Friday, January 20, 2023

Shit Hits Fan at KTVU as Julie Haener's Missing on Chinese New Year Parade Promos; Fox 86ing Sports from Newscasts Any Day; Gary Radnich is Dating Again; KPIX Botches O'Donnell Status; Sara Donchey Can Club All She Wants; Clown Reggie Aqui Carnival Actor; Friday Deli


All hell broke loose at KTVU, at least from an ego standpoint.

Turns out Julie Haener was royally PISSED that she wasn't in the promos for this year's Chinese New Years Parade--she's co-hosted for over 20 years with Ben Fong-Torres.

Which begs the question: is Haener still on board to do the gig in a few wekks? She's ANGRY no matter what. And KTVU brass has a lot of "mum's the word" on their plate.

My guess: KTVU will go about its biz and Haener will have a reduced role --maybe an indicator of how they view their diminishing star.

*ANY DAY NOW, KTVU, as part of the Fox directive, will do away with local sports broadcasts. I'm surprised it hasn't taken place sooner.

Fox has been signaling this for years now as a means to save money and shed unnecessary costs. Nobody watches sports on local news anymore. Gary Radnich said it for years and he's right on that one.

*Speaking of RADDY, he's still out and about--oh, and dating again. Appears Alicia, his wife, knows the story --doesn't everyone? Raddy is not slowing down even though he's hitting 73 in a few weeks.

*I miss Raddy's radio show on KNBR --he now and then moved the needle even if his shtick was a borderline 4th-tier Vegas lounge act at the old Hilton Hotel. Paging Jackie Mason.

*I UNDERSTAND, to a degree, KPIX's silence on the situation involving Dennis O'Donnell. The legal crap is a lot of load and I get it. But when your major-market #1 sports anchor DISAPPEARS for almost 2 years and you say NOTHING to your viewers? SF, we have a problem.

CBS Bay Area, has mismanaged this from day one and then some. Maybe, in addition to the new disco music at 11, they should have an on-set shrink.

*If Sara Donchey wants to dress like she's partying at an after-hours club on the 11, more power to her. She is, may I remind you, LA-oriented and you gotta feed the family. If Donchey wore any more higher heels on the show, she could probably dunk a basketball over Draymond Green.

*Reggie Aqui, clown leader at Circle7 in the morning has been sending out resumes here and LA --acknowledging the fact he's a total farce and knows his act has worn thin at ABC7. If everyone at 900 Front knoiws it, you all should know it too.

Maybe Aqui should join the carnival, he'd be just peachy.

"Building a Better Bay Area?" How poignant.


  1. What's with red face Radnich, is he a distant cousin of Elizabeth Warren?

    1. Nothing like a racist trope perpetrating a stereotype of Native Americans.
      (Elizabeth Warren was widely mocked for claiming she is Native American. The red face comment appears to be a reference to that)

    2. Nothing like humorless Karens.

    3. 11:27 Elizabeth Warren is one of a small group of mostly white Americans who trace their ancestry back ten generations to Jamestown,Va. Jamestown was the first colonized area to develop an American legal system. Pocahantas also lived there and reproduced with a white guy. Intermarriage and reproduction was the reality. Like Elizabeth Warren, I too have a scintilla of such genetic input. I'd never try to use it to get a scholarship, but the pocahantas/white settlor.realities are not in dispute.

    4. @5:38 sure kid sure.

    5. 2:04, you took the words right out of my mouth.

  2. Your curious attempts to imply that a broadcasting company should reveal the details of an employee's health condition are grotesque.

  3. Yeah, it was abundantly clear ktvu gave up on local sports when they threw Ibanez out with the trash and commanded Greg Lee, Greg Liggins, Jesse Gary to do sports. That tells you everything you need to know about their "commitment" to sports.

    As far as Julie Haener, she seems to be going through the motions at this point, so I agree her diminished role at the parade is no coincidence. She brings zero energy or passion to the newscast. None. It's clear she doesn't care about what she reads off the teleprompter.

