Monday, May 9, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING your Bay Area/National TV/Radio questions--remember, name and city gets to the front of the line.

*You can also ask me a question on Facebook and/or Twitter.


  1. Silky Johnson from AlamedaMay 9, 2022 at 10:01 AM

    Good morning! Two questions please. 1). Tim Kawakami seemed to imply he was not happy at the Athletic. Have you heard anything? 2). How is the new fine looking lady Ginger something on nbc morning news? Is it only a matter of time before Laura Garcia Cannon gets rid of her? Thanks Rich. Have a nice day!

    1. Kawakami is never happy unless he's having a free lunch courtesy the Warriors' Joe Lacob --as for The Athletic, even though it was bought by the NY Times, is reportedly having cash-flow issues..I haven't seen Ginger but I'll make a note of it.

    2. The Athletic raised their annual subscription fee. When they were purchased, they stopped recording podcasts. Boo.

  2. Craig from San CarlosMay 9, 2022 at 10:07 AM

    I love Greg Papa like no other. What happened to him and Gary St. Jean on comcast after warriors games?

    1. St. Jean retired and Papa has a salary dispute with Comcast which is cheap and doesn't like paying top dollar. Papa isn't doing Warriors and Giants' pre and post game shows.

    2. Rich, don't respond to obvious trolls

    3. I know. I'm a sucker for punishment.

  3. Mr. Maite in OaklandMay 9, 2022 at 10:10 AM

    Good morning. Thanks for the time. My favorite KNBR show was Pete The King Franklin. What ever happened to him?

    1. Uh, he passed away.

      I liked him too and he was funny and original.

    2. Yeah, sadly he passed away in 2004. Pete was the best! "Flush this bum!"

  4. "*You can also ask me a question on Facebook and/or Twitter."

    Not if you blocked people, Rich.

    1. Yep.

      But see, I'm accountable, I'm here.
      You're not.

    2. 1. If you block people who simply disagree with your takes or call out your flubs, you're a hypocrite and no better than thin-skinned Kawakami.

      2. You censor comments on here regularly, including respectful and polite ones, when they point out your hypocrisy or mistakes. That's not accountability, that's cowardice.

      3. I'd say there's a 2% chance of you not censoring this comment.

    3. You routinely block comments that deflate your inaccurate stories. Letting a few critical comments through doesn't make you any less cowardly. You can be critical of KGO Radio without fabricating material.

    4. Aren't you so brave and original. Mr/Ms. Anonymous.

    5. I think you should go have some tea and cookies with Tim Kawakami--what synergy.

  5. Pete and Breath Asure. He was awesome.

  6. What do "guests" on sports talk radio, cable news or other outlets get paid? If at all.

    1. Depends.

      Most do not get paid because they're plugging a book or a movie.

      Selected guests/writers get stipends --like $50-100 ..some regular guests, like say, a Greg Cosell get significantly more.

    2. depends

      Isn't that what KNBR pays Marty Lurie with?

  7. You always have terse and unkind comments about several GM's, PD's and ND's in this market. Have you ever met them in a one on one basis and to get the their take on things? Or is it just easier for you to rely on your "sources" i.e. moles. Every story has two sides. Can you honestly call yourself unbiased if all you rely on are the words of one or two disgruntled employees?

    1. I don't like you.
      And you have no idea of what your talking about and your self-entitlement from the tone of the questions is something I won't tolerate.

      Yeah, most of the assholes GM-PD, etc I have met and some I have not. But I know my sources are a helluva lot better than yours.\

      Have a nice day.

    2. what a dick response, you sound like Bill O'Reilly... the moment someone says something you don't like you can only attack and criticize. How many 'biting' comments never get posted because you can't handle them?

    3. 11:04 AM asks a legit question and rather than being gracious and offering a thoughtful response, you go fill loaded diaper. And yet somehow you wonder why people don't like you, Rich.

    4. Not crazy about you either, truth be told. Your answer speaks volumes to the small minded view you try to pass on to the broadcast world. What a pathetic NOTHING you are.

