Sunday, March 5, 2023

KCBS Yet Again Another Early, Crappy Sunday Morning; KPIX Resignation; Dennis O'Donnell Officially Out; Dion Lim Factoid at Circle7; Ashley/Beil Tension; Mark Ibanez Retirement Update; PIX Rumor Still Lurking; Ronn Owens Arizona Update; Sylvia Chase Didn't Need Fashion Upgrade; Most Powerful Sports Broadcast Exec in Bay Area: Bob Sargent; Easy Like Sunday Morning Deli


KCBS had another bad night--stop me if you've heard this before--a punishing rain, wind and sleet with some light snow in the hills. Traffic was a mess resulting in numerous accidents and mayhem on the freeways and roads. A really bad accident in San Jose was a fatal collision, weather related.

And KCBS was REPLAYING a CBS News week--for the THIRD TIME in less than two hours!

So much for the alleged, "Live and Local." Only good news: no Peter Finch and his zany "degrees." Or the Habbas lawyers talkimg about their father.

*The general feeling at KPIX is one of resignation. The reporters are stressed out; Andria Borba got out when she could take no more. Then there's the anchors who carry on despite an ocean's volume of frustration. Lisa White, the ND, is showing why she was passed up, 22 years, at KRON and PIX because White has NO people skills. And Scott Warren, the GM, got off to a good start but is now just shuffling papers and pretending to look busy. Oh, what a hotbed of excitement at 855 Battery.

*New slogan at CBS/SF: "We got VDLC-Syndrome" --named for Veronica De La Cruz.

*Dennis O'Donnell got a fairly significant settlement check from CBS --he's officially OUT at PIX but he's been out in reality for almost two years. He is at home in the East Bay dealing with a personal medical malady.

*Dion Lim doesn't mind being on the backburner at Circle7 because she's getting a handsome salary from ABC to stick around the office in case Dan Ashley splits or, now a possibility, someone else is demoted.

*Mortal enemies: Ashley and Larry Beil. The former can't stand the latter --partly because he knows Beil is a sleazy guy who's ready to swoop in if Ashley swoops out.

*Mark Ibanez told everyone under the moon he wanted to spend more time with the family until he wanted to stay on TV and discuss sports. Ibanez has been on numerous radio and TV shows talkin' sports and Giants/49ers.

*Rumor that won't go away: Ibanez shows up at KPIX, courtesy Warren, who knew Markie Mark when he was a producer at KTVU.

*Any day now, The Firm will tell Joe Fonzi to take a hike and it won't be pretty. Joe is about 96 now and will have to sip coffee at the Danville YMCA in his afterlife.

*For years, Ibanez told confidants that he was so bummed to get booted out by Fox; so pissed, in fact, that he'd not do a farewell address until Fox told him to get his goodie bag, he'd have to do a nice, bye-bye even if it was TOTAL BS.

*Vern Glenn is like the backup QB for a number of NFL teams: eternal employment even if its the #2 gig.

*Ronn Owens is, I'm told, having a tough time of it now in retirement mode in Scottsdale, Arizona.

*The Sara Donchey fashion drama is just that: drama, but fake drama too. Donchey wants us to notice her, fine, some of us do.

Madame Donchey ought to go take some YouTube videos of Sylvia Chase, who never had to flaunt it and was more sexy and beautiful, graceful and classy as all get-go. Chase, who worked at ABC and KRON, (she passed in 2019) was old-school and her best assets were when she anchored behind the desk. She was above any kind of contrived, superficial, artificial shit like naughty wardrobe minutiae.

*MOST POWERFUL person in Bay Area Sports broadcasting: 49ers Director of Broadcasting exec, Bob Sargent. Edgy, vaunted, and consistent too.

*I'M EASY on Sunday morning, are you?


  1. Audacy is trading at 18 cents a share and bankruptcy is imminent, which will cause a management change. Perhaps kcbs will get better after that

  2. You could have a late night nuclear war, and KCBS would be playing reruns, while CNN, Fox, and MSNBC would be playing talking head reruns.

  3. "Sylvia Chase, who never had to flaunt it and was more sexy and beautiful, graceful and classy as all get-go. Chase, who worked at ABC and KRON, (she passed in 2019) was old-school and her best assets were when she anchored behind the desk."
    I worked with Chase back then and that does not sound like her. Good national reporter but a mess as an anchor. She also like the girls.

    1. You’re right. As usual, this space has a ridiculously, revisionist and extreme view of everything. Sylvia was an absolute mess behind the desk as anchor. Good news person but couldn’t get a single paragraph out without stumbling.

    2. Sylvia was pretty good with her psychic predicitons.

    3. Didn't Sylvia marry Larry King? They did have one date together. One date was all it took for Larry.

  4. Sylvia was a good Minnesotan through and through - nothing “showy”

    1. Sylvia Chase did not get good ratings at KRON.

    2. Did anyone before Pete Wilson?

  5. Stress! What a bunch of pussies you news folks are. A real job would probably kill you wussies!

    1. Yes. But not fast enough.

    2. Dear 12:00. You’ve obviously never worked in news. Imagine dealing with 9/11 for hours on end for months. Imagine having to talk about wild fires and school shootings where people have died or lost their homes, and doing that endlessly. Truth is, there is very little ‘good’ news. So yes, it does get stressful. You can now go back to asking the next person if they’d like fries with their order.