    Say what you want about other stations, but at least many other anchors actually show personality and liveliness.

    1. I'd wonder if Julie H. would even show up to work the parade or, just as likely, take a leave, and a day or two off to do whatever.

    2. 3:29, You make a very good point. We can’t even be sure she would actually show up to the parade since half the time she doesn’t even show up to work anyway.
      Last year was absolutely out of control, and it was only because Rich, through this blog and his influence, was able to put enough pressure on Haener that she started showing up to work again.
      It’s only a matter of time before she starts up again.

  4. I've noticed the same with the Donkey's outfits. I'm wondering at what point kpix would draw the line? I know it's subjective but there has to be a line she would cross where her outfit choice would be a bit too much for tv.

    1. More misogynistic drivel. Would you say the same about a male anchor?
      Sara Donchey can wear whatever she likes. Turn the station if you don’t like it.

    2. Misogynistic? You're funny.
      Re-read what I wrote. I asked where KPIX would draw a line. And, yes, I'd ask the exact same question about a male anchor if they were known for being 'fashion forward' and dressing in a way different from their peers.

    3. It's somewhat entertaining to see what Sara D. is wearing, especially since KPIX uses the full, head-to-toe, method of framing its on-air folks. I've only tuned in a few times, but I've only noticed Sara D. wearing athletic shoes and not any high-heeled dress-up shoes. I admit, I don't tune into the KPIX 11 pm newscast too often. I'd rather catch a 9 pm or 10 pm newscast and go to sleep by 11 pm.

  5. Awww, poor baby didn’t get her way. Does Haener ever stop complaining? Seems like she’s always moaning and groaning about something.

  6. I like their outfits. donchey tends to be on the more goth side but Goodrich has a style she is running with for those legs of hers .
    Both competent journalists so more power to them and to The higher ups !

  7. I hope Reggie Aqui is not really sending out resumes to other markets. I'd hate to see him leave the Bay Area. He is one of the reasons I watch KGO-TV each morning. He's a good and competent anchor and brings a fun personality to the gig when needed.

    1. I find ABC 7 Morning News at 5 and 6 quite entertaining with Reggie, Kumasi, Jobina and Drew. Although 6 am newscast is pretty much a Denny's rehash of what they reported on at 5.

      ABC 7 does seem to have a penchant for refrying the same stories from the evening before if you watch a lot of their different broadcasts. I mean they could at least switch it up with some other stories we may not have seen. Or put us early risers back into snooze mode with a pre-packaged story from Phil Matier. lol (Just Kidding...luv ya' Phil. His reporting on the Tenderloin renovations recently was quite informative and hopeful.)

      Nonetheless, their morning crew make me laugh with their side banter that make these otherwise dreary and repetitive news stories somewhat palatable. Certainly better than the revolving am anchors at KPIX or any of the other morning crews that are about as exciting as a lieutenant doing the weather in full uniform. All that's missing form ABC 7 is a DJ.

      ABC 7 kinda remind me of the KTLA Morning news back in the 90's when I lived in L.A. Barbra Beck, Carlos Amezqua, Mark Kriski and Sam Rubin (who's STILL there...btw). They delivered the days top stories with a palpable dose of irreverence which made leaving the house slightly more enjoyable with a smile on my face.

      And like him or not Reggie does have an engaging personality. He's probably sending out resumés to evaluate his market worth for future contract negotiations with the mouse network after looking at the stalemate currently happening with Dan Ashley. If things don't work out Reggie definitely has a back-up plan as head of public relations for Disneyland, one of his favorite hot spots. From Building A Better Bay Area to Mouse House...The Re-mixes. A Whole New

    2. Same. KGO shows they all get along in the mornings with all their personalities and when one is missing you can tell the vibe is just off. I mean it took a while for Sue Hall and Lisa Argen to loosen up. Seeing Lisa throwing her arms up in circles dancing on the desk on the 7am stream a few months back got me rolling.

