Saturday, February 5, 2022

Upon Further Reflection, Ryan Yamamoto is Still Terrible and Sara Donchey Is Slightly Better Than Average; KPIX5 Anchors Away

I TRIED again, really tried my best to like Ryan Yamamoto.

I put aside the fact he has a terrible voice and that he doesn't ooze with a lot of emotion. He's sort of a nothing, really. Anyway, I tried to bury my initial negative feelings about the guy and try to look for a silver lining.

I couldn't find no such thing.

Try as he might, the new KPIX anchor at 5 PM is the latest DUD to hit the CBS-SF outlet. Yamamoto should be at Noon where no one watches news (not just PIX, everywhere)--in that sense, Yamamoto would be just fine because his screen presence wouldn't matter and no one would care about his sullen look and weird, goofy voice.

Simply put, Yamamoto is not ready for prime time. He puts forth zero energy and has no command. As a news anchor, your job is to read with, at worst, a smidgen of conviction. Yamamoto has all the emotion of a Union City 7-11. His voice is abysmal. It's not his fault but when reading off a teleprompter, you must have some edge, some degree of passion. There is none with Mr. Yamamoto. He is sorely out of place. He could be more tolerable reporting in the field but now is too early for that notion. Whatever the case, Ryan Yamamoto is a disaster at 5 on 5.

*I watched Sara Donchey finally.

While I thought she had obvious negatives, (too much lip emphasis) I thought she was about a C+. Look, I'm enough of a cynic. They didn't bring her in with the idea she'd be a 2022 version of Diane Sawyer. She's soft, of course she is, but she reads OK. Not great mind you but who is great anymore?

PIX is trying to rearrange the furniture at the office, I'll give 'em that. Donchey is a fresh look, new wallpaper so to speak. She's not going to move the needle but I'd rather watch her than cranky Allen Martin. She's also come to PIX at a time when the place is teetering on absolute dysfunction.

So let's be real. Or more to the point, give her (Donchey) some more time.

Bitch and moan later.


  1. Ok. Where do I start.
    So you point out the obvious.

    But, there is a problem when people throw rocks at honest people just trying to earn an honest living. On the job. He is just OK. Nothing fantastic, nothing bad.

    Just imagine you are watching a kid from high school do a newscast.
    The voice is like a wonky student.

    So KPIX has LOWERED their standards when it comes to a professional newscast with "broadcast quality" voice talent.
    They hired him for LOOKS ONLY.
    But he is trying hard, you can see that. 2 points for effort.

    Doncheys hair looks "fake" black.
    So now we have image issues & voice issues.

    KPIX you suck.

  2. I agree about Yamamoto...the commercial with him in it is....sad also. He's a snooze.

  3. They are both bad. I can't imagine anyone looking for anchors would have selected either one.

  4. KPIX is NOT targeting the cisgendered white male in selecting Ryan. We must be more divers and non-threatening. Ryan must at times deliver bad news...we don't want him scaring anyone too bad.

  5. Someone mentioned Devin Fehely as a better, more animated, anchor candidate.
    I'm never up in the AM, so I have heard little from him.
    Here is a series of reports he made, dated from 2017.
    I would assume he is even better now.
    Seems to have some "life" in his delivery. See vimeo 9 minutes.

  6. Sara Donchey is so terrible to watch. Her eyes contact or lashes was bothering her on 3PM newscast. Is she Jewish or Hispanic???

  7. Sara Donchey, I mean, like, what in the world, was KPIX thinking when they hired her? Did they even SEE a picture or video of her? She has a strange face, and I agree with the commenter on your other post here Rich, that the guy named Devin, who was indeed, on yesterday morning [Saturday], anchoring, is absolutely fantastic and has great screen presence. He LOOKS like an anchor, delivers like one, and is totally BELIEVABLE in what he is saying. Sara Donchey? I mean, PAHLEEZE!

  8. Damn Rich! You're tough! We loved Donchey down here in LA. Definitely thought she would resonate up there (I know it's still early). She had a strong following on weekends at KCBS/KCAL. Shame she never got a weekday gig.

