Friday, November 5, 2021

There is No Carnegie Deli in Bay Area; Juvenile KNBR Yahoo, John Lund; KGO Flatlines (Again); Buster Posey Fatigue; Soledad O'Brien Sighting; Chronicle Print Edition Bleeding Red Ink; KRON Doesn't Pretend; Audrey Asistio NBC Bay Area Bright Star; Aikel Crumbling KTVU; Friday Flash


You know what irks me more than anything? The idea that in an area as big as the Bay Area with many cultural and diverse interests, we can't have a DECENT DELI where you can get a good pastrami or corned-beef on rye. Tommy's Joynt is nice but it's not a NY deli. And the same with Harry's Hofbrau. How sad.

*Speaking of sad, there's KNBR imbecile John Lund, who gets off on hearing Greg Papa say, "Cox in his face." Seriously, is this MORON who has potty-mouth issues fit for on-air duties? Lund's juvenile idiocy wouldn't be tolerated in kindergarten class but is allowed on 50, 000 watts. Again, an un-talented hack who has to KISS ASS and giggle every time his radio wife (Papa) tells him. The SCHMUCK has NO CLASS.

*KGO RADIO once again FLATLINED in the October RATINGS. KGO has mucho problems. A morning show that doesn't work and is still mired in last place in its time slot is one. Mark Thompson Show from 10-Noon continues to CRATER. KGO's BEST show is Pat Thurston yet KGO doesn't even promote her. It's a crock and Lee Hammer knows it.

*The Buster Posey retirement story was BIG news here but nationally, no interest whatsoever. Posey is a legit HOF consideration guy but as a personality, he's stuck in neutral. All the alleged sports media guys, like man-crush king, Brian Murphy, who would clean Buster's bathroom every day if he could, can't change that.

*If YOU SAW Soledad O'Brien outside Original Joe's the other day, you weren't alone.

*I'm surprised some news outlets didn't go to a homeless encampment and ask what impact, Buster's retirement, had on their lives.

*The PRINT EDITION of the SF Chronicle is awash in RED INK and is LOSING a MILLION BUCKS a week. A fact that even HEARST money has to acknowledge any day now and they WILL.

*KRON, compared to their cross-channel members like KTVU, KPIX and NBC Bay Area, is a relative sea of tranquility, which is ironic in so many ways. I've been massively PRO-KRON lately and that's scary. Its newscasts are consistent and relatively watchable which is all I ask for. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm going ga ga but that's the point: KRON doesn't pretend that it's anything special anymore and that's a check in my box.

*I BLEW IT on Audrey Asistio, well, sort of. I assumed the new NBC Bay Area weekend anchor, was a softie and I was wrong. I based my initial thoughts on her selfie and that was pre-mature. Audrey has some substancial gumption. So mea culpa on my part.

*The Frank Somerville to Seattle rumors are NOT correct. Somerville had some feelers from Starbucks town but nothing was serious and Frank didn't execute (big word) a lease on a property. Frank is twisting in the wind, courtesy Fox/KTVU and will twist away with an uncertain ending but his KTVU days are OVER.

*Amber Eikel, the ditsy KTVU ND, is barely holding together a newsroom that works IN SPITE of her; in addition to an equally DETESTED assistant ND, (Simone Aponte); in addition to a wretched HR boss, (Chris Nohr) and MIA GM. The KTVU structure is CRUMBLING and any day now will collapse, WITH AUTHORITY!


  1. A deli worth visiting? My Jewish brother, I thought you knew?!...

    We’re not getting the endless pickles, brown and cream dishware or celebrity sightings, but Canter’s Deli, the iconic Jewish delicatessen of Los Angeles, is now available on the Peninsula and in South San Jose via a partnership with DoorDash.

    As first reported by J. The Jewish News of Northern California, DoorDash users in Atherton, Belmont, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Redwood City, San Carlos and Woodside can pick up or get delivery of Canter’s matzah ball soup, latkes and pastrami, corned beef and veggie reuben sandwiches.

    The food, including coleslaw, potato salad and those pickles, are prepared at DoorDash Kitchens in Redwood City, and are also available at Westfield Oakridge in South San Jose for delivery or to-go. The concept had its soft opening a month ago.