  8. Channel 5 newscast will always be known as "Eyewitness News" as they were called for many moons.

    Since you mentioned Deli, now I need to head down the street to our local deli and get a good ham and cheese sammich!

    1. More like 'Eye-WITLESS News' these days, amirite? Heh 🤣

  9. Re Bloated Gary, nobody cares!

    1. C'mon, I taught Gary everything he knows...

  10. Gary's wife is "okay" with it as long as she has that charge card that let's her live in a world of nice cars , nice clothes, and nice pool boys perhaps.

    As for Sara Donchey, I don't think she dresses like an LA party girl. I think any self-respecting club would kick anyone out who wore Kermit green and Sunkist orange flair pants and tops. She has no fashion sense whatsoever.

    1. It's to bad the "Hookers Ball" is no longer, she'd be a star.

  11. I'm a casual viewer but the few times I landed on KPIX (5) I was shocked at how classless Donkey presents herself. It's really jarring what's happening on that channel. It looks like Donkey raided forever 21.

    1. So 3:28, what "class" do you belong to?

    2. Very classless. There's a time and place for every outfit. Donkey need to learn that there are situations that call for work apparel and situations that don't. It's about presentation. It's also about commanding respect and earning trust.
      So it's not about whether you like or dislike her style. I actually like a lot of what she wears but also recognize that it doesn't appear to be nightly news apparel. Like one of the commenters said above, where would the line be drawn. How short would the skirt have to be? How many rips would the pants need to have? How see-through would the dress need to be? What if she died her hair purple and orange?
      Trolls aside, I'm sure some would love it but many more would find it inappropriate.

    3. Agreed here. The clothing is appropriate. You know one other problem about her? After Peck showed up 1 evening just to present information of the recent storms & drought impacts, she called him Darren Downer. Peck really almost laughed and got shocked. Don’t think Peck can handle Donchey’s bs talk at times and would rather digress the conversation to weather. Heggen is putting up with it somehow. Sports anchors, eh no no

  12. BFT already posted that he and Julie would not be covering the parade. Seems KTVU ( FOX) will either go minor league or not cover it at all

    1. You'll know they've officially thrown in the towel if they send Jesse Gary and LaMoonica Peters to cover it. Two people who haven't smiled in several years.

    2. I was trying to find out why Fong-Torres was hanging up the old firecracker string after so many years. Where did he post this?

  13. no noory show locally-they dont want ''ufo'' info going to wacky bay area ''conspiracy'' culture dating backj to ferlinghetti ''beatnik'' crazies ? cumulus and cia want to hide from bay area imagineers?

  14. Fox promotes sports like the 49ers and Cowboys game this weekend on their network during KTVU newscasts. However, evidently per your insight, they want no local station sports anchors nor probably local post game coverage in the future. They pay the NFL a lot to get games on their network yet they want their non-sports anchors to deliver a summary of local sports teams like the 49ers and Warriors on local news Some of us like a recap, highlights, and insight by actual sports followers or at least good imitators. Time to switch stations from KTVU for this and many other reasons. Keep showing looney weather reports many times an hour with ridiculous “teases” in between and pull the plug on something many of us enjoy in a 5-10 minute segment each night. Good luck with your ratings on local news then.

  15. Does anyone else find it odd that the Lunar New Year parade isn’t hosted by folks living in the neighborhood?
    Further, the NFL teams are primarily composed of African-Americans. Why are most of the NFL TV/Radio folks White guys? The Rooney rule should be applied to those occupations too. I know it won’t because the NFL deal is between team owners and the NFL Players Assn. But as I listen to Donte Whitner, I wonder why he isn’t on an NFL TV broadcast.
    I could not care less about what Troy Aikman has to say, but I would tune in to hear what Ronnie Lott, Jerry Rice, Keena Turner, Tim Brown, had to say.
    Jim Plunkett belongs in the NFL HOF. Like Tom Flores, his football knowledge is off the charts !!

