Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Admiring Each Other: Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang

WHERE HE GOES, (Mathai) SHE FOLLOWS--they're now very mucn an item--mucho--and they both appear quite admiring of one another.

Raj and Janelle.

Ba da bing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. After Raj’s “Olympic moment”, does any adult see this affair ending well? The Spread says the odds are 900-1 against it lasting longer than their Sophomore year. Tolbert bets with the oddsmaker on this mis-match.

  3. Raj likes the ladies?

    1. HA! That's funny because it always seemed like Raj and former NBC Bay Area anchor T.J. Holmes had quite the 'bromance' going on back when they did the winter Olympics together. The former sports anchor may enjoy swinging from both sides of the plate. Or maybe they liked to share the ladies. Who knows. Not my business. But they seemed so 'chummy' together back in the day. That's what friends are for, i guess. lol

      Anyhoo...dating or being spouses with your co-worker never seems to work out in the long run. Raj need only go ask his co-worker Laura Garcia (formerly Cannon) how how her on-air marriage to Brent worked out. Not so well. Just like Washington is Hollywood for ugly people I suppose the newsroom is the same for anchors who probably secretly wished they were actors/celebrities.

      'Our beds are crowded...' - W. Shakespeare Or perhaps for Raj and others its ,more 'Get It While You Can' by Janis Joplin. Or 'Secret lovers...that's what we are...' Maybe even 'Keep it on the downlow..Nobody has to know...' - Ronald Isley. lol

      Live your best life, guys and gals. Just don't let human resources get involved. ;-)

    2. the difference between these 2 vs the wife beater and the power-hungry bitch.... puppy love

  4. Mark me in the she could do much MUCH better, but I really don't care column.

  5. Janelle Wang must have a fetish for guys who wear dirty sneakers with an ill-fitting cheap suit.

  6. Bret Burkhart is not the shiniest penny in the roll!

  7. I bet I know what the removed comment said. Rhymes with follows.

  8. Looks like someone has their Rona Barrett going on.

    Herb Caen would never mention names but throw out pretty good clues so most people could figure it out.

  9. Audrey is taking her spot, sick of seeing Audrey sour look

    1. Don’t talk smack about Audrey. She’s like the nicest person ever (I know her). She has way more energy than Janelle and better to watch !

  10. And, why do you all care?? MYOB!

    1. Care or comment with their opinion? Those are two completely different things.
      Not sure anyone ‘cares’ but many, like you, will comment.

  11. That picture sums up what's wrong with the Bay Area as a whole today. You like old KGO? Meet new KGO.

  12. Raj stopped wearing his ring on tv. Is he seperated or single now? Maybe his wife decided she can do better.

    1. Not sure of his current relationship status but Raj is notorious for taking off his wedding ring depending on where he is and who's around. He doesn't really do it at work because everyone knows him but I'm talking about when he's out socially flirting with the ladies.

  13. I thought Raj Matha is a family man? lol At least hat's how he likes to portray himself. Meanwhile, imagine how low Janelle Wang's self-esteem must be to settle for a creepy serial-cheater like Raj.
