Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Not Being John Malkovich; Being John Lund


The other is John Malkovich, impressionist and realist.

Being John Lund, KNBR--to Greg Papa, KNBR.

Lund: "...like you said." "You were awesome last night!"..."...you're right, Greg." --giggle, giggle.

"...like you said..." "Oh, you were hilarious last night!"--"Man, you looked sensational on the set." Giggle, giggle.

"I mean, you were just awesome the other day."

"You're right."

"...like you said, (Greg)..."

*giggle, giggle.

*"You looked great, man."

giggle, giggle, Oh, man....." "...but (Greg)...like you said..."


  1. I didnt mind their show back when they were on The Lame, but i tried listening a few times to this newer version...blech. Both of the bay area sports stations are stuck in past and in desperate need of a "rebuild". Maybe that explains them tanking in the rankings?

  2. I don't care for Papa at all. For me it's his arrogance that turns me off. That being said, he does have an informed opinion on whatever he is talking about. As for Lund, how did he get the job? He adds nothing to the show and Rich is correct with his repeated stupid quotes. Management needs yo move on from him.

  3. Bring back Radnich and Krugger

  4. And Lund keeps going. He's been here 10+ years(!). Unbelievable.

  5. Sorry young dude but Lund is very good at his job. Just happens to be with a bad partner in a bad sports market. The Bay Area will not attract better especially at cost. There’s nothing Cowherd is doing a guy like Lund cannot.

  6. "Being John Malkovich" was a good movie. The type some would call an Art Film. Meant for those who might enjoy a NIck Cage festival of the absurd every so often. I cant recall why I chose to see it. Except somebody told me the Malko movie was lightly similar to a famous Kafka novel. They were correct.

  7. I don't know if we can give Papa all the credit, but the pre and post Warriors game shows were so much better when he ran them.

    1. Papa was also much better than Fitz doing the play x play of the Warrior games

  8. Saw Malkovich in The New Pope on HBO. His performance was exceptional.

  9. As much as I find Lund and Papa juvenile, they run rings around the nonentities Willard and Dibley. They must have 500x the audience, OK guests and knowledge about pro football. Those two morons on The Lame are talking about donuts, their sports picks (nobody cares!) and their junior high school exploits. Truly pathetic losers.

    1. Whats the difference between a loser and a pathetic loser?

  10. Counted 7 "in case you missed it" in the first hour today and 4 "like you said"..john lunds eight favorite words on radio
