Sunday, October 16, 2022

Amber Eikel Feeling The Heat at KTVU (Again); KOB Flashback; Mark Ibanez Dough; Donchey Mystery at PIX Still an Issue; Jon Miller Cuts Back Giants' Broadcasts in '23; The Sunday Schmooze


WE'VE said it a million times and to no avail: that Amber Eikel might be facing a takedown at KTVU but this time there might be, uh, legs to the story.

Friday night's mother-of-all mistakes--an embarrassing, incorrect "report" of a robbery in Danville (in VA actually and not here in CoCo county) is getting howls from Channel 2's rank and file, the guys in the back who do the dirty work and make sure KTVU gets on the air. You can just imagine how Monday morn will be in Jack London Square.

*Yeah, Frank Somerville is chuckling a bit now.

*Whether or not you like Frank, remember, KTVU had a guy named George Watson, who also battled the bottle and was given numerous chances. Watson, nice to say, is winning the battle now and enjoying retired life in Arizona.

*Kevin O'Brien, sure, you can question (sometimes) his personal life largesse, but never his managerial style: KOB would have cleaned up KTVU in a nanosecond. The current GM is clueless and unacountable --much like her news director.

*Julie Haener thinks she's the "Babe Ruth of KTVU", but Babe Ruth was traded, Julie.

*Mark Ibanez, the forced-to-retire sports anchor, got a nearly $300K parachute from Fox, that should help pay for Mark's various female admirers and chat club coffee mates in Napa.

*If you're confused about the murky 11 PM time slot on KPIX--where's Sara Donchey?, join the PIX folks, because at 855 Battery they too have NO CLUE as to what's taking place.

*I would have backed up a Brinks truck and hired Marla Tellez to anchor at 11 but PIX and Scott Warren doesn't have a clue.

*Jon Miller will cut back his Giants broadcasts to around 100 or so broadcasts --if the Giants are cool to that- if not? "Adioooos Senor Miller."

*That last item was delivered 107 miles per hour off my bat.

*The Chronicle spent about $5M bucks for new graphics for the printed paper but can't afford to publish late edition sporrts scores and cover local college football games.

*KSFO survives because it actually makes a few pennies for Cumulus and literally no one is in its studio.


  1. Amber Eikel was not news director when George Watson was an anchor. She is not responsible for keeping him on the air or taking him off. He tells you that he is utterly sober and you believe it without any independent checking. You are trying to say that because a prior news director kept George on the air despite his booze issues, Ms. Eikel was required to do the same thing in this circumstance. That's prima facie ridiculous.

  2. Babe Ruth was actually traded TWICE...just sayin...

  3. No one misses the wig wearing donkey.

  4. You women’s lib son of a bitch. Get off the phone, we’re calling the Police.


  5. Time for Julie to hang 'em up and spend her days with her Real Housewives of Danville friends, aka the Botox Betties frequently seen on her Instagram.

    1. Greg Papa will be happy... more women to harass at his Danville pub crawls. He's hoping for just one "Yeah, sure. Let's go". Creep!

    2. I’m quite certain Papa has already swung and missed with Haener and all her friends. Professional gold diggers look for an echelon of wealth Papa can only dream of, and there’s no amount of free drinks Papa can buy them that’ll make him even slightly desirable.
      He’s mastered the fine art of being the obnoxious, creepy, VERY persistent guy at the bar who drinks like a fish. Ask any bartender in the area and they’ll tell you stories of Papa making a total ass of himself.
      The only reason Papa hasn’t been permanently banned from Danville and Walnut Creek bars is that he single-handedly keeps them profitable.

    3. TOUCHDOOOOOOWWWWNNNN ALCOHOLISM!!! Keep buying those $15-$20 drinks Greg. The bar owners thank you. Just remember to tip well.

    4. “He’s mastered the fine art of being the obnoxious, creepy, VERY persistent guy at the bar who drinks like a fish.”

