Monday, March 6, 2023

Dumbing Down at KPIX; Donchey-Yamamoto Contrived Drama; Julie Haener Absence (Again) at KTVU Only Nobody Cares; Dan Ashley/Cheryl Jennings Symmetry; Reggie Aqui Destroys Circle7 Heritage; Daetz Status Murky?; The "Gaas" and Wong at KTVU Badda Bingo; Pam Moore Plays Her Card Well; KRON/Nexstar Waits; The Monday Mundane

WHEN YOU YEARN for acceptance and FAIL MISERABLY the conventional method, you then resort to artificial means and forced "look-at me's." Which is what you're watching, the few of you, on KPIX, (CBS News/Bay Area) when you watch PIX's late news, yes, Sara Donchey.

And you too, Ryan Yamamoto.

Donchey, if she just tried to make it real and didn't force her short skirts and flashy blouses on viewers, can actually read the teleprompter and is an above-average anchor. She's good, maybe a bit too LA for some, but she's solid. She has intelligence and she obviously knows her craft which makes the other stuff all the more contrived and forced. With PIX's blessing, she's turned 11 PM into a quasi-SNL skit. Too bad because here's a chance for innovation and exploring new concepts on a newscast. PIX and Donchey chose the cheap route with sex appeal and raw images only it's built on a false premise. Donchey, were she to just do her job and let the other ingrediants blend in, would be fine and dandy. She could, and by extension,KPIX's 11 cast could develop buzz and word of mouth. Make waves without fake elements and unnecessary drama. But instead, we have a freak show at 11 and the only people that watch the news are a bunch of horny male truck drivers from Milpitas who chug Mountain Dew.

Yamamoto doesn't do the 11, which is his only saving grace. Instead he's fumbling and bumbling earlier, either with Liz Cook, or his solo self or an occasional duo with Donchey. He's a zero presence, no matter what. A truly awful, LOUSY anchor with all the substance of a Daly City McDonalds. Yamamoto doesn't excite nor inspire; he's like a week-old donut that you shlep out of the fridge on an early morn after an all-night bender. There's NO there, there.

PIX suits have doubled down with this nothing, apparently feeling as if we see/listen more of him and his terrible voice, we'll accept him.

We won't.

Thus, you have the current crap festival that you have at 855 Battery, a house of horrors with spam masquerading as prime rib.

*The worst thing about yet another, time off (a week), involving KTVU's Julie Haener: nobody at the station seemed to care or notice. In fact, the ratings were up. Haener doesn't care anymore either. She's more immersed in her son's football career and the social scene in Danville.

*When Dan Ashley had a lunch not so long ago with Circle7 retired anchor, Cheryl Jennings, you didn't know Jenning's ex, Duffy Jennings, joked to Dano, "go ahead, make my day." Interpret that as you want but use your, uh, imagination.

*Ashley: still on old deal, advantage, Disney. (Maybe).

*Speaking of 900 Front, the feeling inside KGO: Ama Daetz might be on the outside looking in. Nothing is official but she might prefer a change of scenery.

*ADD KGO: Reggie Aqui, any other place would have lobbed your tuchus out the door many moons ago. And people inside ABC7/SF know it. You DISGRACED the logo and the heritage. You're there only because Disney regards you as an element to its SF brand, (Yawn!)-- That's it. And most of your morning enablers can't stand you, Reg. Every day you read the news, in between your mass IDIOCY, is an INJUSTICE to the Bay Area and ABC7 rep, you are truly an EMBARRASSMENT.

*KTVU's gruesome twosome: Gasia Mikaelian and Pam Cook. Or as a morning, (woman) sage told me, "Beauty and The Beast."

*Gaas and Claudine Wong have begun a new alliance at Channel 2: "The First Wife's club."

*AN INTERESTING MONDAY TIDBIT...a prominent lunchtime duo recently schmoozed at Original Joe's--the two work at KRON and were lamenting the awkward status of Pam Moore, who's either about to split, retire or just plain leave. Moore was one of the lunch patrons and she's leaving KRON in the dark. That might be her intention, take that, Nexstar.


  1. “Beauty and the Beast” (otherwise known as Beauty and the Broomhilda)

    Rich, thanks for always keeping it real and sharing what most of us who watch these dummies are already thinking!

