Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Quick Hits Tuesday; Greg Papa's De$ire to get Paid Didn't Fit NBC Sports Bay Area (Comcast) Plan; Andre Senior is Unhappy with KTVU; KPIX AM Doldrums; Vern Glenn Update; Dion Lim is ABC7 Insurance; Lamonica Peters KTVU Star Power

Greg Papa wanted a BIG raise. He thought he had leverage. He didn't.

The 49ers radio pbp broadcaster --who, up until this year, did the NBC Sports Bay Area pre and post game studio show for Giants and Warriors games, was told by Comcast to take a hike after Papa wanted a considerable raise from his $300K yearly salary to do roughly 100-120 games.

Papa asked for nearly $400K a year. Comcast (corporate owner of NBC) told Papa to take a hike.

Not only did they turn down his demand, they asked Papa to be paid on a per-game basis. Papa not only wanted $400K but he wanted a three-year deal. He didn't budge but they didn't either. Comcast hired Laura Britt to take over the gig. While Britt is not very compelling --from a total viewing standpoint, she's more than capable and quite adequate. And in Comcast's case, far cheaper too.

*Speaking of leverage, Andre Senior thought he had quite a bit at KTVU but the suits don't agree. Senior is royally pissed The Firm has treated him like a jerk and put his ascent at KTVU on the back burner. Senior has sent out loads of resumes to local stations including KPIX. They need a jolt, do they ever, but Senior is hardly the it factor that moves the needle. And PIX in the morning has become the Death Valley of time slots in Bay Area TV News.

*Len Kiese is indeed leaving PIX to be closer to his family back east. It's the kind of move that would be perfectly fine to accept only Kiese has barely been at 5 --only a few years--it's only growing evidence of just how turbulent it is at PIX's AM inferno. The place needs a thorough deep cleaning.

*I like Vern Glenn personally but he's not a #1 sports anchor. Which is why PIX is still looking for a fulltime sports anchor. Glenn wants the gig and probably will get it but CBS wants to scout more applicants around the area and outside the Bay Area.

Dion Lim is basically "Dan Ashley insurance" just in case KGO (ABC) and Ash don't hammer out a contract extension. I've said repeatedly that Ashley will stay at 900 Front but sometimes logic gets farmed out in favor of foolishness.

Lim has seen her profile rise and rise at ABC7 and eventually one day will become KGO's #1.

*RISING STAR at KTVU: the great San Jose reporter, Lamonica Peters. barely a month into her gig at Channel 2, Peters has already received network/cable notice from the likes of NBC News, CNN and MsNBC. Now that's quick!


  1. Lim has seen her profile rise and rise at ABC7 and eventually one day will become KGO's #1.
    Ming Sze must be so mad.

    When Kiese leaves 3/4 of the KPIX morning team will have left in less than a year. Lee, Griego and Kiese. I guess the replacements are cheaper.

    1. Dion Lim can read a teleprompter but she doesn’t come across as being able to think on her feet. Not a #1 anchor. No way.

  2. Seriously? Lim as insurance for Ashley? You've got to be kidding. She is at best an adequate 2nd chair, and that's stretching it. If for whatever reason Ashley leaves, you can be sure the search would commence immediately for a replacement; one is NOT to be found in-house...

  3. So do any of the Bay Area news talent (such as they are) use agents or lawyers as representatives in negotiations with the stations or do they just bargain directly and build conflict into the ongoing relationship with their employer?