    1. And by the way, they are directly across the street from Harry's Hofbrau there.

    2. La Villa Deli in San Jose/Willow Glen. Been there since 1947.

  2. Not some fake Felch comment guyNovember 5, 2021 at 10:17 AM

    No, KGO's best show is John Rothmann. And I'm the guy that continuously mocked you in the comments when you talked about how great he was. He is, and I've seen the light.

    1. Rothmann is excellent when it comes to politics and history. Chip Franklin is also good and would be much better for the morning show. Medoro needs to go back to reading the news. How long can KGO put up with Medoro ??

  3. <<The PRINT EDITION of the SF Chronicle is awash in RED INK and is LOSING a MILLION BUCKS a week. A fact that even HEARST money has to acknowledge any day now and they WILL.

    Do you think it's the fact that they're a liberal rag? Or the fact that most liberals can't read and vote by emotion?

    1. Neither - it's because their journalism is crap and boring. You can get away with one of the two, but not both. I'm a paid subscriber and they tried to double my rate. I told them to cancel me, and they gave me my rate back.

    2. It's because they (rightfully) concluded that precisely Zero people in the SF market who might watch the Wendy Williams Show cared about Colin Powell's funeral. If I'm wrong, and there was somebody in the 7.5 million people in the Bay Area who was in both buckets, that person also knows where CNN is.

    3. Third-generation Chron subscriber here, held my nose when Hearst got it, but when they gave @#%&! Nevius a page 1 placement to crow about how he'd killed the recycling center at Duboce and Market, I cancelled.
      I miss the Bay Guardian more, even though I was reading Caen, McCabe and Delaplane in grade school.

  4. Pat Thurston's predictable "progressive " outrage at every denial of free stuff to the masses is only outweighed by her screeching hen vocal delivery. Somebody please get her a vocal coach so she can learn how to breathe while talking into a microphone. What are her ratings, exactly?

  5. Soledad O'Brien is 7 years away from Social Security.

    She doesn't move the needle like you feel she does, sorry.

    1. If the needle moves anywhere for her, it's way down.

  6. Wise Sons deli doesn't float your boat?

    1. No offense to Wise Sons, but I don't think they are all that good. I went to the one in Hayes Valley here in SF, I think the first week they opened 2-3 yrs ago somewhere around there, but they were just ok.

  7. KTVU decided that a Wendy Williams show was more important than broadcasting the funeral service of Colin Powell. Deplorable decision on their part as usual...albeit expected!

  8. My money is on Frank returning to the evening news desk within the month of November. He will apologize for his abrupt departure and leave of absence, and move on from there.

    KGO Radio has been in the dumps since RONN left. He was a true old school pro and is sorely missed. R

    1. Ronn? Is that you? Thought you moved to Arizona.

  9. Years ago I had dinner at Harold's Deli in Parsippany, NJ. (In the Holiday Inn of of I-80). I ordered the corned beef dinner. Out comes a platter with corned beef piled high, and the cabbage & carrots on a separate dinner plate.

    There was no way I could eat all of it. I questioned how they good give you all of this food at reasonable price they charged?

    I found out years later he was busted for double-dipping customer's credit cards. That's how you do it in NJ.

  10. Brian murphy is too busy cleaning larry baer's bathroom and doing his dry cleaning,cleaning his latrine and buying his groceries before he gets to Posey's house..oh yeah, then he needs time to pitch columns to the other brown nosing schmucks like scott ostler,ann killion, and I know he is now supposed "retired" the world's most sensitive writer henry "hank" Schulman for the sf comical..

  11. Mock Posey all you want Rich. Have you donated millions to cancer charity work? How much Rich? Posey and his wife have there own cancer charity foundation. Dump ass you are

    1. It didn't appear to me that Rich was mocking Posey, more so that Posey is pretty bland and does not "move the needle" nationally because of his dull personality. In no way does that mean he is not a benevolent and good guy or a great, potential HOF catcher, it is what it is. People like flamboyance and flash over substance. Personally I like the substance, give me an uninteresting guy that goes about his business in a professional and dignified manner any day of the week, but that doesn't seem to generate interest and clicks these days.