      I can personally attest to this, as I witnessed it once. If there’s anything good to be said it’s Papa appeared to be a happy drunk.

      When he left a woman at the bar (who Papa was swarming like flies on shit) looks at the bartender and goes ‘Oh…my…god. If he told me one more time he’s the voice of the 49ers I was gonna throw my drink at him.’ The bartender laughed and said ‘He’s ….interesting, but harmless.’

  6. Ibanez is about 5’6”

    1. Try 5’2”. Vern Glenn is a giant compared to Ibanez.

    2. Standing on a box maybe.

  7. Just euthanize KTVU .It's the only humane thing to do. Continuous loops of Captain Satellite, Dialing for Dollars and Charley & Humphrey please. I've been good Santa!

    1. Don't forget Dialing for Dollars.

    2. Think you meant Creature Features with Bob Wilkins. Also Romper Room with Miss Nancy. Remember Mrs. Doubtfire was prophetic. An independent television station in the Bay Area that got bought by a corporate entity who cancelled all local programming & cleaned house. I miss the "good ol' days" of KTVU.

  8. Jon Miller is an actual Hall of Fame inductee. He has a partner, Dave Fleming, who works golf, NCAA football and basketball, and likely some Olympics during baseball season. If Dave can escape the booth every now and then, why not Mr Miller? The Giants were abysmal this year, so it had to be tough to make a good game of a broadcast. We all heard the substitutes - some were decent, most were forgettable. I suspect having 1/3 of the season being done by guest broadcasters is to try out the folks who will replace Kruk, Kuip, and eventually Fleming and Miller. Let’s be honest, the SF Giants are going to suck for the next 3-4 years, they might as well give long try-outs to aspiring broadcasters who will try putting lipstick on the pig.
    Now if Cumulus would rid of us the nitwits on KNBR’s daily shows, they would be performing a great public service. Murph N Mac need to be shown the exit! What are the odds of Tolbert taking over for Fitzgerald on TV?

    1. I would say way below zero since Tolbert doesn't do play by play.

    2. @2:26- Don't know if the Giants will suck the next 3-4 yrs. They were a .500 team this year, and as we're seeing in the MLB playoffs this year, the improbable can happen. Hopefully the Giants can make some moves this offseason even though yeah, it will be continue be a challenge to compete with the Dodgers and the Padres as both of those rosters are currently constructed.

      With the Dodgers playoff exit last night, who knows what crazy spending is in store for them this offseason to try to get over the hump. If things would've broke right for the Giants this year, they would've been a playoff team this year for sure.

      But yes, back to the original point, I don't think the Giants will suck the next 3-4 yrs. Hopefully they will be a competitive team and at least compete for a Wildcard spot if the division is in doubt.

    3. Highly unlikely but the Giants should get some fresh talent outside of market

    4. Tolbert doesn’t do radio, either. He mails in insipid comments M-F. And we get his opinion on bad music and skunky beer, at no extra charge.

    5. @2:26- As far as the Giants broadcast team situation, as I said in another post, it's probably year to year at this point. Jon Miller, Kruk and Kuip are doing fewer games each year, and Dave Flemming as you mentioned has ESPN duties from time to time throughout the season.

      I think the Giants will probably continue with this until one of Jon Miller, Kruk and Kuip retire, unless all 3 of them retire at the same time. Not sure if the Giants want to pay the money to bring in someone who can make a full-time commitment even though they would be a fill-in to start; a guy like Ted Robinson or another play-by-play guy who wouldn't mind calling some Giants games.

      But yes, the Giants broadcast team situation really feels year to year at this point and I wouldn't be surprised if the Giants continue with this for now. Jon Miller, Kruk, and Kuip are owned doing this on their own terms as opposed to being forced out.

