Thursday, October 13, 2022

My Two Cents; Mark Thompson, The 2022 'Cumulus Ronnn Owens'; KGO and KNBR Synergy; Thompson/Moskowitz Factoid; Justine Waldman Post-Mortem (Sort Of); KRON Yesterday Emerald Yeh Magic; Latest KTVU Drama Haener Center of Storm; Thursday Media Pulse


NOT ONLY did Mark Thompson know before everyone else, (the fired KGO hosts), he was already pitching Moskowitz, (Steve), the tax guy, about sponsoring a social media podcast; all well and good, only Thompson didn't tell other hosts. His ass-kissing of Cumulus suits is reminiscent of Ronn Owens post 2011 KGO massacre. Birds of a feather...

*Who got Thompson his gig at KGO? Owens.

*KNBR: KGO lite.

*KGO and KNBR: a terrestrial AM radio Amazon-like warehouse with a bunch of thimbles and erasers on shelves spread over a hundred-thousand feet.

*Thompson's "show" should really be the "Steve Moskowitz tax podcast." Real interesting.

*My own view of Justine Waldman is that, yeah, it's no big deal. The story was that some people at KRON were pissed off. TV is a visual medium, I've said that for years now, so Waldman's got every right to show her stuff . That said, I think if you're trying to be taken seriously as a news journalist, even on local TV news, sex appeal largesse can be a dicey proposition. Waldman could have been more coy and offered an old-school, ladies look and that would have been more sexy, but oh well, I'm an old-fashioned, romantic.

*Two of the hosts I like could end up on KQED and/or KCBS. Stay tuned.

*There are people in this area who could buy the old KFRC (610 AM) frequency and/or an FM dial but for some reason, they won't. Probably don't want to lose money, right Jim Gabbert, for one.

*KRON wishes the Waldman momentary issue were the only, latest issue on its plate.

*Moskowitz has a lot of "F/U money" only if he were super smart, he'd stay away off the camera and mic and just buy time because nobody wants to see his face, he looks like the late Senator Alan Cranston a few weeks before sunset.

*Inconvienent truth: my blog has more eyes and gets more hits and clicks than anyone/anybody else in this town, I'm sorta the body on 101 after an accident, that everyone stops to view.

*Supposedly, Sara Donchey, is actually going to do the 11 PM on KPIX, for whatever reason, she's been, uh, delayed, at least that the PIXers are saying.

*PIX could put reruns of Barnaby Jones on at 11 and get better numbers.

*Justine Waldman, yeah, "google" "Terry Lowry."

*I REMEMBER the old, old, old KRON, circa 1974, when Ms. Lowry, Paul Ryan, and a guy named Ray Taliaferro, ruled the Nooner news and EVERYONE watched, and thank god, there was no Instagram back then.

*Back to present: at KTVU, the latest employee uproar has to do with PTO practice; the folks at Fox2 are pissed off because restrictions on days off are being watched which is why Julie Haener showed up --out of the blue --to work on a Saturday night newscast--Haener is the source of the issue, I'm told.

No shit, Sherlock.

*ADD WALDMAN: Justine, another point of reference for you: Emerald Yeh, a KRONvict in the late 80's and 90's, Emerald was classy, beautiful, news-edgy and spectacular on and off the air. She didn't have to show anyhting, much less do anything special. She was instant/classic watch and she was a helluva presence.



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  1. KTVU has a PTO policy? Haener has missed so much work I assumed they have an unlimited PTO policy, like some startups and tech companies.

    1. It looks like she’s actually been showing up to work lately. Apparently she finally got the hint that taking PTO 90% of the time is the fastest way to lose your relevance and earn a trip to the unemployment line.

    2. Rich, in the KGO town hall you tube referendum Thompson explained he didn't know what was happening when Hammer was telling him before his show just to say the ID and they'd be going off air. Thompson says he was surprised and stunned and just did as they said. You are saying he knew all along for some time and he's lying? If true that is a disgrace.