    5. How about asking about why the management in this town is so crappy? This is market 6 but we get managers here who are inexperienced dolts. Not really a secret, would love to see someone who is an actual leader rock up. Right now we just have lazy careerists who do the least they can to pick up their bloated management paycheck.

    6. I see Napa State Hospital has let out the early birds.

    7. I think you're scared to confront anyone upfront and personal. You might actually learn something different. It's not "us" against "them" anymore. That's an antiquated concept. But that's OK...take your cues from the butt-hurt employees who you THINK are your buddies. Forget you are just being used by them. And when challenged, just infer that anyone who disagrees with you is mentally ill. That's the ticket, honey. Yes, some management are jerks, but so are some rank and file employees. What your job is to get the truth out there. You just go for the sensationalism that stokes your own ego. And so it goes, Rich, and so it goes. 11:04 here, signing off!

    8. Rich this is likely the #2 at KTVU. She's very busy kissing Amber Eikel's ass because she's utterly unqualified. So she's doing her boss' bidding here instead of actually doing any work at the station. Don't listen to them. It's DEFINITELY us versus them. That's why so many people are leaving and being replaced by lesser talent. Pretty soon it will all be new college grads and the lousy management that seems to stay forever.

  8. Rich, what is your opinion of Dave Fleming? I think I would rather listen to nails scratching a chalkboard. I can't stand listening to him on a Giant's Broadcast. He is like John Lund, laughing at every "humorous" take by anyone he is on air with. I long for the days of Hank Greenwald and Lon Simmons.

    1. He's basically very vanilla and boring, benign really. Overrated to the max but I guess that's considered good these days. He's also predictable and yeah, I'm not a fan.

      Lon Simmons and Bill King --don't even mention them in same breath.

    2. He's supposed to be vanilla! Look at the on-air personalities he works with. It's about balance in the booth! I sure he'll wax nostalgic once some of these guys retire.

  9. Hey Rich - what’s up KTVU mornings - will Gasia ever get a steady partner at 8am?

    1. Well, first things first: maybe she needs to get steady.

    2. Rack her! = P

    3. It will be Andre Senior. Mark my words.

  10. Based on what Concast charges I should have Papa in my living room doing a personal update every day.

  11. Anything new with Frank Somerville? Josh in Piedmont

    1. He's still working out on Instagram and saying weird things.

  12. Hi Rich: Channel 5 News is a Total Disaster Their recent hires, like Ryan Y. has Absolutely No Screen Presence whatsoever along with a Weak, Soft Voice. Sara Donchey should have remained in LA as she is does not fit here at all in the Bay Area. Their morning co-anchor Amanda Starrantino is a Blonde Bimbo with a bad tan who reads the teleprompter with a stupid, vacant look. Channel 5 News right now needs a Total Enema--as you would so aptly say it is a Abomination! Rich-any suggestions on how to improve Channel 5 News? Rich-you absolutely have the best blog in the Bay Area! Cary SF

    1. Thanks Cary, in my world they'd blow up everything (figuratively speaking) and start over because the furniture now stinks to high heaven.

    2. " Their morning co-anchor Amanda Starrantino is a Blonde Bimbo with a bad tan who reads the teleprompter with a stupid, vacant look."

      Oh, you got that right. They could have hired a department store mannequin and gotten more presence and realism.

      Donkey at night is almost as bad and Ryan Yamamoto has as much personality as a crash test dummy

    3. Regarding Amanda Starrantino, I do disagree with anonymous above. I actually LIKE Amanda, as she is a good breath of fresh air. I WILL say though, that as confirmed by her recent birthday where she acknowledged turning THIRTY [30], that she looks WAY older than her real years. The years in the sun have taken a toll on her way too soon.

  13. Is Andre Senior going to get the morning spot?

    1. I think he's a little too intense for mornings. Of everyone they have no, Mallicoat would be the best choice, but no one aces it really. Their male bench is pretty thin.