  12. There are still some good deli's here in the Bay Area, at least in SF and the peninsula. One that I like going to when I get a chance is Darby Dan's. It's in South San Francisco aka "South City" on Airport Blvd. They have a variety of sandwich options there, and going inside there, it feels like a throwback to how deli's once were.

  13. A deli that is pretty popular that is also in South San Francisco is this deli called Little Luca's. It's on El Camino Real, kind of not too far from Kaiser South San Francisco and the South San Francisco BART station.

    But yes, please give Darby Dan's or Little Luca's a try the next time you're in the peninsula or in SF. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

    1. Never been to Darby Dan's. Little Lucca is a sandwich shop. Anyone who thinks Little Lucca is a deli has never been to an actual deli.

    2. @8:47- Oh oops, my bad. LOL. Yeah, Little Lucca is a sandwich shop. It's always packed with a line outside whenever I ride by there. Pretty popular. I still think it would be a good sandwich place for Rich to check out if he's looking for a good sandwich.

      Yeah, Darby Dan's is off the chains. Their sandwiches are always fresh and it doesn't take too long for them to make the sandwiches. One of the best sandwich places in the Bay. I hope you get a chance to check it out next time you're in South San Francisco or possibly on your way to SFO if you're taking a flight.

    3. Darby Dan's is Epic! What about Molonari's or Lucca on Chestnut st? Both terrific

  14. Yeah, the Posey retirement news didn't get much pub nationally. I watched SportsCenter last night and I was surprised they even mentioned it and showed some highlights of his retirement press conference yesterday.

    Part of it might be because Posey wasn't really flashy. He will always be appreciated here in the Bay Area, but in order to be a national star, especially in baseball, you have to be like Bryce Harper, Fernando Tatis Jr, guys like those. Also, the Giants have always been ignored nationally, at least since Bonds left/"retired" after the 2007 season, so I guess Posey's retirement news not getting a lot of pub nationally is unfortunately not too surprising.

  15. I'd be happy to get a decent bagel somewhere in California. Lived here since 1978 and still haven't found one.

    1. What's wrong with Posh Bagel? I'd eat there more if carbs weren't my public enemy no. 1.

    2. Beauty's Bagel Shop and Boichik Bagels in Oakland. Very different but both excellent. Wise Sons now sells Beauty's bagels after their recent quaisi-merger. Baron Baking in Berkeley. Saul's in Berkeley used to sell Baron bagels but they now bake in-house ... possibly with the Baron recipe(?). The East Bay is the place to buy your bagels.

    3. House of Bagels, San Jose, Stevens Creek Blvd

    4. Bagel bites. In your local grocery freezer.

  16. Glad posey will be gone. Soft as a catcher and was really just lucky he got to receive for one of the greatest rotations of all time. If a ball so much as nicked the edge of his shoulder pad hed need the ump give him time to recover, and the giants homers would gush about how "tough" he was. He was a good batter though, ill give him that.

    1. Get that first ballot Hall of Fame catcher out of here!

  17. "Rothmann is excellent when it comes to politics and history. Chip Franklin is also good and would be much better for the morning show. Medoro needs to go back to reading the news. How long can KGO put up with Medoro"

    Chip the Prick is not good. All he talks is Vaccine and Dave L. He thinks he is such a comedian. Just a cut you off dick if you don't go his way. You ever see him cover Biden or current stuff? no he reverts back to Trump. FU Chip. He sucks ass. Pat can be good hit or miss. Same with John. Lee Hammer needs advice from Robin Bertilucci on how to run radio. Moe Kelly would be a tremendous addition to the radio station. Although he would not leave KFI. Oh how is Chris Merill still on. Seems nice but the content sucks

    1. The other night rothman brought up john Lindsey and the woman on with him had no clue who he was talking about..same with hubert Humphrey,nelson Rockefeller who he also brings up and again nobody has a clue..

    2. If you don't have a clue, it's because you don't do much grownup reading.

  18. I'm not a fan of Soledad O'Brien. I saw an interview where she was complaining how awful it was to grow up in an affluent suburb of New York City. I understand she is a person of color, but her parents had money and she was just a train ride away from the biggest city in America. Not exactly a struggle compared to actual poor people.

  19. You blew it on Audrey Asistio. But not a peep about Anousha, when she left for LA. BUT you went bonkers over Peggy Bunker!!!!

