Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Pushback at KRON over Lurid Justine Waldman Instagram Pictures

PUSHBACK at KRON over Justine Waldman Instragram pictures...

Justine Waldman is being frowned upon at KRON, more scolded too and there's OUTRAGE!


Waldman is being called out, (at least, internally) for her shocking Instragram

A KRON source, who works inside the 900 Front fortress told me the images, even in today's complex world of what's presentable and what's not, has drawn the ire of newsroom personnel.

"She's trying to be taken seriously as a news anchor, and she's posting this shit?," said the vet.

Staffers, especially fellow women and a few anchors are said to be livid over Waldman's judgement: "it makes it more difficult for all of us."

Justine is the wife of KRON anchor, Grant Lodes, who presumably, was OK with the pictures but he too is feeling the heat.

I called in to Jim Rose, the KRON GM and he didn't immediately respond.

A few of the assembled masses at the lunchroom were not as ticked off as others but a general feeling permeated the building: When KRON is going all-out to present a new image and offer serious news journalism presentation, Justine's choice of social media pictures --of herself--hurts the cause.

A few people chuckled. KRON might have a new issue on its hands.


  1. Just looked. I've seen alotttt worse from some of the local ethnic ladies. This seems like a nothingburger.

    1. But isn't that just sad though? Why are these news women so utterly desperate for attention that they take non stop pictures of their own asses? Being shameless is the norm and well Justines pancake ass is let's face it - average. Sorry but that's the truth.

    2. There was a time when women knew how to be sassy but classy. That time has passed. Sexy has a mystery too it. No mystery left when your butt is in someone's face 24/7 on instagram. Evvvverybody wanna be Kim Kardashian. SMH.

    3. The saddest part of this is that she has "pinned" a picture without her face. It's like admitting to being a Butter Face and saying but I REALLY REALLY hope you like my rear end.

    4. 8:55pm. You nailed it.

    5. The women of Fox News rule!!

    6. I always thought and felt there was a code of conduct for reporters in or outside the studio. It's hard to say but my guess she is lacking attention, unfortunately this isn't how you go about finding it and its very immature.

    7. Justine is not attractive at all, time for some talent KRON4

  2. Much ado about nothing.

    1. Much ado about my drawers. Disco Baby.

      Paul Lynde

  3. I agree that it is much ado about nothing, but I can somewhat see what they are talking about, if they consider the newsroom is trying to have a more serious look to the people, etc, and look more professional. Still though, her attire is professional, but I can somewhat see that it could be detrimental, but only very slightly. For me though, as I have a foot and high heel fetish, I loved the first pic of her in the high heels! I mean, YUMM!

    1. Also weird. Zero pictures on her feed of other people. Just me me me alllll about me. Yuck.

  4. A few indisputable truisms. Sex sells. All women are whores. Some are better at marketing themselves than others. FACT!

    1. "Al women are whores". Really. And it takes a man like you to keep them in line?

    2. 12:23, spoken like a true incel, ill adept with women.

    3. An uncomfortable truth? So I am misogynistic? Hardly. I admire and respect women that embrace their INNER whore
      and carry it as an accoutrement and as a symbol of strength and providence. No bullshit! You lose.

  5. Let me know when she posts photos wearing a thong bikini. Until then this is much ado about nothing. I smell jealousy in the air at 900 Front.

    1. No just embarrassment to be associated with someone this vapid is more like it. No way she gets a primetime slot with the cheesecake image she's promoting. Shooting herself in the foot.

    2. @12:33 Bingo. And yet these are the same 'news' people who complain that they're objectified and not taken seriously. Geez, I wonder why?

    3. Ill take leather over a thong bikini any day.

  6. Justine is a smart woman. She knows the kind of reaction her photos will get from male followers and female colleagues. So the question becomes why is she seeking this attention? My guess is because she spends all day and all night with Grant Lodes things have become boring, plus they probably feel like coworkers at home.
    They’ve got young kids so she’s not gonna leave his ass, so in the meantime attention from random men satisfies her desire for something else…for now.

    1. Thanks for the psychoanalysis, Dr Phil.

    2. Damn that actually makes sense. Nailed it.

    3. This actually isn't the most far-fetched idea. If you spend all day and all night with someone I'm thinking many if not most people would get bored sooner rather than later. I think 12:37 is right. Online male attention may give her the excitement and thrill that is long gone with Mr. Lodes. If this is the case, inevitably the online attention will become boring and she'll take it to the next level.
      Time will tell. Hope they have a pre-nup!