  16. Sara Donchey should be a reporter for Naked News, online new source. She looks like a reporter from a SF club with tattoos, maybe summer time she will show her tattoo on air

    1. Naked News!!! LOL!!!
      You’re right though

  17. It's only a matter of time before Starrantino and the LT start dressing like some tacky party girls. They won't be able to handle all the attention the Donkey gets.

    1. Then again who watches them in the mornings. They try to act like the cool kids with all this standing and cat walking across the studio. They might as well get rid of the anchor desk since you only see them sit there for the Morning Mix. Ending the newscast all squeezed together at the weather center desk is just tacky. I don’t know why they got rid of their couch set.

    2. 6:05, you forgot to mention all the bizarre and dramatic hand and arm gestures Starrantino does each time she opens her mouth. It looks so dumb and amateurish.
      And the LT with her mumbling is giving Bill Martin a run for his money.

  18. Reggie has an agent who gets paid around 10% of Reggie's pay to market and represent him. The agent gets paid to lick the envelope and the stamp that contains that resume. We don't want Reggie suffering from a paper cut, or stamp-glue poisoning.

    And about PIX...
    I like the younger and fresher look at PIX now. My wife allows me to watch Sara, The Lt. and Amanda (Aka FFL) as long as there are no "defined" nipples on camera.

  19. Haener will turn into the “Amy G” of ktvu if she continues to keep hanging on. Diminished role, chronic complainer, bitter, dramatic, and still around only because they’re contractually obligated to keep her on the books. They’ll use her as little as possible or only as needed, just like the Giants use Amy G.
    She should leave on her own terms before she gets shown the door unceremoniously like everyone else at The Firm.

  20. I like Donchey. She’s cool, fresh, and young. She’s awesome.

    1. Team Donchey. She has a confidence and reads the lines straight. "LA" would be flighty...she is not the typical LA vibe.

    2. KPIX had nothing to lose. they were in last place so try something different. Its not for everyone but Donchey has gotten people talking

  21. It cracks me up how worked up people get over Donchey‘s wardrobe choices. They must be jealous Karens. I’m a straight male so seeing a beautiful woman in a form-fitting flattering dress and high heels each night on tv is perfectly fine with me.

    1. Same. This is exactly how I feel.

    2. Jealous karens or Donchey’s jealous co-workers.

    3. Better to be a NORMAL straight male than on Team Elephant walk. Damn fine looking woman there!

    4. Right? I catch the last 2 minutes of the 11pm
      KPIX before Colbert and her clothes are fine. A bunch of cranky old men on this blog.

  22. The best thing they could do for the Chinese New Year Parade coverage is dump Ben he is monotone and boring, Julie come on is your ego that big, I hope they keep Julie for the parade and get her a cohost that can add something to the show and how about actually showing the parade instead of it being mostly commercials.

    1. Claudine Wong and Mike Mibach will be your host !

    2. No Julie Haener? Yay! I’ll actually watch this year then.

  23. Gosh, hopefully crazy LA will take Head Clown reggie aqiu, please take other clowns tze and tuma...PLEASE....

  24. Ktvu needs to follow kpix’s lead and do what 7:14PM mentioned, go for the younger and fresher look. Ktvu is at rock bottom so it would be akin to a sports team going through a rebuilding phase. Set yourself up for long-term success even if there are initial growing pains.
    Get rid of the old farts, has-beens, windbags, deadweight, and incompetents including Dave Clark, Frank Mallicoat, Julie Haener, Andre Senior, Pam Cook, Roberta Gonzalez, and Mike Mibach. Even though they have no clue how to use them, ktvu actually does have good people with talent. So identify and keep people with untapped potential who would flourish in the right slots with the right opportunity.
    Wait, nevermind. Management at The Firm don’t have the slightest idea how to think strategically or make a forward-thinking decision that actually makes sense.

  25. Hope Heather and Cristina are ready for their schedules to be upended, Haener will undoubtedly use this as an excuse to start missing 97% of her shifts again.

  26. Sara was in LA for about 5 minutes. Nobody there remembers her.
