Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Early, Early Review of KNBR's New PM Driver, "Tolbert and Copes"--It's Gonna Take Time But Two Is Better Than Three

I'm GOING to give "Tolbert (Tom) and "Copes" (Adam Copeland) a few weeks, days to get their feet wet. It's not fair to judge a new show after a day.

I gave a early listen to KNBR's new afternoon drive (2-6 PM) program featuring the above duo. From a pure listenership, it already SOUNDS much better. Two voices are much better than three. Three is a bad number, be it traveling, eating out, sitting at a concert or hearing a radio sports-talk show. Three voices creates havoc when talking out loud. The previous program was a lousy design from day one and the ratings (or lack) at the end proved it.

Tolbert is the captain of the ship. He seems to want to ride this boat out and give Copeland a chance.

Copeland tends to want to sound as the intentionally benign leadoff hitter so Tolbert can rake. At least that's what I've been able to gather in the early embryonic stage.

The problem is when Copeland wants to air a strong take and interferes with Tolbert. It'll happen and it should. This is, after all, sports-talk radio. Opinion is vital even if the hosts disagree. With only two mouths, it should eventually work. Two is better than three all day long. That much is obvious.

This is not Tolbert's first rodeo so I anticipate he's patient enough to make it work. Copeland himself is a relatively young performer. He has had free reign in the morning working both as a board guy, producer, and on-air host. The PM is a bit more nuanced but I'm sure he can adapt.

Wait ann see.


  1. Agreed. Krueger never got a word in with the three of them. Tolbert and Brooks stepped all over him. It was uncomfortable how badly they treated him as third wheel.

    New format is far better, and Copeland is solid.

    Still...Krueger should be on the airwaves here. He's way too talented to go the way of Ray Woodson. He could even build a podcast following like Haberman and Middlekauff.

    1. Go the way of Ray Woodson?

      Yeah, Krueger could do a podcast, but I think he'd rather do terrestrial radio. Not sure if you saw Rich's post the other day, but Krueger's agent already reached out to 95.7. We'll see what happens and hopefully Krueger resurfaces in the not too distant future.

    2. Woodson sucked He was the worst

  2. Today's drivetime topic was about a guy who shoved a battery where he shouldn't have. Not the greatest radio. Reminded me of how Rich goes off at Papa and Lund's juvenile behavior.

  3. Isn't Adam the son of that half-talented (too much credit?) dude, Brian Copeland?

    1. Wow it must have taken some real detective work to figure that out.

    2. Brian Copeland was/is a true "zero". I remember the old KGO, Ronn, Lee, Owen, Jim, etc., then they tried to usher in some new talent like Michael Savage (great host even if you disagree with politics), John Rothmann (boring host but worth a listen given his vast knowledge) and then there is "Coppie"...terrible in all aspects!

  4. The main thing I've noticed is that Tom continues to come across monotone with very little enthusiasm. Copes' best quality is his energy, but he seems to be trying to match Tom's blah delivery. I would at least try having Copes direct the show and have Tom return to the role he had with Ralph. Long term, KNBR needs to decide how long they are willing to put up with Tom mailing it in.

    1. Tom has been mailing it in for 10 years, even more since his life or death heart surgery. He needs an energetic partner and live calls. None of those does he have now. Him and Roye on home Warrior games are great. Roye is really good and funny. They make a great team. Tom can do it with that kind of partner. He is really, really bright.

  5. 8:20 yes Adam is Brian Copeland's son. Their voices sound exactly the same. Both of Brian's kids work in Bay Area radio. His daughter has been a producer at KGO for years.

  6. Tolbert is a juvenile imbecile over 50. He will take the show into the toilet (again) despite the best efforts of Copeland, who actually does his homework. KNBR keeps cutting Tom's co-hosts when he is a major part of the problem.

  7. I figured based on learning there was a new show I'd give it a try at work. Both myself and co-worker thought the Tuesday opening was an epic fail/flail.