  6. After all the Donchey mentions on here I finally tuned in a few days ago for the first time. Not sure what the fuzz is all about. She wore a bright green outfit was standing doing the news but didn’t move the needle for me at all either way. I went to sleep wondering why she gets any attention at all. I guess I’ll have to check back in when she wears more revealing stuff!?

    1. Standing Anchors: KPIX has all its anchors-folk standing now. I don't recall how long KPIX has been doing this but I estimate it was ~2021 ~when Michelle Griego left as I don't remember her standing.

      I haven't seen S. Donchey wearing anything "revealing". I just don't usually care for her attire. I do think she has an attractive face. Some folks criticize her figure, but I think it's ok/good. I do notice various anchors seem to be very overweight, but that's more their business and likely a reflection of society generally.

    2. "She wore a bright green outfit..."

      Her closet seems to be FULL of these. I think her favorite clothing designer is Kermit the Frog.

    3. With respect to the Donkey’s on-air attire, KPIX seems to fully-support the ‘come as you are’ approach. While she pushes the envelope (or at least marches to her own drummer), the comments on this blog are generally favorable with very few taking issue with the Donkey’s unique style of dress.

      If this is the direction local news is headed, then so be it.

      I wonder if there will ever be an outfit that goes too far? A time when KPIX finally has to talk to her. With all of this cold weather, the Donkey’s wardrobe of late has definitely been far less revealing, less clubby, and relatively speaking more ‘conservative.’

      We’ll see how things change when the weather heats up.

  7. Ummm, seems like every time you mention Sara Donchey’s wardrobe selection you get the whole peanut gallery riled up. Nielsen Ratings don’t realize the gallery is only watching to critique. It only knows you’re watching the channel.

  8. I may be the only one but I gotta be honest.... I can't stand Dion Lim. I absolutely fail to see what the appeal of her is. Her half-hearted attempts at banter when she obviously has no idea what she's talking about are sometimes embarrassing. And I still can't let go of "Hello Friends". Ugh....

    1. You’re not the only one that feels this way.

    2. You definitely aren't the only one. Dion is the dictionary definition of fake, phony, and exploitative. But fear not, sooner rather than later she'll wear out her welcome and get shipped thousands of miles away (that's been the story of her career).

  9. I noticed Dion Lim may have a baby bump. Does anyone know if she’s pregnant?

    1. Yes, she posted her pregnancy on social media.

  10. Watching Dion Lim talking to Larry Biel about sports this afternoon was a hoot. Larry was over-pontificating, Dion had that deer in the headlights look with a confused smile on occasion.

    1. You’ll be seeing a lot less if Dion Lim after she has her baby. She’ll disappear like Mary Lee even though Mary didn’t have a baby.

  11. Stressed out reporters!?! Juliette Goodrich is like a one-woman band over there at PIX. Seriously, I see her anchoring during the weeknights while also in the field covering stories on her way in to work it seems. Her own camerawoman too, with her cell phone. There should be a new Emmy category for that. Too busy to be stressed. lol But that is asking a lot from the station it seems.

    Goodrich is a bright spot over there, though. Seasoned professional and very likable. I bet Brian Hackney misses her on weekends. A pairing with Reed Cowan during the week would be a good idea. He's grown on me. Some good reporters over there, too. Betty Yu, Kenny Choi, Da Lin, and Wilson Walker come to mind as I find myself liking their reporting styles. Andrea Borba is definitely missed. A solid one for sure. Hope she's able to pull through whatever she's going through in her own time. And sometimes it takes time.

    I think we're all going through it in some way or another as we recover from what the pandemic has done to many of us emotionally, physically and socially. It's like learning how to walk again while the price of everything goes up, up up!!! (Time for that KQED pledge break. lol)

    Back to life. Back to reality. Sometimes it sucks though. Don't let the you know whats get you down over there CBS 5. Party at 11 in the Donchey Disco!!! Mix it up and keep it fresh!! (I still say bring back Club Eyewitness News...,,,Nightcast. lol)

    1. Eyewitness News was great and that was back when they had decent news even at 11 and not treat it like a disco ball now.

      All points agreed and you also forgot Max Darrow & Devin Fehely. Very personable and deliver the news well. Whenever Max fills in for Devin, he does a great job delivering the news, has a lot of personality and back when Peck was live on weekend mornings (now it’s all replaying weather from the night before), they even had a great interaction. Plus well dressed & handsome.

      I was also gonna say add Kelsi Thorud but she really seems to be “wooden” as far as personality. Not so with Itay Hod or anyone else, really love the stories he covers.

