Saturday, January 21, 2023

Yeah, I Really, Really Like New KRON Sports Anchor Erin Wilson --Imagine That

YES, I had a mighty positiver opinion of new KRON sports anchor, Erin Wilson, and yes I really like her a lot.

You all have issues? Sue me.

The thing I like the most: she's cool, real, genuine and enthusiastic and a breath of fresh air in a market that could use some of that. I'm not the only one who feels this way, but whatevetr.

And another thing and let's not BS around: yeah, she's gorgeous and stunning, yeah, that's right, I said it but more than beauty, she has brains and a sense of humor, as I've seen in her short stay here. What, am I to be ripped because I stated the obvious? Then go ahead, enjoy.

I'm delighted KRON brought Memphis-bred Ms. Wilson to the Bay Area. My only worry is she'll be scooped up soon by LA and/or Philly/Chicago.


  1. That gives KRON 4 Sports Anchors..............jf

    1. They have three sports anchors - Jason Dumas, Kate Rooney and now Erin Wilson. Kylen Mills left a while ago.

  2. Eh...above average but she's no Robin Winston.

    1. Oh please, robin is a crap disturber, give me a break, stirring up poo poo in la la land probably...

  3. She'll be gone soon. No-one tunes into the news for sports.

  4. Replies
    1. why don't you follow the crap disturber to la la land?

  5. The elephant in the room is that Rich likes her because she's black.

  6. I like her too. A very bright future. Im not worried about LA or NYC. Im worried about her being wooed by ESPN, FOX or CBS sports...

  7. Beats watching the narcissistic overrated Fatnich. He hasn't been around for a bit (hooray) but the stench is still hard to remove, even though we've left him outside to air out for many years.

  8. Darya is not happy. She sees another Robin to compete with.

  9. You're a regular Phil Dunphy.

  10. Ditch Dumas. Dude doesn’t even try

  11. Hopefully they'll next get rid of Jason Dumbass.

  12. Poor Gary, she was 3rd wife material for sure

  13. Erin is a gorgeous, sports savvy addition to the KRON team, but her stay is likely to be short-lived as she'll surely be wooed by larger markets.

  14. She's terrible!!! she couldn't even pronounce "groin" injury. kept (3x) calling it "growing injury. She lazily follow along with the highlights, often stating something didn't happen in the video. do i believe her or my eyes?