  14. What has happened to Christina Rendon? Have not seen her for a while

  15. Who do you think is going to take over Mike Mibach's morning and noon show position?

  16. What ever happened to the so called investigation into Jeff Adachi? 60 minutes anyone!

  17. Good afternoon - Do you think KGO-TV 7 will ever dump the "Building a Better Bay Area" spew? It sounds really dumb and would be better suited for a construction company located in the Bay Area behind a 7-11.

    1. No, because it's Disney and Disney is so full of PC guilt they went to this type of crap. Don't hold your breath.

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with "Build a Better Disney!" That would make me toss my cookies!

    3. One thing I am sick of KGO 7 is every time they advertised a movie from Disney, they must show off ABC 7 is owned by Disney over and over to let new viewers, babies, kids not knowing KGO is under Disney. I never hear NBC say they are owned by Universal or CNN is owned by Turner on air.

  18. Hey Rich check this out. Would be pretty funny if FOX owned affiliate KTVU got their assets frozen. Might suck if one of them was your paycheck if you work there. Interesting take on the issue!

  19. Hi Rich, love your blog. A few years ago you hinted that you might be able to write the whole story about Jeff Adachi’s untimely death. Is that something you still have on the back burner, or is it permanently tabled?

    1. No, I just have to make sure about critical important things, that's all. And there's more but for now, I'll leave it at that.

  20. Hey Rich, is there anybody doing similar work as you in LA? In regards to talking about the media and the moves they make? Thanks for your time.

  21. Pelon, from Pleasant Hill
    Hey Rich, what's going on these days with your old buddy, Ronn Owens?

    1. Retired in Arizona and apparently, struggling a bit. While I didn't like his professional life later in life, I don't wish him any personal struggles.

      Hope he gets well.

  22. Why is it that the KCBS School of Broadcasting, owned by the same useless people as KNX in Los Angeles and WCBS in New York City, sounds like a laboratory for high school students while the other stations have polish? Johnny from San Pablo says keep up the good work.

    1. Because KCBS is run by incompetent fools and autocrats who get by due to PC standards and not professional ethics.

  23. Would you date Christine Craft?

    1. She’s no looker for sure. Govt could post pics of her on subs and save millions on salt-Peter

  24. Hey Rich, just curious: have you ever had a job in local media? If so, where? You never talk about where you might have worked to qualify you as a media critic.

  25. Mr. Lieberman, just curious. What are you professional credentials as a journalist in the Bay Area? Radio? TV? Print? Anything?

    1. 1981, Interned out of UPI, SF.
      Sports/News Reporter, K-101

      1982, Pac. 12 Reporter, Mutual Broadcasting
      1985-'86 ABC Radio News Bay Area reporter
      Freelance Reporter, USA Today.
      Loads of freelance radio, AP and RKO, CBC.

  26. Remember the host Farrell,
    I he was enjoyable

  27. Hi Rich. Louise in Belmont- its so weird that people come to your site, by their own choice,to complain and say how terrible you are. Didn't know we lived in a fascist country where people can't make their own choices!? Hey everyone who hates Rich,swipe right( or whatever direction if you don't like something!)

    1. see definition of "fascism" before employing it as if you knew what it meant.

  28. Rich-Why does Holly Quan, when closing out the hour before the network news, say “where it’s Monday May 9th...” Why can’t she just say it’s? Sounds weird to me or am I missing something? Thanks.

  29. Scanning for a good morning radio show, I found Marcus and Sandy on Star 101.3
    I just hope nothing happens to this duo. They are well in sync with each other and very entertaining.

    Los Altos

  30. Rich - Just watched a wonderful Netflix biography on Ben Fong-Torres ... beyond his writing for Rolling Stone and local publications, I did not appreciate his presence in local media on KSAN, local TV coverage of the Chinese New Year Parade, etc.. Do you have any experiences with Ben?

    1. They were lovers at one time in the '80's
      San Francisco