      The only way Brian Hackney can see Goodrich in the same room again is if he filled in for Heggen for weather and that will only happen if Peck works in the morning filling in for Burch & Heggen is out. Otherwise Peck will be in for Heggen; usually mid to late March Heggen will take off for his birthday and Hackney fills in but like this past Holiday week and any other times, Peck would likely be the fill in. Back on the Hackney/Goodrich part, he did come to her show to do earthquake stories when we had one in October and the way he broke it down was by far amazing.

      I love the idea of doing a Cowan/Goodrich lineup. They work very well, generally. Reed is a great anchor and works very well with all his coworkers and anyone he interviews he does a great job. He often asks tough questions and one thing I like what he really asks is if there is really an answer or do we know the answer…And of course nobody knows in these crises but his news makes it feel as if I am in an English class rather than a newscast and what he covers is very valuable and important often times.

      If I was managing KPIX, I would put Donchey on weekend mornings, Betty Yu & Da Lin on weekend evenings (5, 6, and 11). For weeknights, Reed & Juliette at 6 & 7, Devin Fehely & Brian Hackney at 11PM, Andrea at 3PM if if works for her. Ryan & Liz and the weekday morning team unchanged.

  12. I enjoyed Mark Ibanez and his long time run with former 49er Bubba Paris on The Point After show on KTVU. It rivaled and was actually better than the KPIX version which focused on the Raiders. Maybe there's room for him and Vern to host together now at CBS 5. Perhaps from the Ibanez Vinyl Room which I also enjoyed. (Hey, we have the same music tastes. lol)

    But seriously. It's tough getting older in the media biz. Kinda don't like the way they just shuffled sports out of rotation almost completely over there at FOX 2. Some of us remember when KTVU was the flag station for the San Francisco Giants. Everything must change, I guess. In this case not necessarily for the better over there.

    Mark still has his wits about him. Give him one more round at PIX. He'll be like the Tom Brady of local sportscasters. Retirement is overrated, btw. (If you're getting paid well and enjoy what you do.)

  13. Donchey, "an attractive face?" She looks like a Roberta Gonzales in training./

  14. Dion confirmed on social media she is expecting..
    I still wonder why KTVU is the only local station still allowing anchors to report from home?? Specifically the weather anchor who lives only a few miles away…

    1. Does it really matter where a person works from? I wanna punch every "Karen" or "Joe Public" who's angry that some workers--especially those in government, or in high-paying jobs--get to work from home....but Karen & Joe have to commute one hour each way to their crappy jobs.

    2. Be thankful folks are working from home, at least they aren’t out there clogging traffic! And since they can work from ANYWHERE, pay them the wages typical of those working in Arkansas. They can work from home there !! That’s WIN-WIN !!

  15. If our local clickbait rag otherwise known as SF Gate is looking for a new Burrito Editor, they need not look any further than KTVU’s Greg Lee.

    It looks like he’s tried every burrito in the Bay Area…this weekend.

    1. Greg Lee worked this weekend and yeah he has definitely packed on the pounds. If not burittos, he's certainly become a familiar face at his local McDonald's drive-thru.

      It made me wonder if anchors have clauses in their contracts that allow stations to can them if they alter their appearance too much, whether it be weight gain, hair style, etc.

  16. Sorry. If your staying up at 11 to watch S.D. It's because it's your appointed fapping time with your female illusion. Jesus! Fork out a few bucks for something that looks like her, get the "real thing" and complete the fantasy.

    1. Just loved SD's last weeks black leather pants with the hundreds of metal studs...........................PS...Betty Yu, go home some time...Rest...

  17. Now VDLC is out of Bay Area, it is finally time to stronger comment on this reporter. She is such a big liar using personal issues and illness as an excuse not showing up for work. Same time, she was pregnant with whoever child with no serious relationship using a new life and family for her son. We all know she is a single mom with no partner boyfriend or husband and the father of the child fled while she confronted him, she try to get all attention as a single mom using her experience on MSNBC. She started this BS on KPIX and expect more of this BS with reporters never show up with real or fake excuses and still get paid. I don’t see why any station still want to hire VDLC unless there is a Matt Lauer office affair to get her the position. Glad she is out of Bay Area and working for another station after failing to survive the first one

  18. *Mark Ibanez told everyone under the moon he wanted to spend more time with the family until he wanted to stay on TV and discuss sports. Ibanez has been on numerous radio and TV shows talkin' sports and Giants/49ers.

    Yea, not day and night.

  19. Fonzi was much better than Ibanez and his cheesy patter. A real reporter vs. a smarmy anchor.

  20. " I'm retiring to spend more time with my family" ranks up there with the most meaningless of quotes. I figured Mark Ibanez has had his eye on KPIX for a while. I hate to say it but I've never been a big fan of his. My dad used to say "he smiles too much." KTVU has never really had the equal of Gary Park. And Sylvia Chase -- pick her deskmate, Paul Udell, Jim Paymar, Bob Jimenez -- she was the anchor's anchor. that was one hell of an elegant anchor duo.

  21. Lim is magnificent. Very classy lady. I love her.