    Think about it...it's the second day, and it's like 2:01-2:02. You tune into the show and this generic shit rock is blaring over the airwaves. And just as I'm about to turn it off because I can't believe they're not talking already, Tom jumps on the microphone and starts discussing HOW GOOD the song is. How "too much Tool is never enough..." and that he wants to "let the song ride out until the end..."

    Does it get lazier?

    Meanwhile, the other guy hasn't even spoken yet.

    The big story is the impending baseball strike, but to be honest I wasn't even really aware of it. After Tom discusses Tool he asks Copeland how are things and he's just like "Meh." Things are Meh. Day two of the rest of his life, and "meh."

    OK, so now out of nowhere Tom just starts talking about the strike as if we're already well versed on what has transpired. Just randomly starts weighing in as if he took a seat at the bar and the conversation was in full swing. He sides with the players. Great.

    Now we're 5-6 minutes into this segment and I honestly have no idea what the hell is going on here. I have no details of the story, and it sounds like I missed an entire segment before. Maybe I did? Maybe there was cross talk about it, and they just assumed we were all in the know. But if there was cross talk, why are you coming on the air almost FIVE MINUTES after the top of the hour and jumping into a topic without any of the actual news?

    Then Copeland finally weighs in and says something about owners, the Warriors owner, other owners, etc. Tom mentions some things about the changes within baseball.

    It was literally the most uninspired conversation to start a program I've heard in a long ass time, but admittedly, I don't listen to the beginning of shows, or really much of anything. I was just hoping that maaaaaybe these guys would come hot, come out prepared, come out ready to introduce a new show into the Bay Area.

    Nope. None of that.

    And the reality being that negativity sells. Negativity gets people angry, and that can generate a topic. The idea that there won't be baseball any time soon, and how that affects the station that is basically ALL BASEBALL, you would think would generate a topic.

    You might think the producer would be like, "Guys, this is the biggest topic right now...lets have someone on right away, first segment, to really get into the news of what is or isn't happening. Lets be topical and mindful." Nope. None of that.

    Just "Meh."

    I mean, I always figured they didn't know what they hell they were doing it, but to admit it on day 2?

    They need to get their act together FAST.

    Copeland gonna lose this gig before it even starts. He better take the effing reigns because Tom is not going to. He better assert himself and be the person steering this ship because if he's not then they're just gonna find someone else to hold Tom's beer.

    That. Was. Terrible.

  8. the problem s Lund, kruger, brroks and now copeland all bow and defer to Tolbert. And they all have mayonaise "takes". The razor and ratto both gave life to a dullard tolbert. So Tolbert was like the straight man. Here you have 2 straight men. 2 men with middle of the road ideas. 2 men with no fire. And if you want "fire" how about take some calls from fans like years ago, Nope. not happening.

  9. I think the KNBR hosts are honestly afraid of being shown up by more knowledgeable sports fans -- namely, their audience. Few hosts seem to follow what's going on too closely or even seem to care. This is their livelihood and yet they are indifferent, even at times resentful, toward sports. They'd rather chortle about beer, gambling, women, pop culture and fast food.

    1. It was so uninspiring I’m shocked. And Ratto was not interesting although smart. Should not be on radio. Lund can at least navigate and he’s smart but also beholden to Old Man River.

      Ryan Covay is a lot better than Copeland and is super opinionated. For all the people to lose their gigs that shouldn’t have been the guy.

      This Copeland fellow better wake the eff up.

    2. I didnt care one way or another for covay, but I wonder what he did to get fired by both of these radio stations..he's better then several on air "talent" still being employed without a doubt

    3. @unknown stuntman- I'm honestly not sure what Covay did either. I mentioned in another post that it was kind of cringe when he would talk about his dog. I get it, he loves his dog like most dogowners who love their dogs, but the way he talked about his dog on the air it was like, wow, he really loves his dog. He kind of talked about his dog a little too much. Not sure if that's why KNBR let him go and why he's not on 95.7 anymore, but I wouldn't be surprised if it played a role.