    1. Gasia is a 100% MILF. As a middle aged guy, she is doable.

  2. Julie Haener still works there?

    1. Occasionally.

    2. Apparently, though you'd never know it by watching KTVU.

  3. "Haener doesn't care anymore either. She's more immersed in her son's football career and the social scene in Danville."

    When the ND and owners don't care anymore either, and would happily put the test pattern on 24/7 if they could, you can't really blame her. KTVU stopped having a newsroom about ten years ago. Now it's just unpaid PR for Oakland and SF city leaders pushing their woke agendas that are driving residents away.

    1. Exactly right!

    2. 100 thumbs up on this comment.

    3. What in hell does “woke” mean? It appears to be the child’s word of the week. It has ZERO meaning other than “not sleeping”. I wish these idiotic politicians would quit using a word that has so little relevance to reality.

    4. This is literally why my wife and I are making a deposit on a house in New Hampshire as I write this, and will be leaving here in June. Bye-bye wacky Bay Area idiots, who think what you do when someone carjacks you is hug him and talk about the inequitites because of 1619.

    5. Live Free or Die. Constitutional carry. Good for you!

    6. "What in hell does 'woke' mean?"

      It was created by young people who believe they are more self-aware of all the indignities of modern American life than the rest of us awful white people. Here's more information about the word if you're interested, information you easily could have found yourself.

    7. ‘What does woke mean?’ It’s another word certain people have coined for black and brown folks. And also represents white fear of changing demographics. Speaking in ‘Beauty And The Beast’ terms, it’s a ‘tale as old as time’ in America, really.

      ‘People moving out. People moving in. Why? Because of the color of their skin…Run…run…run…But you sure can’t hide’. -The Temptations

      Ball Of Confusion…Sums up this country in a nutshell, sadly. I’d rather be ‘woke’ than ‘asleep and angry’ because the world no longer revolves around one’s centuries of privilege.

    8. "I’d rather be ‘woke’ than ‘asleep and angry’ because the world no longer revolves around one’s centuries of privilege."

      Not at all why people are leaving the Bay Area or why they are angry at the woke crowd, but thanks for the misdirect. It's what people do when they have no real argument, misdirect.

    9. "I wish these idiotic politicians would quit using a word that has so little relevance to reality."

      I've never heard a politician use it. Only woke people themselves, as they suck vape into their lungs and admire their latest piercing or tattoo.

    10. Like you 5:45.

    11. 4:06 Don't let any doors hit your White KKKonservative KKKristian republiKKKan asses when you leave.

  4. Pam Moore is a class act and KRON is lucky to have her.

    1. Amén. She’s total class act.

    2. Amen doesn't have an accent. It's not pronounced AH-men. It's Ah-MEN. And how do you know Pam is classy? Do you know her personally? You see her sit there and read words other people write, just like all the other anchors do.

  5. God, who cares about Ashley and his effing contract? He's just another talking gray head. He can be replaced easier than the cleaning lady.

  6. what's with that strange photo of Ryan Yamamotito looking like Mr. Cool Dude? The guy is the biggest nerd on tv!

    1. Both Yamamoto & Sara Donchey are San Francisco State alums. 🎓🐊 The photo was taken at their campus.

    2. Ryan is a turd that needs to be flushed before he stinks up the place and Sara is just Douchey

    3. Hey Sommerville, there's a job opening. Part-time jaintor. BYOMop

  7. Easy Richie Pam will kick your ass!

    1. Right after Kristen Sze gives him a can of whoop ass.

  8. Who is the beauty and who is the beast?

  9. Now I know you aren't watching Donchey because she almost never wears short skirts...

    1. She hasn't been wearing short skirts lately (cold weather/winter) but when the weather was nice and the temps were up she looked she was auditioning for Girls Gone Wild or the Naked News.

    2. "...when the weather was nice and the temps were up she looked she was auditioning for Girls Gone Wild or the Naked News."

      Can't wait for summer then!

      But she wasn't around KPIX last summer, so I don't know how you know this.

    3. 4:03, yes, she was … she started last spring :) oh, and before joining KPIX she was at the cbs station in LA - her short collection was legendary :)


    4. @5:46 PM, ok asswipe. You still didn’t answer my question. Now tell me how you know about her ‘warm weather’ wardrobe when she wasn’t here last summer.

