Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Jessica Burch is Officially another KPIX Dud; Vern Glenn Needs to Stop Being Gary; Jon Miller Callout; Radnich Was a Pain, But We Miss Him Now; Being Blunt on Hump Day

I GAVE HER TIME--no more. Honeymoon is over.

Like almost every new person they hire, the latest gem, Jessica Burch, is a total NON-FACTOR. A DUD. Any other description would be false.

This is KPIX today.

Ms. Burch has served her country, God bless her. She's studied weather, great. It's a shame she has ZERO presence and appears awkward on the air, which she does every morning. Even when she's on radio (KCBS) it's an uneven sound. I'm supposed to not say any of this because I'll be accused of being a misogynist. Of course I will be because that's the way of the world these days.

Ms. Burch is so awkward and un-inviting on PIX she manages to make Darren Peck look good. That's hard as hell but it's fact. At least Peck has some basic on-air ingrediants that work. Officer Burch has military cachet and can fly fighter jets which makes her a grear weather forecaster.

Right, "LT".

*If Vern Glenn were to stop trying to be Gary Radnich, he'd be fine. I've said this repeatedly. Vern knows. The shuffling-papers; the Garyisms; the look and demeanor. Vern should be Vern and not Gary. Larry King used to say, "be yourself." Vern didn't get the memo.

Vern, stick to the basics. Be you and quit trying to be cute. Involve a few moments of time to be original and quit the Gary shtick, you can pull it off. I'm not trying to bust your chops, Vern, I'm being straight forward and up front. It's critical, of course it is and were I hiding like the other cowards, sure, you'd be pissed but I'm here in front of the class.

*KPIX has to make a move soon. Replacing Allen Martin who retired (by proxy) and saw the handwriting on the wall. I just hope PIX doesn't hire a marine.

*I respect Jon Miller for his HOF chops and overall baseball/broadcast merit. But I'm not a big Miller fan of late (and the last few years) because Miller decided to make the broadacast about himself. Always. He's good enough that even his lengthy stories are generally interesting and compelling.

On a recent telecast, Miller spoke about his father being killed on military duty --Miller was only a year old--it was a touching story and it would have been ever more poignant had Miller not repeated it, (on radio) in the next later innings. That took away the spontaneity. Had he repeated it a few innings later, it would have been more powerful and genuine. Instead it lost its luster.

His penchant to talk endlessly --on and on and on--is plain crap. The "adios pelota" crap HR call is just that, crap. His repeated, ad-nauseum multiple want to say, such and such "hit that ball, 104 miles off the bat" is nauseating and ridiculous. My god, what a sham!

Miller is a good pbp-broadcaster. I'm not suggesting otherwise. But he's become broadcast-bloated and his ego has overtaken him. I'll say it--nobody else will. Fine. It needs to be said.

*Speaking of Gary Radnich, I'll say this: I miss him. So do a lot of you. It's not losing-sleep miss, but miss nonetheless. Even a smidgen of Radnich would be great now.

Radnich overdid it at the end. He quit pretending to work and just sort of showed up and mailed it in, of course he did but he was still worth a listen (on both KNBR/KRON) --at least he put things in perspective and set the proper tone.

He had a feel for the moment. I'm betting he'd had had a lot to say about the pandemic and social unrest --via George Floyd, etc--we're experiencing. That part of Radnich I miss because he could put sports in perspective and address the obvious. He was not fixated on naming the Giants' player of the week.

Had only Raddy been a better editor (of himself), he'd have had a nicer legacy.


  1. Jon Miller is a great BB broadcaster. The constant criticism here makes no sense.

    1. Suck down that Giants kool aid @1126. You've bought their farm, hook, line and sinker.

    2. Jon Miller is awesome. He was an announcer at Hayward High School in the 70’s at third period. I’m glad he got to where he is now. Respect.

    3. I applaud Jon for telling his father's story both on radio and TV. He was only a year old when his dad died during the Korean War. We have to celebrate those heroes and keep their memories alive. It's only once a year Rich, deal with it.

    4. Was Jon's story of his father told on Memorial Day weekend?

  2. "But he's become broadcast-bloated and his ego has overtaken him." Lieberman must be talking about himself.

