Friday, April 29, 2022

Real Radio

No such thing anymore and essentially a goner.


  1. just like coal shovelers on trains don't exist anymore, life moves on Rich. I celebrate the glory days of radio, especially KGO, but I don't obsess over the past. Times change you could bring back all of KGO's old talent and no way would that move the needle from am economics perspective to cause the station to be profitable. Speaking of nostalgia radio why didn't you (Rich) ever hook up with KSCO, You teased years ago about a BIG announcement in that regard that never happened. Even working at minimum wage would have been good for you at the time and now.

  2. I was never much for talk radio but in the past there were times I liked Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh (I don't agree with them but there shtick made me laugh) and even Howard Stern but these days I don't even bother.

    1. Agree with KMJ always good radio, same with KSCO in Santa Cruz.

  3. If you're looking for radio that harkens back to the KGO days, try KMJ 580 in Fresno. I know I know..... Fresno. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how "Un-Fresno" it sounds. (Recommended listening is 2pm-6pm.)

    1. ABSOLUTELY! Philip and Skip on KMJ do a great show 2-6pm. In much of the Bay Area their signal is strong enough to listen to Over-the-Air. Philip talks, occasionally, about having been on KGO...I don't remember him...does anyone?

  4. Damn. Someone was on fire this morning. Good. Eff those bastards at the Comical and Bay Area News.
