over and over mostly related to small fringe groups). If you think Twitter before Musk was a "relatable alternative" all I can say is WOW! Ever heard of Free Speech?
