Sunday, November 20, 2022

Mibach Apologizes to Female KTVU Staffer

Mike Mibach has apologized to one of two KTVU female staffers he made inappropriate remarks to, according to a station source.

The source told me Mibach apologized privately to the staffer when it became public and to general KTVU staff.

The source added, " Even though he tried to clear the air, it was viewed (here), as more of a CYA than a genuine apology."


  1. The only reason this idiot apologized is because he got busted and had his nose rubbed in it. F him!

  2. You can remove the boy from S.I., but you can't remove the "S.I." from the boy....

  3. He's lucky he didn't do this to Leslie Griffith. She would have kicked his ass.

    1. She would have hit him with her shoe…After she has an affair with him.

  4. Just curious, what were the inappropriate remarks that Mibach made?

    1. “Hey, wanna see my junk? Heh-heh! Heh-heh! Heh-heh!”

    2. @10:05- Oh man, that's terrible. Didn't know Mibach was that kind of a guy

    3. Doesn’t make sense

    4. Otis III: What we know based on Rich’s outstanding reporting is Mibach regularly talked about his jock straps with some women at work and asked if they’d like him to wear one under his suit whilst reading the news. I’m guessing he said much more but this gives us a flavor of what’s going on behind the scenes.

    5. @3:52- Wow, that's crazy. Still blown away that he would do something like this. Thank you for the heads up.

  5. ...and beat him mercilessly with her high heels. Just ask Julie Haener's "bestie" about that. Lol

  6. “NO APOLOGIES NEEDED MM. Your final check has been mailed. Thank you and good luck.”

    Sexual harassment cases generally have a large financial settlement, apologies are usually expressed to management by the BoneHead.

  7. sounds like a desperate attempt to silence someone before they went public with details. for all we know the jock strap talk was just the tip of the iceberg. besides isn’t he married?

    1. Yeah he's married. But he's also widely known as a flirtboy who thinks he's some kind of Don Juan.

  8. If Mike thinks that an apology will make KTVU's ratings will go up then he's in La La Land. He has that 'entitled, smug untrustworthy' vibe that turns viewers off! Fox should get rid of this snake oil salesman and cut their losses.

  9. Why does ktvu allow their male anchors to get away with so much stuff? Frank’s issues are well documented and now we’re learning more about Mibach’s conduct. Is it so hard to find a competent anchor who doesn’t drink and drive, sexually harass coworkers or go on air drunk?

  10. Oh for gods sake, looks kike Mibach is the new whipping boy here and KTVU. He just reads a teleprompter. He's OK with me. Beats the slurring drunk!

  11. Who did he harass? Gasia, Julie or Heather. He hates Gas, Heather isn’t too friendly, Julie likes Frank more than Mike. Another Frank Somersville woman issue on KTVU better replace him or next Frank

  12. Mike does okay with the newscasts but he does not have much in the way of personality. It is the reporters that are letting down the station. Especially Emma Goss, her voice drives me nuts as she talks through her nose.

  13. Mikey boy needs a refresher course on the MeToo movement. Many public figures have sunk like the Titanic when their workplace dallying was exposed.

  14. I worked at ktvu and never had a bad experience with Mibach, but I definitely heard the stories from those who weren’t so lucky. It was mostly stuff like sexual innuendos, conversations that led to sexual topics, or hinting that he was interested in you even though he’s married.

  15. His punishment should be to wear a jockstrap on his head for a on the air!!

  16. Mibach is a douche for his behavior. He is also a lousy anchor.

  17. 5.17pm. ..If that happened, I expect the ratings would skyrocket, at least for a week or two. Viewers can get used to almost anything, so long as it is consistent.

  18. Yeah I've heard rumors he dropped hints to coworkers... RO, HH, CW, & who knows who else. Again... Allegedly

    1. I’ve also heard the same, that he’s made passes at Heather Holmes. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did the same with Rosemary.
      But Claudine Wong? Come on man. That’s embarrassing. He’s beginning to sound like a skirt chaser.

  19. Mike Mibach has no business anywhere near a primetime news desk. He’s probably close to 50 but still acts like a college frat boy. He has no screen presence and by all accounts is off-putting to viewers. Combined with his jock talk and slimy smirk, there has be more to his promotion than we know.

  20. Mike and Gasia both suck! I can’t stand either one of them. I feel like I need a shower after I watch Mike.
    Gasia is so anal, her sphincter could crank out diamonds.
    The question is, why do we have to put up with them? Doesn’t management know they suck?
    At least Frank Sommerville had some personality and a touch of humanity.
    If KTVU didn’t have Fox Sports, the local high school broadcast club would beat them in the ratings.

  21. "there has to be more to his promotion than we know." Sure, but we can make a pretty well-informed guess:

    - Willing to work (relatively) cheap
    - Wanted the job
    - Was already on the payroll
    - Is Male, and they already had a Female on the show, and the broadcast formula says they need to have a male and a female at the desk (not sure why but the formula is consistently evident except when they're desperately short-handed).

    It's evident that KTVU does not hold much stock in their talent anymore; they've been losing credible journalists and hiring posers for years. Surely it's just a coincidence that as they've doubled down on this "new strategy," the ratings have dropped further with each dumbing down of the air staff. Couldn't possibly be for cause, nah-uh.

  22. At least he apologized. Better late than never but likely a little too late.

  23. KTVU has a long history with this type of stuff. It was Finlayson and Curtis doing the same when I was there.