  3. If KPIX wants to make a splash hire, why not see if Kate Sullivan formerly of WCBS and WBBM wants to make the move out here? She would definitely be a plus…

  4. I still think the news director that got fired at KPIX new he was getting axed and hired a crazy crew before he left to spike the ball on the way out the door. And damn did he ever! 3 year contracts every one of them. And seriously how is Darren Peck not on the M-F AM gig? No offense to the woman there now but she should clearly be on the weekends to allow for more time to get more experience and polish before taking on the weekday.

  5. Man Rich, you are right on, once again, with LT Jessica Burch. She has no personality at all, and barely cracks a smile. She is certainly "bangable", but as you said, she has absolutely no presence at all. And while I could possibly see her as being somewhat awkward at first, but now, this is the 4th week, I think, and she seems like she doesn't know where she is at, or what she is doing. I actually wonder, if she takes off in one of those Blackhawk helicopters that she supposedly flies, will she be able to find her way back?

    1. Let's take it to the next step and have her do the weather while wearing a dress uniform. Apparently, KPIX wants to milk that military cow so they can get ratings. Man, TV news around here really sucks.

    2. Miss Radinch? Seriously? So glad that the blowhard isn't on the air anymore. You want someone who can talk about sports and life? It's a shame that Dale Hansen isn't on the air any more in Dallas. He seemed like a real nice, sincere man, unlike The Ego known as Radnich. Maybe Vern Glenn acts like Fatnich because he's got short-person's syndrome. He's so big he shops for suits at Bugle Boy. And speaking of Egos, Jon Miller has one the size of Texas. Vin Scully he ain't.

    3. she's the only anchor that you have to turn up the volume to even hear.

    4. 12:48 has no eye for talent.

  6. I'm not sure if Jessica Burch has been doing the morning KCBS weather segment or not. If it is her she talks faster the a speeding jet. In fact most of the new kids on KCBS talk way to fast. Relax, relax, relax kids.

    1. Her name is Jessica Birch. She's very pretty, and a real life blackhawk pilot, serves her country, still a little timid on the air , but that will improve. One cannot "talk way to fast". See if you can figure out why.

  7. Burch is the Whispering Weather Girl. She’s cute.

  8. Jimmy Stewart was a brigadier general in the US Air Force Reserves after serving in World War II. I don't recall him putting that on his film credits.

    1. When is KPIX going to stop the pretentious "LT" screen credit? Maybe I'll start watching their news when they can get a Colonel or General to report the sports.

  9. Vern isn't so much a hard sports reporter, as he is an entertainer. He does his "act," during each broadcast: a comedy, barker, and variety routine. As Rich stated, lots of Radnich influence in there too. Seems that enough people like that type of presentation, and it also seems that Vern is well-liked by some of his guests and coworkers.

    I've lightened my expectations, with regard to any demonstration of serious sports knowledge during Vern's segments. When he comes on, it's invariably a few minutes of "The Vern Show."

    1. I cannot stand Vern Glenn. He is a gigantic anus with his awful attempt to be Radnich. KPIX management is truly wacko if Glenn is made the #1 sports anchor. Andrea Nakano is smooth and knows sports.

    2. Nakano is remarkably versatile, skilled, and pleasant.

  10. Burch has a sibilant S problem, something a person can solve with some work. She should have fixed it when she was in a smaller market.

  11. Radnich had talent and understood this market and the industry perfectly.

    1. Completely agree...key comment: 'understood the market'. You don't replace someone with that kind of longevity and connection to this area very easily. Yes, a lot of us miss Gary. Greg Papa tries, but sorry, he's from Buffalo. His artificially screaming Touchdown San Francisco schtick is the antithesis of everything that was Gary.

  12. We miss Radnich? I was defending him every time you took shots. He's a legend. Tony just celebrated his 70th bday on twitter.

  13. I miss Mary Lee. And Radnich was a big tubby windbag. Don’t miss him one bit. That’s always been Vern Glenn’s schtick. Ever since his days of “Mr. Involvement”.

  14. Miller talks like he's doing voice-over for a cartoon...

  15. Isnt the only answer we NOT watching KPIX?? They keep hiring pretty women who arent good at their jobs. If numbers drop and ad revenue also drops, wont that help?

  16. Ms. Birch will do just fine.. She's faced and continues to face things a lot scarier that doing the weather on TV. She's had to pilot in and out of nasty storms and has, as they say, and up close and personal experience with weather,good and bad. I knew Jimmy Stewart. He also served in the military. He, however, was never a t.v. weather reporter.