  4. Vern Glenn is a shameless clown.

    1. If by Vern Glenn you mean Greg Papa, then yeah, you're right.

    2. Glenn and Copeland can hold my lantern.

  5. Dion - please go back to straight hair.

  6. Greg Papa wanted 400 k for doing Giants and Warriors pre game shows? Seriously? I bet this newbie Laura Britt is making 1/10th that and probably sharing an apartment in Cupertino w four roommates. Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area is run by clueless management who run through people like potato chips. All the anchors that they originally hired were pretty competent, but they all made too much money so they replaced them with rank amateurs. They also have some dweeb that works alongside Matt Mallioca on the 49ers shows who adds NOTHING. I think they put her on the air just because she’s a woman and she’s a minority. Some of the people that they’ve hired over the years now work in places like Reno pr Fresno. This company is one of the worst and there’s a reason why no one watches anything on their operation but the Giants and the Warriors. They stink. Papa was good at what he did for them, but they never appreciated him. But Paying him 400 K also seems a little ridiculous, and I have to say I don’t blame them for not agreeing to his demands. 200 K I could see. Papa’s work on the 49er broadcastisn’t bad except for his shameless and clownish “TOUCHDOWN SAN
    FRAN-CIS-CO!” Call. And his cohort Tim Ryan should learn how to shut up when Papa is doing the play-by-play. He yells in the background and sounds like a super fan whenever the Niners do something well. That’s not professional.

    1. Jennifer Lee Chan? She's ok, but I think Matt Maiocco had better chemistry with Laura Britt.

      As far as Laura Britt, I think she's married and has kids. Not sure where she lives at, but I would assume SF or somewhere else in the Bay.

      As far as the rest of their on air talent, Bonta and Laura Britt are becoming the new faces, as well as maybe the Cole Kuiper's and the rest of the Summer Sunday crew. They're becoming younger for sure.

      Grant Liffman could end up being a big loss for them. He is going to leave NBC Sports Bay Area to take a scouting job with the Atlanta Hawks.

    2. maybe with the money they might save not paying Papa, they actually bought some chairs so all their people dont stand the whole time looking akward and distracted on the cheap sets they use

  7. With Dion Lim fame in the Bay Area and KGO 7, if Ama or Kristen leave the station for good, will she be the permanent replacement?? Andre should leave KTVU if he is unhappy, all I need to say he has too high expectations on himself

    1. Dion left Kristen in the dust about 2 yrs ago

  8. Dang, $400K for Greg Papa?!? Wow.... I know Greg Papa is the man, but I agree with @3:19, that's a little ridiculous. Companies probably don't have that kind of money to pair their on air talent anymore, at least not during this covid era where everyone lost money.

    I know doing Giants pre and postgame is probably a commitment for the host due to the amount of games, but $400K, I can see why NBC/Comcast had second thoughts.

    1. It's not NBC/Comcast. Comcast has made so much money from what they charge for their services, they were able to buy NBC. Comcast owns NBC. Poor Comcast. They are cheap just like the rest.and do not want to pay for quality talent (Papa, et al), money is only for the clowns in the C suite.

  9. The Comcast model is pretty basic for today's broadcasting: Hire at $60-$75K..maybe re-up for another two years at a 10% bump...and then cut them loose and hire another round of newer, cheaper talent. I may be in the minority, but I don't have a problem with it. I'm a die-hard sports fan--and thus, get my hard-core fix from ESPN. I tune in to Comcast to get a little dose of local/regional sports. I don't really care who the hosts/talent are--just give me some local stuff.

    Works fine for me.

  10. Lim is pretty and a good "reader". But that's it. Ashley is good because he thinks about what he is reading and at times comments about it. That was Sommerville's strength