  2. Does Steve Moskowitz dye his hair??? Asking for a friend

    1. He is an old man with a Justin Bieber hairdo. Kinda creepy

    2. When he compares Moskowitz looks to Alan Cranston he's insiinuating that he wears a rug since Cranston was bald.Has Rich seen Mosko without his toupee'?

    3. C'mon! He's wearing a toupee. KInda like attorney John Burris. Why fight baldness guys? Burris was bald at the OJ trial and now he has a "full head of hair"! It's not a good look guys. But personal appearence smack is not blog fodder.

    4. We have quite a few female politicians from the Bay Area that are in their 70s, 80s and 90s that go even darker than that. Terrible, fake look.

  3. I've no recollection of that weather person w/chalkboard graphics, pictured, at all. Who was she and on which station?

    1. Terry Lowery on KRON

    2. Raquel Welch was writing backwards on the KFMB-8 San Diego weather board in 1965...and looking HOT!

    3. I do remember Terry Lowery now. I didn't remember her doing weather however. Thanks for the info.

  4. You say "yea it's no big deal" but then keep bringing up her instagram throughout today's posting. Almost like a whining child. Get over it, it's nothing.

    "Waldman could have been more coy and offered an old-school, ladies look and that would have been more sexy, but oh well, I'm an old-fashioned, romantic."

    She's the wrong color for you anyways.

  5. I remember when I was widdle Terry Lowery writing back words on that clear weather board. Last time I saw anyone write on a clear board was Gene Scott in the 80s.

    1. Negin: You mean "Gene Scott with the wind-up monkey doll" Gene Scott?

    2. I really miss Gene Scott filling up that board and then sitting down puffing on a cigar while he was explaining it.

    3. Dr..Gene Scott was must see television especially when he'd pout if not enough money was coming in. He ranted & raved one night and yelled he wouldn't teach anymore until they reached a certain amount. He just smoked his cigar and sat there in silence.

  6. More Justine Waldman leg and calves action, not less, please.

  7. How many years after that picture was taken did he start howling at the moon all night on KGO? I couldn't stop laughing when one person posted that here the other day. It's so true.

  8. “Supposedly, Sara Donchey, is actually going to do the 11 PM on KPIX, for whatever reason, she's been, uh, delayed, at least that the PIXers are saying.“

    They’re teaching her how to read.

  9. You bash on Justine for her Instagram photos but, have you ever looked at Betty Yu’s photos? Justine’s photos are tame compared to Betty Yu’s scantily clad photos.

    1. Add Rosemary Orosco to that list.

    2. I fully expect the LT will start posting similarly obnoxious photos sooner rather than later.

  10. Kristine Hanson, Meteorologist for KRON, KTVU as well as others was Playmate of the Month, September of 1974. Still looks damn good! Spare me the puritan bullshit and get over yourselves offended dumbasses!

    1. How dare you say that? We’re in the #MeToo era. You’re not allowed to say anything complimentary about women.

    2. 12:53: Oh, I specifically went in search of that Playboy issue with Kristine, found it in Arlington, Texas, of all places. Meltingly beautiful.

    3. Ms. Hanson, now in her seventies still has a great figure and a little girl voice. Anyone who wants to bare their airbrushed pudenda for Playboy can. It doesn't make them evil.

  11. Did Starantino leave 6am or is she in vacation again?

    1. The woman does take A LOT of vacation time, especially for someone who doesn't have much tenure at her current station.

    2. All these recent, much-heralded hires—Starrantino, Yamamoto, Donkey—aren't contributing much despite the ballyhoo. It's the old stalwarts like Goodrich, Hackney and Nakano who are keeping the mess together.

    3. Andrea Nakano is doing an excellent job at 11:00 pm. I quit watching KGO altogether.

    4. Donchey should be on at 3:00 with Reed and with Liz at 5:00 pm. I must be one of the few Donchey fans. She is competent and cute. Yamamoto should be on the mornings and noon. He’s terrible.

  12. Hey, Rich, don’t dis BarnabyJones. Co-star Lee Meriwether is not just beautiful and brainy, she’s from SF, a grad of SF City College if I was informed correctly. Miss SF and Miss America

    1. Plus she was a former Miss California, and Catwoman!

  13. “I’m sorta the body on 101 after an accident, that everyone stops to view.” Hahaha – that you are, brother! I haven’t visited your site since our Bay Area KGO community was destroyed the first time.

