Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday Coffee; KTVU and Kristina Rendon/Allie Rasmus Issues; Orozco Wants 10 PM Weather Gig; Haener One Foot Out The Door; Vicki Liviakis/KRON Drama; Hair Wars at Circle7; Aaron and Fortson; Jon Miller Suit Dilemma


KTVU notes

*If station brass wants to avoid having two key people LEAVE, then they'd better take care of Kristina Rendon and Allie Rasmus--and real quick.

Yeah, Rendon isn't loud and outspoken but she's rather above average and could land a lead-anchor gig elsewhere in the market.

Rasmus has Sacramento ties and has drawn interest from the CBS O and O.

*Meanwhile, Rosemary Orozco is telling her closest friends that she's officially tired of being passed over for the weeknight weather gig, notably 10 PM.

Bill Martin has one foot out the door--is Rosey moving in? Nobody has a clue.

*Speaking of clueless: Julie Haener has station suits in limbo--she's also got one foot out the door and is more immersed with son, Jake's football career but for now, Jules remains on the payroll. All the while, KTVU's 10 PM ratings continue to slip, slide and away.

*ON THE STREETS of SF: that camera crew from NBC Bay Area that attended the Giants/Philly game Monday night either had a mass dinner date or were late for a midnight soiree at the Fairmont because they took off like a bat out of hell from Oracle Park.

*Vicki Liviakis wants to remain at KRON but does KRON want Liviakis?

Vicki clearly has her game and gets more presense by the day. She has emerged as one of KRON's biggest stars and her anchor status is supreme. Why KRON would put her in limbo is ridiculous.

Liviakis, let's be clear, is still stunning-looking, and is a major viewer favorite.

Her $188K salary is a relative bargain.

Get her extended, KRON and right away!

*HAIR WARS at ABC7, (KGO)--Kumasi Aaron and Jobina Fortson mixing and matching their daily doo.

*Jon Miller: I guess a simple suit and tie is outta the question!


  1. Vicki needs to get paid. But the way KRON has marginalized her the past year or so suggests KRON isn't so interested. Her profile at the 5 and the 9 used to be higher...more on par with Lodes. Not anymore.

    As for Orozco, nobody has slotted in above her in over 10 years. The meteorologist pecking order has remained the same for longer than that. So she has not been repeatedly passed over.

    1. I don't know why Rich doesn't use one of his typical lines about Orozco: She's as compelling as a Fresno K-Mart.

  2. I don't watch the news very often, but when I do, I do like seeing Vicki L. (KRON), or Cristina R. (KTVU, for RL: note spelling her 1st name); and Allie R. All three of them are very attractive and verbally present whatever news very well.

    As with any job in any company, do something to take of valued employees if you want to keep them. Employees, always have a handle as to what you're worth and where & what potential employer you might want/need to jump.

  3. "*ON THE STREETS of SF: that camera crew from NBC Bay Area that attended the Giants/Philly game Monday night either had a mass dinner date or were late for a midnight soiree at the Fairmont because they took off like a bat out of hell from Oracle Park."

    Like everyone else in SF, they don't want to get held up/shot. Everyone is getting out of San Francisco as fast as they can, thanks to the "progressive" policies of London Broil, Brooke Jenkins and the Board of Kooky Sups who think thugs deserve hugs.

    1. Absolutely! SF , Chicago, NY, hmmm wonder what they all have in common?

    2. Their replacements are showing up en masse and that they better learn Spanish quickly! Reparations? Que es eso?

  4. Just a reminder that Rosemary has a Harassment Report against her on file at KTVU. One factor to consider.

    Mystery Guest
    Rohnert Park

    1. Mystery Guest... Tell us more please? I've heard about more than one harassment reports she has against her... allegedly.

    2. coldhandswarmheartMay 16, 2023 at 5:17 PM

      Probably something to do with Princess Rosemary's UNANNOUNCED photo shoot using KTVU as backdrop for her OVERPRICED tacky clothing line then getting into it with staff especially Pam Cook!

    3. Sherlock, I’m only aware of one Harassment Report against Rosemary. My source is reputable and trusted.
      Rosemary came in to the station one day with her sleazy photographer friend. This person started making advances and sexual comments to a now former KTVU reporter. This made the reporter very uncomfortable, who went to HR and filed a Harassment Report against Rosemary for bringing the person in. At the time, only the reporter and HR knew of the report.
      A few days later, Rosemary and the former reporter were in the makeup room. Rosemary knew about what happened and approached the reporter, asking what was said to HR, was a report filed, etc..
      This made the reporter very uncomfortable, who said to Rosemary “don’t speak to me anymore.”
      That’s what I know.

