Tuesday, October 11, 2022

KCBS Shafer Does Good Report on Mayoral Policy But Doesn't Ask Mayor For Comment; Bret Burkhart Name Challenged

In an otherwise useful and informative report, KCBS' Margie Shafer filed a story on Tuesday's 3 PM news hour about Mayor Breed's controversial policy of making city officials sign resignation letters before they assume office just in case they screw uo on the job or become incapacitated.

The story, advanced by The Standard, is a good read.

But Shafer's usually solid reporting was devoid of one thing and it so, so stood out: where was Mayor Breed's reaction? I would have loved to find out but Shafer didn't even bother to call Breed or at least didn't indicate in her report.


*By the way, before introducing the story, anchor Bret Burkhart refered to Shafer as "Maggie" and not "Margie."



  1. Margie Shafer is the best talent KCBS has. Last week as morning anchor she was so refreshing. She tells the news instead of reading it. She is the best interviewer and can have a conversation with anyone willing. Eric Thomas couldn’t even screw up last weeks’ morning show.
    Bret Burkhart screws up foreign city names and people’s names on a regular basis. He was the worst sign up since Eric Thomas.
    Just wish Margie Shafer would do the morning show full time.

    1. Margie was a terrific reporter at KGO as well. You wouldn't want her anchoring from a chair, then she couldn't report anymore. That's how it works.

  2. She didn't ask because of the huge change at KGO, had her messed up

  3. KCBS doesn’t want to upset the Mayor and make her uppity.

    1. Perfect candidate for LA City Council. Nice work.