    1. As terrific as she may have been in the cockpit, that has nothing to do with on-air talent.

    2. It doesn't matter how good or bad she is as a helicopter pilot, and while I respect that she does that, and is in the military, somewhat, as a national guard member, the honest thing is that none of that matters a dang bit, in doing local news/weather. She is not good at doing the weather, period. And again, while she is certainly "bangable", as someone else here mentioned, she can't hold a candle to Mary Lee, the last weather anchor!

    3. I love how people are acting like this woman flew combat missions. She did no such thing. The Lt garbage is pandering to an audience. Her military title does not belong in her civilian life. And putting it out there like that is on her, not the station. She makes herself look very silly by doing and and shame on KPIX for playing along. They deserve the crappy ratings, they've literally engineered it with these hires.

    4. So you think that being a blackhawk pilot is easy to do and requires no skills, no courage and that you could easily do it and that this pilot, Ms. Birch wouldn't be capable of combat missions..right?

  17. What happened to JasonBrooks and Black woman who took his place.? They were the morning money watch people on KPIX. He was gone with no announcement and she was therefor less than 3 months?

  18. NBA has only one good player that has ability to win-the whole league is boring.todays 'superstars' flame out it seems. and miller on the post game rap ,those guys it seems have become more mumble and platitudes nthan the former game talk and ideas about the game. it's ,''hoo-hah'' and ''yeh heh,we're outta here'' talk.

  19. Why in the world do they have to put Jessica Burch's rank on the screen? It's irrelevant to a weather report. I feel like they hired her just because they don't know who is good, but hey, she's a lieutenant so let's have that "prestige."

  20. Totally agree Burch is horrible. Parkersburg Wv. Market maybe. Dayton as a goal.

  21. SOmeone should alert PIX/KCBS that they are incorrectly "titling" Burch.
    --in military ranks, the Army uses all-caps for its abbreviations, yes. But she's a first lieutenant, so in Army style she should be super'ed as 1LT. (conversely, the Air Force and Marines use the first letter capitalized: 1Lt, Col, TSgt, SrA, LCpl, etc.)

    --but since KPIX is in the journalism business....which, last I check still abides by the AP style book--all ranks should be according to AP-style: 1st Lt.

    Anonymous TV AE
    USN CW3
    (that's chief warrant officer 3, for you non-military folk)

  22. Jessica is horrible and that that dyed hair color looks awful on her. I turn the station any time she comes on.

  23. I'm going to disagree about the revisionist history of Radnich. His overstuffed britches made all sports fans feel like crap. He demeaned the fans, he made us feel foolish for enjoying the diversion and petty drama of sports. No one needs to be reminded that there are more important things than the Giants starting lineup or the Niner's 3rd round draft choice but Gary, at every turn, had to wag that fat finger in our face and remind us that we should spend our time better. He didn't understand the important place that sports holds, the real healthy diversion it provides. He should never have become a sportscaster. As the years went by his bloated, conservative rhetoric was amplified and the pride he seemed to take in not paying any attention to sports was underscored. I'm glad he's gone. He always made me feel bad.

  24. Gary Radnich was annoying and lazy and was one of the disengenuous broadcasters around. He also sucked up to management and took shots at anyone who dsted criticize him. He is NOT missed. The guy stole $$$ for years.

  25. Burch is absolutely terrible! Has the personality of a corpse. Looks like a 12 year old boy in a bad wig! And a helicopter pilot? Um yeah, okay! People need to do their homework on this one.

  26. Wow, no luv for Jessica? She’s the reason I watch KPIX. Flip over to KNTV for a train wreck. Jessica is young, and rather polished for her age. I think people are just angry because they can’t deal with change.

  27. If you think she is bad on TV then listen to her weather segment on KCBS radio. You will be utterly confused and wonder what in the hell you just heard. I gave her time and really tried to listen and understand what she says but nope it’s impossible.

  28. 100% agree with the above comment. How much more time are they going to give Jessica Burch to figure out how to deliver the weather? I never hear what she says because I'm too busy trying to understand her and getting annoyed. She's tried many techniques, none of which are effective or likeable, and forget about actually getting a read on the weather.

  29. Jason Brooks is money on KCBS mornings!