  9. Dublin, CA is in Alameda County, not Contra Costa County.

    1. Even Rich doesn’t know which county Dublin, CA is located.

  10. Maybe KGO radio people will flock to KSFO and hear a much more balanced pollical station

    1. This comment is tongue in cheek, right? You might like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro and other hosts, but even on a good day, you cannot call them balanced. Did you hear Hannity's interview with Trump? Nothing but softballs, for 8 years when Obama was president, it was nothing but Obama bashing, now it is Joe Biden, and while some critic of Biden is warranted, none of these hosts are balanced.

  11. R L was talking about Danville not Dublin. Danville is in contra costa county. I feel better now, do you?

  12. Where is Starantino? Whats deal with kpix early morning "team?"

    1. Starrantino took a vacation to Indy again and is back in SF since last night according to her IG. Should be back tomorrow.

      Nothing changed with Burch except Friday Peck was filling in for her. 9am we have had a couple of folks fill in for Starrantino apart from Gianna; Reed & Ryan

    2. She's on Veronica De La Cruz's old schedule.

    3. Captioning contest for that picture of Amber Eikel. I'll start:

      "Is there *anything* for me in Fresno? Desk assistant? Intern? I can start right away..."

  13. I’m glad Donchey is not back. 4 week is a month and by this point I feel Andrea will continue this gig of taking care of the 11pm timeslot.

    1. Reed Cowan was in last night for the 11pm timeslot. He’s a pretty good anchor too. Wonder where Andrea is. I think this 11pm could still be open mic.

  14. With all the Asian Hate, Serial Killer, Murders and Mob Mass Robberies. I blame it ALL on ABC7. This is Building A Better Bay Area????

  15. "Whether or not you like Frank, remember, KTVU had a guy named George Watson, who also battled the bottle and was given numerous chances."

    George Watson didn't f*ck interns, inject sanctimonious speeches into the newscast without anyone's permission and then lie and say he had approval, and didn't smash his car into another vehicle and then a pole in the middle of the street after he was so hammered he couldn't even *remember* where he parked his $150K Porsche for two days.

    No comparison. George said "I need help" right away. Frank is saying "Everryth-th-thing'ths th-th-fine!" [Hic!] THAT'S the difference.

    1. exactly right.. I worked with George as KSBW.... a gem, later flawed...but still a gem.

  16. It waa better without Staratino. New qeave doesnt make jer competent. Just make it Justin, Gianna and the other woman. The 2 ladies have more gravitas than Burch and Starantino

  17. KSFO survives the same way "Jared Kushner's memoir hit the best-seller list mere days after a Trump PAC spent $131K on books: report." Likewise, KSFO is 'talk' radio the same way FOX is 'news'; instead, both are infomercials financed by the "vast right-wing conspiracy."

  18. Hey I AM WOKE! If woke sells, then KGO would still be running. Woke's a joke.

    1. Hey there, 1:35 PM! Do you know what happens when you don't promote your product? Answer: nothing.

      "We were set up to fail."–Pat Thurston


  19. Again those of you who think KGO radio failed because they were too liberal or "woke", that is wishful thinking. They failed because Cumulus don't know how to run a radio station and didn't support them. Certainly the old KGO had very liberal voices Bernie Ward, Ray Taliferro, John Rothmann was on as well.

  20. That woke attitude was why they shut KGO down in 2011 too. Awful ratings again.

    1. “Now the old men are folding their arms and going to sleep,” said William H. Seward while campaigning for Abraham Lincoln, “and the young men are Wide Awake.” [...] There were even anti-Wide Awake factions, like the Chloroformers, who would put the Wide Awakes to sleep.

      Source: Abolitionist “Wide Awakes” Were Woke Before “Woke,” By Matthew Wills, June 29, 2020 | JSTOR Daily

    2. KGO did not have bad ratings in 2011, they ratings were down a little from what they use to be. However, KGO was still a great station with great hosts. I believe John, Ronn and Gene Burns all had good ratings. Not sure about Gill Gross, I use to like him, but got tired of him.

  21. Since when did being woke become a bad thing?
