Monday, June 5, 2023

The Kuiper (Duane) Back Story: It's Complicated


The Kuiper (Duane) back story is a tangled web and that's putting it mildly.

In the past two-plus years, Duane lost his father; was diagnosed with cancer; lost his wife suddenly.

And just when things got back to semi-normalcy, his younger brother, Glen, is fired after uttering a racial slur.

Kuiper has been dealing with a lot on his plate. He was livid over his brother's ouster but he also realizes that his other brother, Jeff, is a producer and works for Comcast/NBC, the same company that fired Glen. Duane broadcasts for NBC Sports/Bay Area but is paid by the Giants. There's a lot going on here.

Kuiper is conflicted, He is angry, not at the Giants who pay him a lot of money to work the game with Mike Krukow, but at NBC. So angry that he has contemplated spliting, yeah, retiring. His contract with the Giants is up in 2024 but all these issues are taking its toll.

Too bad the Bay Area sports media corp didn't bother to ask Duane about these issues directly. He may have opened up like he did with some friends and was the centerpiece of my story.

Instead, his friend and broadcast partner, Krukow, was left to besmirch me and my story without checking and looking at what I actually wrote.

This is complex story.


  1. Rich, KOOK and Tripe are behind the barn buddies. If one did not support the other, I would be amazed. That said, maybe the cat got out of the bag too soon.
    There do seem to be many “new voices” in the booth these days. Maybe the transition has begun but nobody is letting on?!🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. You forgot about nepo baby, Cole Kuiper, who did that atrocious "summer sunday" Giants show on NBCSBA with other fan shills, Therese Vinal and Carmen Kiew.

    1. Kuiper's kid along with Carmen Kiew and the others are horrible. It's obvious how Nepo Baby Kuiper got the job, but I'm curious as to how and why Carmen Kiew has become a fixture on KNBR and Giants pre and postgame shows when she has zero experience as a reporter

    2. And to add insult to injury, Cole was not on this weekend because he was...... wait for it.... ON ASSIGNMENT! LOL!

    3. Why is Carmen Kiew even on TV? Her baseball knowledge other than having a huge crush on Brandon Belt is atrocious. Hey NBC Sports Bay Area... Like Lon Simmons use to say "TELL HER GOODBYE"! = ) No one like you Carmen.

    4. @ 3:00 PM - "why Carmen Kiew has become a fixture on KNBR and Giants pre and postgame shows when she has zero experience as a reporter"

      She made her bones being a Giants sycophant and gif maker on Twitter. It's sad but speaks volumes about NBCSBA that being a simp is the prereq to be a part of an official Giants postgame TV show.

    5. Carmen is a diversity hire.

    6. Yep - exactly

    7. many Kuipers are employed by the sports channels?

  3. Kuiper never denied that their was any truth to the story. Since when
    has Kruk become Kuip's spokesman? Kruk's credibility should be

  4. Nepo baby! Love it!

  5. Whether Duane plans to retire or not, it's really not for anyone to broadcast to the masses. Duane's been through a lot and he should be left to announce his future plans on his own.

  6. It's funny how nobody asked Kuiper directly. The "media" took his comments on a Giants broadcast as verbatim. No one wants to ask questions any more or do their leg work. Surf the net, check their Twitter feed. That's all. It's how the Comical reporters do their job. Weak.

  7. Kruk is a dei hire too. Lol

  8. I worked at both KNBR and Comcast as well as KGO and KCBS and can tell you that management at all of these places when I was there were a bunch of lying, cheap, sleazy nitwits. And I’m actually being kind. But in fairness to local management, you have to look at the media mega-companies that own these two outlets and were indirectly responsible for hiring these twits. . Comcast is a bad company. Period. They don’t care about quality. All they care about is doing it on the cheap. The same thing is true of KNBR since they were bought by the cloud company, ( Cumulus,) which is the same company that destroyed KGO radio. During my six years there Cumulus ran through 4 different news directors in 6 years until this predatory conglomerate fired virtually everyone in the newsroom. KCBS. KNBR and Comcast and KCBS continue to fire just almost anyone who is making over $55, 000 a year. They either eliminate their jobs entirely, or hand them over to some ‘eager beaver’ who has no life and will not only work for cheap but do a TON of social media. KNBR’s top producer is a guy that Tony Salvadore, ( the-then slimy KNBR GM,) nearly destroyed over the Larry Kruger fiasco many years ago befire thdy sheepishly hired him back. They have people such as ‘Pauley Mac,’ ( truly inane handle,) and FP Santangelo, ( self absorbed, overgrown teenager,) and other rank amateurs who are self involved and sound like cartoon characters. Comcast isn’t much better with the nutty Carlos Ramirez and a constant notation of underpaid inexperienced youngsters who belong in Fresno or Modesto at best. I worked my ass off for all of these outlets, never demanded anything and kept my mouth shut. That’s called “ job security.”’ But I could see the handwriting on the wall. Most of these kids today who are getting into the broadcast Media have no concept of how to be a professional. That’s because few are properly trained or never took any journalism courses in college or even an introduction to public speaking class. They are totally wrapped up, ( as are most other Americans,) with their phones, spending hours staring at tiny screens checking out the latest nonsense on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. They’re so distracted and mesmerized by social media that they live in this ‘virtual world’ 6-8 hours a day. So you think most of these attention-deficit clones actually know, much less care how local news and sports has been dumbed down and cheapened? Guess what, they don’t give a crap!
