Friday, June 2, 2023

Desperate Times at KCBS

INSIDE KCBS...from just a few, but influential veteran workers...

"The absolute worst it's ever been."

"Toxic central...and that's on good days."

"Our resources are down and dwindling."

Just the other day, nobody showed up for a news meeting. A reporter complained about the direction of the station and was admonished in front of her peers.

Meanwhile, Audacy is planning a new round of cuts and KCBS is on the hit list.

Here's Audacy stock.


  1. Maybe they should fire everyone on the air and broadcast white noise 24x7 for those with insomnia.

  2. When was that picture taken? Seems like something out of the 80s.

  3. One of those work stations in that picture is where I sat...many moons ago.

    KPIX barely covers any news now. It's all press releases and "feel good" vomit. How much more can they cut? Why not just put "The Gab" or "The Puke" on instead and run it in a loop?

  4. Jesus Christ! Just take it out back and put it down like Old Yeller.
    How many time are going to keep parading around this rotting corpse?

  5. Maybe a little over the top there Rich? They ARE providing a FREE news service to which anybody with a radio can listen. 99%'ers are huge beneficiaries of KCBS. For those who don't care to listen to KCBS, those 1%'er types have the option to monthly- fee news services.

    1. Apparently you weren’t around when KCBS was an actual, decent news station, instead of the boring, woke propaganda outlet it now is. They can’t even manage a decent audio quality anymore. Half the time the anchors sound like they are using a toy microphone. Who cares if it’s “free” if it’s crap?

  6. Before you know it Chimp will arrive to go along with Nikki.

  7. I saw that Nexstar stock is doing quite well. Good for KRON's future.

  8. It is. That's the old newsroom st Embarcadero Center

  9. They can start by getting rid of the overnite lisp with marbles in his mouth

    1. Thufferin thuckotash.

    2. I have no problem listening to him at all. He's understandable. Maybe your speaker or your ears? As for other anchors, Alisa Clancy has a lilting speech pattern where you think she might sing the news rather than read it. It's difficult to listen to her at length.

  10. Next month they'll be bringing in another KGO retread that no-one missed as well....

    "I AM KAREL! With your traffic update!"

    1. Maybe he'll bring that MF'er Joe the Plumber as his on-air sidekick!

    2. You're trying too hard 5:42.

  11. Ghost of Gene RuscoJune 2, 2023 at 4:00 PM

    Sounds like it would just be more efficient to hub it out of KNX, and just keep a few reporters (or 1) in the ba. What does the union think about that?

    Nobody would really notice except us ba media fanboys/girls/non-binary's.

    1. They'd notice immediately. KNX's scripts are tighter, less fluff, more hard news, better voices. Huge improvement over what KCBS has become.

  12. I stopped listening to KCBS a long time ago. I'm sure I'm not alone

    1. Just renewed my SXM, never happier, so much content!

  13. They might want to experiment with a format mix: 75 % Mexican Music, 25 % English language news, weather, traffic, sports during the first 15 of every hour. Anyway, that’s my consulting suggestion, and I’m waiving my usual fee because I’m rooting for the station.

  14. Does anyone care if KCBS is lousy? Traffic on the 8’s - it helps when you’re on the road. Weather? Good to know if you’re going from A to B.
    The rest of the news is just depressing, and their Top of the Hour news is so crazily biased that even a deaf man can hear the spin they’re putting on. The corporate baloney is some weird sh..t.

    1. @Anonymous @ 6:57. That's not bias. You're just so accustomed to Fox News that you no longer remember what balanced news sounds like.

    2. KCBS is “balanced news”?! Haha, that is hilarious. It used to be, years ago, a straightforward news station, but it has long since become nothing more than a Democrat propaganda arm, and a chaotic and incompetent one at that. They have lost the grasp of what impartial, balanced reporting is.

    3. It’s hard for me to understand what happened to KCBS. They once were a decent, straightforward news station. They are now not only a tedious, woke propaganda outfit, but a boring and incompetent one at that. They can’t even manage proper audio engineering anymore. What has happened to their sound quality? The anchors often sound like they are using a microphone from Toys R Us. I find them unlistenable for more than a few minutes of headlines, if that. Sad.

    4. Listen to them on the weekend when they play their Commonbullshit Club recordings that no-one asked for if you don't think KCBS is biased bullshit.

  15. Last time I saw stocks @ 0.05 is ??????????? How they stay soluble? Depending what stockbrokers you have they are saying: Buy, hold, sell........just be sure they don't ask for margin recall...

  16. There’s no way that KCBS will get any better in the future. They don’t have the resources because they don’t have the advertising. They sliced and diced during the pandemic and will do more cutting in the near future. The only people who really listen to radio anymore are in their cars commuting or driving to the store, picking up their kids from school or running errands. They like to hear five minutes of news,?the weather, traffic and maybe some sports. KCBS used to do a nice job with that. Lately, I’m listening to 10 to 15 seconds of dead air, followed by the wrong commercial being played and cut off in the middle of it followed by an anchor shuffling papers and then stumbling or coughing or sneezing. It’s embarrassing to listen to but it’s happening at almost every radio
    stations in the USA. I feel sorry for the News Director at KCBS because not only is she clueless but she has to be a lapdog for the empty suits back in New York. Thankless position!

  17. I get a kick out of right wingers to talk about “woke.“ The opposite of that is “sleep.“ I guess it’s better to sleep than to be “ woke” right? As far as “democrat propaganda”
    on the radio? 95% of the talkshows on radio these days are right wing. Anf Do you even know who owns these mega companies that run today’s radio? they are hardly Democrats. . Rupert Murdoch, who is not even an American owns Fox News. He’s hardly a Democrat., IHeartRadio was owned by one of the most conservative people in America until he died a few years ago. Audacy and Cumulus are owned by right wing eastern business interests in NYC and Atlanta. This pea-brain who talks about “woke” and calls KCBS “democratic propaganda“ shoulf do a little research before making such embarrassingly inane comments..


    1. All I have to do is listen to the's woke.
      If it look like a duck...and quacks like a's super-woke!

      Guess how much money Pfizer spent on KCBS last year?
      When daddy pays the bills, you best do as daddy say's.

      Please now point out all the conservative content on KCBS.
      I can wait.

  18. 12:34 is right. There's plenty of right wing talk shows. KCBS might lean left, but they for the most part they just report the news. People calling them woke demonstrates how far right some conservatives are. 1530 am in Sacramento definitely have a right take on their news 4 to 7 pm. Might be an option for some.