  20. By now the Carnegie Deli has been gone from 7th Avenue (Manhattan) for years. Same with the Stage Deli. Couldn't afford the rents and still make a living. You can get the Carnegie experience in Las Vegas but not NYC. However, Zabar's is still bustling, but that requires hoofing it up to 80th Street and Broadway. Oh, and where good delis have been attempted here in the BayArea, the populace hasn't supported them, and/or the prices were just too high.

  21. Audrey should replace Janelle Wang. NBC 11 always put reporters I don't like Terry on weekends and Janelle on weekdays demoted on KGO 7, welcome on NBC 11

  22. When I worked downtown for ACT, David's deli a couple doors down was pretty good...There was another one just down from them, can't remember the name...Great for Pastrami and Cream Cheese on an Onion Roll...But that was 1970...jf

    1. Are you kidding me ?
      1970 ?
      Everything from 1970s is gone.
      Today..the homeless population of San Francisco will shoplift anything out of such deli.!!
      No go find a Woolworths and grab a fountain drink.

    2. Welcome to the 21st century! We have all kinds of crazy things these days such as movie pictures with talking, flying aeroplanes, running water in houses, and even these wacky doohickeys with four wheels that you drive around to go places!

  23. I used to subscribe to the PRINT version of the SF Chronicle when it was reasonably priced, you used to be able to get it for $150 - $250 a year on various deals. Let the old sub run out and get a new one at a lower rate etc. After the last sub ran out I checked the rates and it's over $500 a year for 7 days a week of print. It's obvious they don't want print subscribers at those rates. Maybe they'll wise up and do a "Black Friday" special to bring up print people back, otherwise I can live without it. I don't like digital newspapers.

  24. True, the best deli's seem to be in Manhattan area. But there's an excellent example, nearly as good, in Berkeley. Saul's Restaurant & Deli just a short walk up the street from Chez Panisse. Sutter & Vine, about 1/4 mile north of Hearst. Pastrami, par excellence. As for bagels, I've found none as good as Manhattan's, but Noah's bagels are pretty good, at least the last time I tried one there. I like the one on Battery & Bush. Even better if there's a traffic jam on Battery going south. A person might be able to get out of their car and buy a bagel, get back in well before the jam clears ... lol ..

  25. Harry's is a hofbrau, a German-style diner, not a deli. Tommy's is nasty & dirty inside.

  26. Moe Kelley is a far better fill in than Chris Merill. Listening Lee? Your product sucks.

  27. - Those who are questioning the deli economy locally and nationally only lead to look at processed meat sales at delis and grocers, outside of NYC, the South, and the Plains. That's where the answers are found.
    - Please Oh Please, no Lewd Lund contract extension!
    - The Hammer in Atlanta Heaven had a better year than The Hammer in Bay Area Hell.
    - I prefer substance over style, information over image. Don't care if people call that boring. Only Mays & McCovey were greater SF Giants than Posey. 2 for 2 in the NL Pennant series against biggest rival Yadi Molina of St Louis. Call the man bland if you want, but always call Buster a winner. Win 3 rings in a decade, and the Baseball Hall is very likely. Worth it here. The Bay Stations have a legit story when it comes to Buster Posey's tenure By The Bay.
    - Soledad By The Bay? O'Brien still has friends from her time on the local airwaves. Let her enjoy. Could also be working on her next story for Bryant Gumbel's Real Sports on HBO.
    - Homeless, mansion, middle class. All Bay citizens, even Oakland A's fans, had immense respect for Buster Posey's great career.
    - So does Hearst sell the Chron to the Denver Post, who own the Bay Area News Group, i.e. Mercury News, East Bay Times, etc.?
    - So Rich, is Darya even watchable, considering how desperate she is to arouse a colleague?
    - As long as Asistio works well with McSweeney, her talent will continue to shine.
    - So Seattle doesn't want Somerville?
    - The KTVU Structure is crumbling WITH AUTHORITY? Does that mean Larry Beil might return to Jack London Square and replace Frank Somerville? And how well would that sit with his nemesis Mark Ibanez? Might such Beil rumors run Eikel, Aponte, and Nohr out of town? Beil might do both Circle7 and FOX2 favors if that's true.

  28. The New York Times had a story on Buster Posey's retirement.