    Not Sara Donchey

    1. There are few new anchors that Rich likes. I thought Sarah Donchey has a little bit of a harsh, dominatrix-like look to her, but otherwise her presentation is very polished and professional. She's a good hire. I also like the new weekend anchor, Audrey Asistio, on KNTV. Very professional.

  9. For Yamamoto to be the face of the station, the new Ken Bastida (and Bastida wasn't much) is pathetic. Whoever decided that should be 86ed....Oh, wait, yeah. Yamamoto is a workman-like backup anchor at best, the guy you put on weekends or call in when everyone else is busy or sick and there's a breaker. I think someone thought they could save money because they're probably paying him in Ovaltine.

  10. > who is great anymore?

    Brian Hackney. Juliette Goodrich. They should be KPIX's faces of the station, not the junior leaguers they have up there now.

    1. Hackney and Goodrich? Are yo kidding me? Hackney is certainly a brainiac, and he KNOWS it. He can read a teleprompter, and he KNOWS IT. Right there is the problem with him. And as for Goodrich, she's a MILF that is past her prime, and she is painful to look at, as her eyes always look like she was just crying. She probably might be good enough to bang, but even that might not be all that great. She should just join her good friend, Roberta Gonzalez, and retire. On wait, Roberta came back and is at KTVU. Both Gonzalez and Goodrich, are just like certain athletes, like Tom Brady, who just don't know when to retire.

  11. Ryan seems like a nice human, BUT he lacks ANY Gravitas of any kind and he seems like he is doing every Newscast like a SF State Final exam. B+ would be my grade.

  12. Like Shrek says: "Hello Donchey

  13. There was a time when I would turn on the news to be informed. With the news being so negative now a days, I decided I want eye candy. Sara gives me that, and it makes hearing all the negatively easy to digest.

  14. Sara is doing well. Ryan ... Still would like to know where he got his experience, if any.

  15. Why don't they just bring in Frank Sommerville? KPIX would bring him in with the condition that he goes and gets help. HELL! Make it a story, follow him on the dangers of addiction and show his progress. It will make the station look like they're trying to help one of the Bay Area's premiere news talent and they'll get the audience. What could they possibly lose? It's not like their ratings are going to get worse. And if it turns out he sinks some more? Then the Bay Area could say they tried. But at least it might take away some audience from the Firm.

  16. Come now, who besides you really cares who reads the news?

    Premiere news talent? Sloshing and stumbling his way through life?

  17. I remember when Liz was the new hot thing, now she looks like Sara Doncey's mom.

  18. Give Ryan a chance. David Louie was not a superstar either when he first started out.

  19. Maybe it's just a reflection of my own significant insecurities...At the dozen or so companies I worked for during my career (not in show-biz!) before I retired, the first several _months_ were intensely anxious, wanting to be liked, wanting to impress, wanting to exceed expectations - all while being a nervous wreck. Probably that's not the life of a public face. But geez, Yamamoto and Donchey just starting working there what, two, three weeks ago? Give them a while to develop rapport with all the new people they're working with, both on and off camera. Let them settle in. In time, I'm fairly sure they'll both relax and get into a groove. That's not to say there probably are shortcomings in each - regrettably Yamamoto's voice, which I doubt can change - but I think they just need some time to marinate.
    On the other hand, I could be talking out of my ass! So either way, time will reveal the reality...

  20. I can’t get over that weird thing he does where he sticks out his chin like he’s trying to look all professional and serious.

  21. I can’t watch Donchey. I stopped watching the news, especially the 11pm news. It’s so sad because they ruined my evenings.

  22. Donchey is terrible, who dresses her? Attractive, airhead I guess! When did the substance of the news become about looks? The news is supposed to be boring, the person who delivers it should reliable, trustworthy and boring. Ryan is a 5 time Emmy award winner, who grew up here in the Bay Area, not a SoCal transplant. Give Ryan a chance better than Da Lin.