    4. Nope, sorry, she and Grant are quite happy together. And there are pics on her feed with him.

    5. 11:57, oh so pictures of him on her social media means they're happy together? LOL And, the only people who would know if Justine and Grant are happy together are ....Justine and Grant. So unless you're one of those two all you're doing is sharing an uninformed opinion just like everyone else on this page.

  7. All these TV women are attention whores, what else is new

  8. This outrage is phony. When was the last time a plain-looking woman was hired for TV News work? They want lookers - always have always will. Even Christine Craft was hot back in the day.

  9. She is lovely 😍

  10. Who on earth wants to see her unattractive legs?? I seen more prettier reporters with good looks and legs on tv like Sandhya Patel.

    1. Dear 1:35. There is nothing wrong with well-muscled slender gams. One however can be pretty, prettier, or prettiest. They can never be "more prettier".

    2. Hi CC. Welcome back.

    3. Sandhya Patel is excellent and attractive, however, she has "Brunswick" legs and she knows it. If you'll notice, she does her best to cover them up.

  11. Let me state the obvious. Perhaps Justine can be the new Darya!!! At least if Justine makes a splash with her legs she doesn't have to be concerned with the "drooping" issues Darya has (face and torso).

  12. Lurid?? Maybe in the Amish demographic...

  13. Big deal. Lurid Rich? No way.

  14. How is this any different than Rosemary Oroszo’s insta?

  15. I say flaunt it while you got it.

  16. Are there any babes hanging around the "415 Media" newsroom that can compete with Justine? Time for them to strut their stuff.

  17. My God, the only female anchor ever to do this, content aside.

  18. Well the Bay Area is the center of the left's perpetual outrage about something, right?

  19. The pictures that I've seen (of Waldman) are hardly lewd. Does she, and/or her hubby, have some intra-office "political" adversaries (who have malevolent intent)?

  20. Justine is tame compared to many other so-called 'broadcast journalists'. But agreed, gratuitous selfies are not needed.

  21. Haters can Hate. Jealousy is an Ugly trait and ugly begins with U!

  22. The photos do seem unusual for a commercial tv news personality. But lurid? I don't think so.

    1. Maybe she and hubby Grant Lodes are slingers...(Sling Box commercial style...). lol Or maybe Justine is just an attractive woman whose husband doesn't mind her showing off her assets in the name of love and ratings. Either way, no big deal, indeed.

      Conversely, meteorologists who do male porn as a side hustle like like NY 1's now former anchor Erik Adame...Or that 'happily' married KTLA anchor Chris Burrous who died in a hotel room with a ten grams of crystal up his u know what...Now that i'd consider lurid. Just sayin'.

      Bring back The Naked News. One of Canada's greatest imports. True freedom and a real tight bum. No Spanx required. lol

  23. I can't take ANY of today's "journalists" seriously. They don't have to post "lurid" pictures. Simply their mugging selfies are enough to make me want to puke. Once upon a time, not that long ago, children were children and adults were adults. Today there's no line between the two. Perhaps not coincidentally, today people are dumber than ever, more insecure than ever, more immature than ever, more self-centered than ever.

  24. With all due respect I would hardly consider Justine’s photos ‘lurid.’ Julie Haener has posted much more revealing photos of herself including multiple photos of skimpy bikinis and see through dresses.

  25. Mrs Waldman-Lodes is an attractive woman, who is also a very competent newscaster. Not sure why any of these photos provoke outrage in anyone. This not Mary Hart flashing more Thighs than a KFC, seems like office attire anywhere in the USA. As once opined by a great musician, “Hang up your Hang-Ups”

  26. Keeping up with the Haeners?

    I guess anchors see themselves as needing branding these days, and while these pictures aren't lurid, they don't exactly scream gravitas and maturity.

    She's a relatively young person that wants to flaunt things that are valued by peers and society, but how soon until the pendulum swings and she gets uptight about not being taken seriously or getting sexualized by others?

    Tough road to traverse without hassles one way or another, IMO.
    Making yourself the story for things other than professionalism can have unintended consequences.

    1. Rosemary set the bar for these kinds of photos and Haener set the bar for showing off her lifestyle.

  27. Who cares? This is a waste of time. Anyone ask her husband if he's offended?

  28. I think I'm going to have to start watching KRON more.

    Nothing "lurid" here. But Ms. Waldman seems to love leather. And anyone who loves leather is a friend of mine. The black leather T-shirt made my day. Lucky Grant.