    Same story as many: My mother (RIP) had been a listener since the 1940s, so what CUMULUS MEDIA did, and the chicken scheisse way CUMULUS MEDIA did it to The Greatest Generation was mean, insulting, and unforgivable.

    When the evil Cloud did it again, I racked my brain for “415” and “Rich,” and there you were in search! While I have filled the void with Free Speech TV since (Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller…), the irony is I only recently started to enjoy The Pat Thurston Show podcast on my walks, and tune into John on occasion. It felt like home – so YUCK FOU, CUMULUS MEDIA, and the bad memories you rode in on.

  14. No conversation about grown women desperately seeking attention from men online is complete without mentioning Sid “Maria” Medina.

    For those who don’t remember, she was run out of the broadcast media industry entirely after decimating her reputation. For good measure she made sure to burn every bridge on the way out.

    Mention her name to anyone in the industry and the first thing you’ll get is an eye roll.

    1. How dis Maria Medina decimate her reputation in the industry? Has to be more than her social media posts.

    2. I believe you meant an eye roll followed immediately by a slew of expletives, including those commonly used to refer to a dramatic, unpleasant female not held in high regard.

  15. I don't agree with you on a lot of things but definitely agreed about Emerald Yeh. She was a class act who is much missed.

  16. With all due respect, is John Rothmann going to KQED-FM or MZ’s KSCO/KINY anytime soon?

  17. The new KGO will focus on sports betting. This is not yet legal in California but may become so if Prop 26 and/or 26 become law in a few weeks. Is KGO betting on sports betting becoming the law?

    Will there be a local component? What sliver of audience will listen to KGO talking about the 49er/Giants/Warriors spread for games?

    Supposedly the programming will be sourced from outside the Bay Area. I thought local broadcasting needs a local component per the FCC. Many new ideas look stupid from the start then genius years later. What about KGO? Fool or genius?

    1. **IF** the gambling measure is approved, this new gambling format has a better shot at succeeding. To be clear, I am not saying that the format will succeed, but the new format stands a much better chance if gambling is legalized.

      If gambling is not legalized, I give this new format about 10% chance of lasting 6 months.

  18. It is no longer KGO, it is The Spread and it is Cumulus and they are fools.

    1. Interesting. I have not listened yet. It sounds like they have dropped "KGO 810" and gone with "The Spread 810".


    2. I heard somewhere that Disney still has the rights to the KGO call letters

    3. That might be for the TV KGO only. Disney has not owned KGO radio for some time.

  19. Mark Thompson is a disingenuous jerk who was one of the second rate announcers that bird-brain Lee Hammer brought in not long after Cumulus decided to fire the entire news staff one day in 2016. Each one if those reporters and news anchors were frog marched out of the building and thrown onto the street like yesterday’s garbage. Thompson’s lame comment about “Gee, we didn’t see this coming!” Was so pathetic. Then Cumulus had the audacity to tell KGO listeners that they appreciated and respected 80 years of KGO Radio programming. But then they talk about how “ we’re starting a “new era” of programming that Cumulus would like you to listen into. Seriously? what a bunch of doggie crap. This “ new era” consists of syndicated sports betting programs out of New York City, LA and Vegas, and second rate programs at that. Does Cumulus actually think it’s going to draw more than a handful of listeners? Seriously? But they don’t care because all employers are about 8 to 9 board ops it may be five engineers and that’s it. Cumulus is a predatory company that hires lap dogs and suck-ups such as Lee Hammer who bring in minor-league announcers from Sacramento. Hammer no longer has really any function there, but has managed to hang on for some reason, probably because he’s been sucking up to the Dickey Brothers for so long. They probably feel obligated to their him a bone. In case you don’t know who the dickey ( dickhead,) brothers are? They are lowlife money grubbing jerks who know ZERO about radio and make their decisions back east somewhere, probably in some shoddy basement where they belong.