  11. Glenn is truly cringe worthy. Not sure what the hell he is doing when gesturing with the 2 fingers walking.

  12. Dion Lim has made a name for herself for a few reasons:

    1. Taking advantage of our woke climate by exploiting and sensationalizing crimes against Asians. She never presents any proof whatsoever that the victim's race had anything remotely to do with the crime. And if there's no proof that the race had anything to do with it, then why bring it up? San Francisco is nearly 34% Asian, so yeah, Asians will be victimized by crime, as will whites, Hispanics, and blacks who make up the other 66%. Whites make up 44% of San Francisco's population and they are undoubtedly victims of crime, likely to a greater extent than Asians. Why not the outrage? What about Hispanics who are targeted? Where's Dion's outrage there? Her fixation with correlating race to victimization is an odd knee-jerk reaction that she has. Following her logic, anyone must be taken seriously if they say that they were victimized simply because of their race. Because Dion Lim can make such allegations as they relate to Asians (without any insight into the perpetrator's motive), then all of us must be believed if we make similar statements with no proof of our own. Yes, Asians are victims of crime, as are Hispanics, and whites, and Blacks. She has chosen to isolate one ethnic group and manufacture a false narrative based on a correlation that she has created without proof. This has created hysteria within the Asian community and faux hysteria by those who claim to be 'allies.'

    2. Look at her colleagues both at ABC7 and across other Bay Area stations. The bar couldn't be any lower. Enough said.

    3. She's Asian. In the woke era in which we live, we are conditioned to coddle people of color, and demonize and alienate caucasians. It's true. So basically unless you're a Ryan Yamamoto who is utterly unqualified, if you're a person of color who can read a teleprompter, wear a tight dress, do a zillion social media posts, and make it through a newscast without falling flat on your ass then you'll be worshiped as though you're some kind of messiah.

    1. Yawn..another white anonymous whining about “woke”, “coddle”, “outrage” … our newscasters in Bay Area represent all the diverse populations, nothing wrong with that. Many are talented, some not so much, some still learning. Move on…

    2. 9:46 Couldn't have said it better myself.

    3. 11:25am, I hate to say that I agree with the OP but they’re correct in all their points. Unless motive has been established and reported publicly, race should be about as relevant as the victim’s eye color or shoe size.

    4. 11:25 I re-read the comments of 9:46 and nowhere did it give an indication of the persons nationality. seems like the only racist thing is you with your demonstrative remarks. what i find interesting and what I see on the same news cast is that the majority Asian assaults are perpetrated by a certain race more so than others. If thats being racist then does that mean the news, the video and my eyes are racist as well? You ignorant fuck

    5. You hit the nail on the head and summed up everything that I’ve been thinking. you articulated it better than I ever could.

    6. Dion Lim is as real as a $3 bill. Phony, arrogant, exploitative, shameless, married to some wannabe poker player.

    7. Very well said. Dion puts herself out there as someone who is standing up for the Asian community, yet by creating this manufactured storyline that Asian victims are victimized simply because they're Asian all she does is creates stress and anxiety for that community, and, one could argue, puts them at even greater risk of violence. And I also agree that the victims race should not matter unless it is established by facts that victim was targeted because of their race. Conjecture, speculation, anecdotal stories, and assumptions should not make their way into the news, especially when it comes to topics such as these. Dion sucks. Shame on her.

    8. 6/15 9:26pm: Exactly. It's sad that so many people have been brainwashed into having these reflexive reactions when it comes to topics involving race. What 9:46pm said is undeniable. It's ironic AND funny that 11:25am was so triggered that they actually ended up revealing that they themselves are racist lol You said it best: ignorant fucks.

  13. How did the bloom come off the Senior rose so quickly? Until recently, he was expected to become the morning anchor, no?

  14. Dion Lim has improved big time from when she first arrived in the Bay Area. She was always sucking for air every 10 seconds. I think she went to a voice coach to learn how to breath while talking. But she’s still not an anchor. Reminds me of Minnie Mouse.

  15. Vern Glenn is the King of Bay Area sports. Full Stop. An Emmy award winner I might add, UNDERSCORED. So stop the idle chatter and drivel and go cry somewhere else.

  16. I can’t stand Dion Lin’s voice and presentation. I stopped watching. The Vern guy who wants to be a Radich wannabe is as embarrassing as Roberta Gonzalez. Can’t watch either. I watch the Los Angeles stations. They are fake and phoney, but they know it

  17. Dion Lim is morning anchor material. Not a hard hitting news person just bubbly and the camera likes her. She’s a light, 4-7 am news person person.