  29. In old times the most unctuous thing to be seen on KRON was the grease pen weather forecaster Karna Small used to write the temperatures on the glass board...and backwards too...

  30. Another factor here is that all TV news people are given social media rankings. Yes, you heard that right. Every station utilizes third-party services that analyze all sorts of data points to assign every employee a daily social media score. Their AI-based algorithms look at the obvious things like engagement, comments, likes, and shares, but they also look at other data points to formulate a ranking. Essentially it’s a leaderboard that changes daily. All employees see the rankings and stations use these metrics to measure individual success, which can lead to more money, better assignments, more exposure, etc. Also, other stations see rankings of others in the market, which could lead to even more opportunities.

    The big bosses push social media hard and expect on-air employees to take full advantage. They seem to think high engagement means they will draw a new and bigger audience.

    This daily ranking creates competition that can pit colleagues against each other and bring about all kinds of nastiness. It can also lead to situations where women feel they have to post photos like this to be at the top.

    So when Justine posts a sexy photo that gets 130 comments and 700 likes, she crushes it on the leaderboard that day, even though she had to post a photo that objectifies her and further erodes ‘news credibility. Her bosses are happy, her co-workers take notice, and people like us talk about it.

    This ranking system is also why people like Lt. Jessica Burch buy fake likes and fake followers. They’re trying to game the system and be at the top of the leaderboard.

    1. Interesting. If this is true this could definitely explain a lot.

  31. She's just a tacky news lady. It ain't new. But it's also a bit tired. What will these 30 somethings do in 10 years for attention? Not a fan.

  32. As an average viewer, I would only check out a newsperson's IG only if I had a crush on them.
    The first pic here shows she has a great figure, without being in any way salacious. More power to her.

    1. 100%. No one is peeping Justine's instagram to get news coverage. They're peeping it to see photos of her.

  33. You leftest's are showing your bias once again. Gee....KRON fine, FOX bad. Such simple idiots. LOL

  34. Good morning Rich,
    I have an idea for you. You regularly do your ‘Ask Rich a question’ post where people pose questions. In addition to that how about you also start doing a regular ‘Open forum’ where people can just comment about anything related to local media? This would be different because these wouldn’t be questions for you so you wouldn’t have to answer anything, they would just be comments whatever is on our mind.
    There are a lot of times when I have a comment about something but I have no place to put it if your recent posts don’t address that topic.
    Just a thought.
    Keep up the great work!

  35. She's hot, sorry Pam Moore your time has come and gone. Taking the next level. I like her non-phony presence on the the air.

  36. She has "mom-runner's" legs:

  37. Has Jan Wahl ever posed nude?

    1. My eye balls burn at the thought… ouch

    2. She’s a real toilet clogger.

    3. Bleh!!!!! I think I just threw up in my mouth.... Funny thing is Jan thinks she's hot

  38. She's not even attractive, but from her poses she thinks she is...

  39. I'm not sure 'lurid' is the right word. I think 'flirty' is a more appropriate way to describe her photos.

  40. The pic of her leaning forward in the red & black dress looks like she's either holding in a massive dump or about to take one.

  41. Justine looks like a transwoman in some of her pics. And no, that's not an insult, it's an observation.

  42. If you want some good Instagram, check out Amy Rohrbach of GMA.

  43. She's better than a so-called journalist in Fresno, Caroline Collins. If you want lurid photos and posts that have no news value at all, check her out. She's not bad on the eyes, I will give her that. On Instagram @carolineontv

    1. She is hot! I don't follow her, but IG always shows her to me.

  44. Didn't realize Terry Lowry was so gorgeous in her younger days.

  45. A bunch of nonsense about a local Diva crying out for attention and approval. Too many anchors tend to have narcissistic tendencies, and she sounds like one of them.

  46. She’s not destined for long in Fresno. SF, LA or SD within the next year.

  47. How is Jason "Dumbass" Dumas still on the air? He's such a fraud 🤥

  48. I love her. She is great. However, I am sad she posted these pics. She doesn't need to have her posing. She is better than that

  49. Such a tired, outrage retread. Shame on you, Lieberman. Barbara Walters, Katie Couric, Deborah Norville all got dinged for being too cute to be serious journalists. Why is this still a thing? She can be smart and sexy and everything in between. Wish I could hear just one person say they can't take David Muir seriously because he's posted muscle shots from the gym. Nope. He's "smart" and "well-rounded" and "takes care of himself," and that's fine. Gimme a break.

  50. I read almost every comment. It worked.