      But yes, other than that, not sure either why he was let go by KNBR and why he left 95.7. 95.7 has some good on air talent coming through the pike (Shomari Block, Allen Stiles, Dan Devone, the behind the scenes guys Steven Langford and Kyle Madson), but they should've kept Covay.

  10. KNBR isn't a sports station. How much do they really talk about sports? Probably not as much as you think. But the zombies who live in this market think KNBR is the bomb. How ignorant. How stupid.

  11. Tuned into Kurtenbach last night. Three hours of nothing but sports talk. Breaks down Warriors' flaws, then niners' predicament with Jimmy. Then a great interview with John Shea on the CBA. No talk about beers, bets, or other juvenile humor. I had forgotten what good sports talk could be like. Why can't the daytime guys do shows like this?

  12. Knowledgeable sports fans? an oxymoron if ever was one

    1. I’m a sports fan and I’m sure as fuck positive I’ve got more brains than you

  13. I don't know if I am alone but as I have gotten older I have found I am not going to waste my time with meaningless drivel. Someone asked me who won the Super Bowl 2 years ago and who won the NCAA basketball championships in 2018. At the time, those things were very important to me but as I look back I think WHY?

    Politics is sports and greed have totally burned me out. The Warriors had the best fans in the league in Oakland for 40 years but that was not good enough, the owners had to be in SF so all those loyal people got screwed. I can't watch them anymore because that betrayal really struck a nerve. The list goes on and on. I'm done with stupid sports talk shows too. The pandemic taught me that there are a lot more important things than idiots shouting on the radio at me.

    1. @5:00- The Warriors were originally in SF/Daly City (Cow Palace, Civic Auditorium, USF) when they moved to the Bay Area, so the Warriors move to SF was essentially them going back to their original Bay Area home.

      Yes, the Warriors had a great thing in Oakland for a number of years and Oracle was awesome for the Warriors most of the years they were there, but the Warriors were probably eventually going to have to leave Oracle as Oracle was already an older arena and they probably weren't going to get a new state of the art Chase Center type of arena in Oakland anyway. If the Warriors stayed at Oracle, they might've been in the same predicament the Raiders and the A's found themselves in; not being able to build a new stadium there. Plus, where in Oakland could the Warriors have built Chase Center; Jack London Square, the Coliseum site, Laney College, some other part of Oakland?

      The Warriors moving to SF made sense. It's not like they moved to Santa Clara like the Niners did. The Niners left the city and things in Santa Clara honestly haven't been great for them. The Warriors moved back to the city which has been great for them business wise and Chase is selling out like Oracle did. The Warriors have a chance to be like the Giants in the city. The Niners left that. The Niners will always be a big deal in the city and in the Bay Area despite the move to Santa Clara, but them moving to Santa Clara hasn't really worked out so far.

      But yes, the Warriors move to SF really hurt you that bad? You can still get to Chase Center from the East Bay and there's multiple ways to get to Chase Center as opposed to Oracle. Oracle was great, but Chase Center has the chance to be even better.

  14. KURTENBACK talks and talks and talks. One mans opinion for 4 hours. Then he gets guests and we get to hear his same opinions again as he runs them past the guests. I grew up with Russo in NY, and listen to him now on sirius. Now THAT is a compelling broadcaster. KNBR folks are bland. And Lund has potential but he bows to the greatness of papa and will easily give in on his opinion if papa opposses. He did the same with Tolbert. Tolbert constantly pronounces Belichick's name wrong. And Lund conformed and would pronounce it like tolbert. A total kiss-up.

  15. Kruger will be on some dudes youtube podcast about the niners. I am sure he got a proper servence so for now I guess that will do. then he will need to make a real living.