    5. Last couple of newscasts... Sara Donchey was wearing some questionable outfits like she got back from a rave party. But she step it up on Monday newscast. Red top and leather black skirt & heels. 💯🙌

  10. How dare you disparage Duffy!

  11. There's a commercial over on Instagram that shows the entire KPIX anchor team celebrating March Madness (always a ratings boon for local affiliates) complete with basketballs and foam fingers in hand. Lead by Juliette Goodrich with ball and hat and also featuring Ryan Yamamoto. I was pleasantly surprised to see all of them actually let their personalities out to play for this shoot. Including Yamamoto. Now some of them need to bring that same energy and zest for life (even if they were just faking it) to the newsroom on a nightly basis (Goodrich is excluded).

    As for Reggie Aqui...He's not everyone's cup of tea...But he also has thousands of followers on Instagram as well who comment on how much they enjoy him and the style of news ABC 7 produces in the mornings. I personally find their seriousness mixed with irreverence and their ability to make me laugh with small talk (Kumasi, Jobina, Reggie and Drew) a pleasant way to walk out of the door in the mornings with a smile. each his own. Certainly much more lively than 'Beauty and The Beast' with Sal still driving both daisies over at KTVU. And Reggie and Kumasi can actually sing the Beauty and the Beast theme song as well with Dan Ashley's band playing backup over at Circle 7. lol

    What Is Hip?? (Shout out to Tower Of Power.) All these news stations and anchors to choose from prove that there are different personalities for everyone in the bay area and streaming online to choose from. Generally, if I'm not feeling an anchor I just change the channel. (Paging Fox News At Ten...Mike Mibach, is that u?)

    1. "And Reggie and Kumasi can actually sing the Beauty and the Beast theme song as well with Dan Ashley's band playing backup over at Circle 7."

      DON'T. You'll encourage them.

    2. HAHA at the PIX promo. KTVU’s Mornings on 2 promo with them playing Pictionary is the most fakest promo showing how much fun they have telling us to tune in for the fun every morning from 4-10am. In reality, it’s all stale and robotic Andre and Gasia reading the news with zero personality and chemistry.

    3. I thought I was the only one who noticed that Pictionary BS commercial. Just because you have Chris O’Donnell in studio, you better take notes from Good Day DC or Good Day LA if you want to stick up to the hype! Better get Eikel’s permission first…..KGO may not be my cup of tea in the morning but I’ll tune in here and there, NBC is my go to, but that promo of them in the mornings and snippets of the highlights of their banters and newscasts shows how real they can be with Reggie throwing up the peace sign at the end.

    4. Singing "Beauty and the Beast" song; wasn't that back when Natasha Zouves was working at KGO-TV w/Reggie A.? As I recall, Natasha Z. sang very well, but just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

      BTW, I've seen Zouves on NewsNation a few times (she's usually on the weekend broadcasts/streams/cable, whatever that type of tv is called nowadays, and I've found her very good with anchoring & interviews; although I imagine the questions to the guests were pre-asked, as the answers seem to come immediately).

      Despite the injury from slipping on some type of hair product at the station, I think the Bay Area local news lost a good anchor/personality.

  12. Sara Donchey never moved the needle in LA either. She was there about 5 minutes and I'd bet if you asked most Angelenos, they'd have no idea that she was ever an anchor there.

    1. She thinks (or someone thinks) her banter is witty. I agree—I just can't tell if it's nit-witty, dim-witty or half-witty.

    2. But seems like she’s made her name known in the Bay Area.

    3. "But seems like she’s made her name known in the Bay Area. "

      She has. Walk down the street one day and ask everyone you bump into who she is. I'll be shocked if one person in 1,000 knows.

    4. "She has. Walk down the street..."

      Sorry, that should have been "She has?" with a question mark. Because she hasn't. The dummies in the suits don't realize the only thing that will bring back TV news relevance is better reporting and LESS BIASED REPORTING. Stop pulling stories from press releases and file video. Go out and really INVESTIGATE stories. That's the only way. Changing your anchors/reporters/sets/music/graphics/number of weather screens won't do it. If you can't afford to do real reporting and keep the lights on (which you can't if the people at the top still want their 40-percent-before-taxes profits) then just shut the news departments down and show Mad About You reruns.