  5. Perhaps Vicki Liviakis should check out the possibilities across the hall at KGO.

  6. Vicki needs to put the headlights on display again like that one night. Whoa boy.

    1. Boober to boober traffic on KRON. Vicki you can guide my sleigh any night with those headlights.

    2. Re: ANONYMOUS 5/16 AT 1:32PM and 4:43PM or should I just call you the headlight guys. Vicki is attractive, charismatic and smart. Obviously you have never seen her in person or maybe you just prefer to drive at night with your low beams on.

  7. Vicki works????

  8. Ktvu needs somerville just much he needs them. Their ratings are tanking. They could both just forgive and forget. And bring Ibanez back too. He's far and away the best sports guy in the Bay Area.

    1. Mark is too busy singing bad cover tunes at Julie Haener's parties...

    2. I know mark very well. He is married to an absolute Angel. And it makes my sick that people try and insinuate that there's something going on with Julie. There isn't. Period.

    3. Where there’s Smoke, there’s Fire. Just look at IchiBaƱez’s sh..t-eatin’ grin in his photos with Ms Julie. The dude is ga-ga over J-Ha.

    4. Someville won't do anything for KTVU ratings. They are tanking because their newscasts no longer have any content. It's one PR release story after another, usually about wonderful brown people, mixed with breaking crime stories about murders, car-jackings and assaults, usually done by wonderful brown people. Frank appeared on KRON and didn't move the needle one bit. A giant nothingburger is what he is, except in his own mind, where he's a noble warrior suffering from PTSD because he went to some brown funerals.

  9. Oh and christine and Allie are both great as well.

  10. What about La-Monotone Peters’ Princess Leia hairdos and highlighter eyeshadows matched to her outfits. What’s a girl gotta do to get some love on here!

  11. Allie is fantastic. Rosemary - not so much.

    It would be great to have Ibanez back.

  12. Vicki and Catherine "the Brain" Heenan make a great team.

  13. Hey Rich, how about a story about Cecilia Vega... from the Bay Area and now at 60 Minutes CBS. I just saw her first story about Sperm Whales in the Caribbean. She was wearing a wetsuit and in the water.

  14. Can’t keep a train of thought Bill and just coasting Jules need to get both their feet out the door and let it hit them on the way out! You say “All the while, KTVU's 10 PM ratings continue to slip, slide and away.” Hope you are not losing your creative music interjection touch as where is the corresponding Paul Simon song post: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iUODdPpnxcA

  15. Isn’t Liviakis loaded, married to the founder of the former Fry’s Electronics’ chain? She sure must love her job.

    1. Yes, but Fry's shut down in 2021

  16. still don't get the crush on Rendon. Sure, a plain, pretty latina. But not prime time material.

  17. I also love how Kumasi and Jobina sometimes go from minimal makeup at 5am to full on diva makeup by the time 6 am rolls around. Quite the evolution although they're nice looking women either way. (Note to Kumasi: We can hear you fumbling through your make-up bag when you're not on camera. lol)

    Their hairstyles are always a pleasant surprise. Nice to see we've evolved from the late 70's when donning a different do would get you suspended at a lot of stations including ABC 7. You do you ladies. As Crown Act natural as you wanna be.

    'And if they stare just let them burn their eyes on you moving...And If they shout..Don't let 'em change a thing that you're doing...Hold Your Head Up!!' - Argent

    Also.....'I'm every woman...It's all in me...' - Chaka Khan

    1. So the news has become "The Real"?

  18. Is ratings really that important when people can get the same info online? Welcome to the new world getting news with high technology

  19. Roberta Gonzales is like that wacky Tia known to throw back one too many adult beverages.

    As a bonus, she’s got a nice booty. On the other hand, Rosemary’s backside looks flat as a pancake.

  20. Rich did you see that ktvu has a new TRANSWOMAN field reporter? I saw her for the first time on tonight’s 6pm news.
    Kudos to ktvu for hiring, what I believe is the first on-air transperson at any Bay Area station.

    1. You're forgetting the one on KRON 4