    1. 12:38...The Dickey's have NOTHING to do with Cumulus anymore. They were pushed out in 2015 +/- They may have a stock position...But that is all NO CONTROL, the Investment Bankers own Cumulus...NOT THE DICKEY'S BTW Lee H. followed Mike Anthony, ( a research guy from San Jose) another No Talent Ass hired on behalf of Mary Burner CEO of Cumulus by Lee Hammer...Her credentials are she oversaw 2 Bankruptcies' of the "Readers Digest Corp...But only ONE for Cumulus. . As for Lee Hammer, he will do anything to keep his job, he is a NO Talent guy who follows orders. But my real question is this...How long will the KGO in Exile podcast LAST after these people get REAL $$$$ Jobs Again ? I will bet Thompson is the first to bail. I notice that Thurston and Rothmann don't seem to be playing with Thompson and Medoro...Hmmmm I wonder why .Perhaps they are talking to other stations in in the market. We shall SEE!

    2. Mark Thompson must be a fucking genius if he can get the Cumulus tightwads to pay him $300,000 to do his lousy program that nobody listens to.

  20. What a shock! Thompson is a phony, transparent prick!

  21. Steve should play Lurch in the new Addams Family movie.

  22. Happy they are all gone. Their hapless lefty silo was a waste of the air. The old KGO had the ability to tell all parts of the story, left right and center. The last group relied on yelling about Trump and being woke to all ends. Boring!!!

  23. Steve Moskowitz was my tax instructor at SFSU a very long time ago. He was certainly arrogant. He was also hiring his students as employees (not graduates but students). Not a good look if that occurred today.

    1. His yelp page has lots of 1 star reviews.

  24. 11:34 - So right. KGO was great when the politics were at a minimum. Since 2011 it has moved further and further to the left. Then in 2016, it went full on anti-Trump, climate change, Black Lives Matter. On and on and on. Like you said totally boring.

  25. Politics was never a minimum at KGO, Bernie Ward, John Rothmann and Ray Taliferro all talked a lot of politics, Ronn mixed it a little more, with some pop culture, useful information, Martin Nemko, someone from Highway patrol. Gene Burns talked politics. Besides what does right wing talk about? Sean Hannity, Mark Levin others talk politics all the time, totally one sided to the right. If you don't care for left wing talk change the station, there are several right wing hosts to chose from.

    1. Exactly. People on the Right whining about a station on the left is hilarious!

  26. 4:20 - Looks like a lot of people left KGO because of their "talk". That is why they shut it down.

    1. They brought "Talk" back because Cumulus forgot the bay Area ALREADY had a KCBS.

  27. No they shot it down because Cumulus don't know how to run a radio station and didn't advertise or promote it. A few right wingers on this blog is hardly a lot. There are plenty of liberals in the Bay Area that would like an alternative to right wing radio. Typical of right wingers to think everyone thinks like they do.

    1. 100%. KGO was the only escape from the Right Wing Fake News the MAGA Nation is addicted to.

  28. 6:44 pm - Really KGO's prior format was the only escape from RIght Wing Radio.? You mean you haven't yet upgraded to FM Radio, a station known as KQED is 24/7 Liberal News and Talk. You wonder why KGO was unable to regain any traction, then you read a lot of these posts, clearly these listeners are either bed ridden or haven't been in the work force in the Bay Area since Diane Feinstein was Mayor. The blogger encourages this with his always nostalgic perception of radio.

    1. KQED/NPR is fine for straight news. But the rest of the day it's like being in the Library or a college Poly Sci class

  29. KQED is not as interesting as Pat and John were. I get KQED fine I'm my car, but not on my portable radio at home. I live in Concord.

  30. Go woke, go broke. We need to see more of this.

  31. KGO didn't change with the times. Period. AM wasn't enough, needed an FM signal and should have at least TRIED to develop new talent.
    Remember Shawn Nix in the 90's? Young lady wrote a good going undercover in high school series. They thought that was the answer to bringing in younger listeners, but hardly trained her. She was insecure, got lazy. Gone.
    (Management don't know who was there) should have been more professional.