    5. Sara is my favorite female anchor in local news. I don’t get all the negativity.

    6. "Press release news programming"

      In fairness, I don't watch KPIX very often, but your comment applies perfectly to KTVU. They've essentially thrown in the towel on any attempts at real journalist. Now for the most part they just sit around and wait for press releases to cross the wire and dispatch any warm body to cover it.

      This is why you see a lot of garden variety police, fire, and medical stories. Not that these stories aren't tragic to those they affect, but the entirety of the Bay Area doesn't need to see a five minute story about a two-alarm house fire in Saratoga or a tree that fell on a house in Concord or a car crash in Pleasanton that shut down a lane of traffic for an hour.

      And then there are the truly pathetic 'press release' stories. Local businesses, 'influencers,' event organizers, etc will tag KTVU on social media posts or send emails in an attempt to get coverage for whatever they've got going on. This is why KTVU runs an exorbitant number of stories about stores having sales, stores going out of business, a new tacqueria opening, influencers taking road trip etc.

    7. Ktvu used to be a leader. But after letting both somerville and Ibanez go they’ve gone straight downhill. Yes somerville had demons. But the station also made him a total scapegoat. Using the gabby petito story and his salery to fire him. No wonder they paid him a huge settlement which he isn’t allowed to talk about. Ktvu would still be number one if they kept both somerville and Ibanez. But let’s be honest. The gm and news director are both scared of their own shadow. The last thing they want are two people with ten times the news expertise either of them have. It’s just sad. Ktvu will never be a dominant number one again.

  13. KTVU should just run infomercials 24x7

    1. Ron Harris 80's Aerobicise videos. Better than that stupid Yule log?

  14. Reggie reminds me of seeing Torrez at Steamworks. There’s a story.

  15. Sara is young and she can wear a short skirt and look classy. I like her.

    1. Is Reggie wearing skirts now? I do not know and I do not care. In fact, I could not identify Reggie if he were in a Police Line Up of One. That should tell you something about his Screen presence - he is damned near invisible.

    2. Not sure if Reggie wears skirts at work but he is very open about what he does and how he dresses outside of work. Peruse his social medias and your questions will be answered.

    3. Reggie has posted a number of photos of himself dressed in drag and has also done several Instagram and Facebook live videos of himself wearing full women’s attire from head to toe.
      In a few of them, he was at events where he was joined by some of his abc7 colleagues (they weren’t in drag, but were there to support him)

  16. When is Fonzi gone? He has been consistently good.

    1. I answered that question for you but Rich is too chicken shit to put it up here.

  17. Sara Donchey .....
    2023's. Kelly Bundy

  18. Donchey looks and sounds like an airhead in that Colbert promo.

    1. I know right?

    2. Donchey is a babe! Dark hair, sultry eyes, nice legs and sex appeal works for the 25-54 demographic.

  19. I seem to have read that Sara Donchey was the editorial cartoonist for the San Francisco State daily newspaper. Does that make her almost as much SF as LA?

  20. Sara Donchey wore a leather miniskirt and a red top tonight for the 11:00 news. She’s gorgeous!

  21. Cheryl is living in Vegas these days

    Don Sanchez on the beach in Florida near family

  22. Gasia is built like a Goal Line Defense - STACKED

  23. Re: Short Skirts and dressing sexy
    Have you ever seen Christina Pascucci, now at Fox11 LA... but formerly at KTLA?
    Or how about Marla Tellez?

  24. Sara wore this ugly kelly green blazer and pants combination on Tuesday night. She should stand next to the green screen and she'd be practically invisible. She needs a fashion advisor!

  25. Looks like there’s a lot of people watching Sara Donchey. The haters are really Sara Donchey lovers.

    She thanks every viewer for helping her ratings.

    1. Your comment follows zero logic lol

    2. Sara Donchey and Audrey Asistio are two of the most very attractive anchors in the Bay Area. Vicki Liviakis, Elizabeth Cook, Heather Holmes, Janelle Wang are also attractive. Sex appeal matters, IMHO.

    3. 6:11. He is being sarcastic. ;)

  26. Sara Donchey should wear a miniskirt, tight top and high heels every day. The haters don’t appreciate her sexiness and news acumen, but I do! Go Sara!

    1. The haters watch her religiously to criticize her outfits. They’re helping her ratings. Talk about fools.

  27. Attractive Bay Area TV reporters: Also Kristen Sze, Gasia, Julie Haener, Juliette Goodrich
