Thursday, November 4, 2021

Ask Rich Lieberman

YOUR TV/RADIO/INTERNET Questions--please, name and city


  1. Davis in Lincoln City, OregonNovember 4, 2021 at 1:14 PM

    With the on field retirement of Buster Posey just announced will we be hearing similar announcements in the future from the broadcast booth? And if so who might it be? Or will it be more than one?

    1. At this point, no, but at beginning of the year, stay tuned.

  2. Any new information, on a possible full-time replacement for Ken Bastida?

  3. Hi Rich: Out of the leading inhouse candidates Alex Savidge, Andre Senior or Mike Mibach who do you think KTVU Channel 2 will hire to replace Frank Sommerville? Or will it perhaps be someone not at Channel 2 but another Bay Area TV news anchor like Ken Wayne, Terry McSweeney (My Choice) or even Dion Lim? Would KTVU even consider an anchor outside of the Bay Area TV News Market? Rich: I absolutely love your blog! Cary SF

    1. Hi Cary, NONE of the above. Savidge and Miach are not prime time guys and can't carry. McSweeney is top notch and might be a candidate.

  4. Hi Rich,
    Could you rate your favorite local TV newscasts and your top local tv anchors/reporters. Thanks fr what you do to keep us informed and entertained.

    1. I like the KGO newscast at 6 with Dan Ashley and Ama Daetz..I used to like the 10 on KTVU but it's so poor now--fav anchors: Ashley, Terry McSweeney, Anne Macovec, Allie Rasmus, and Cristina Rendon.

  5. Urban legend or real? Back in the 60's, maybe 70's I heard that the lighting of the Trib tower changed from red to green depending upon the next days temperature. If red it meant that the next day's temperature was warmer than the current day, green meant cooler.
    Something like that.

  6. why no mention yet of Bay Area great Sam Spear? His passing was felt by many in the community. Meyer in Saratoga.

    1. First off, I tweeted out a condolence to his passing- second, if you google my name and Sam Spear, I posted a story about Sam, it's out there. Third, he was very complicated guy and I'll leave it at that.

    2. I don't tweet, sorry. Didn't know that there was animus. Fair enough.

  7. Any new replacement or additional anchors replacing VDLC and Ken on KPIX 5? There is always 4 reporters switching back and forth on evening news, currently only 3.

    1. They're looking for someone outside the market for Ken.

  8. Do you think we'll see Buster Posey in the Giants announcers booth in the future?

    1. He'd be great but I think he wants to spend time with his family.

  9. Hi Rich,
    Do you think KCBS will ever stop playing musical chairs with the anchors they have left? It is quite annoying to listen too day after day.
    East Bay

    1. They have INCOMPETENT management so as long as that's in place, anything is on the table.

  10. If you had to assemble your all-star prime time team (2 anchors, 1 sports, 1 weather) and got to pick from anyone who is currently on air at any of the bay area stations, which four people would be on that team?

    1. Dan Ashley, Terry McSweeney (News)
      Mark Ibanez (Sports)
      Lawrence Karnow (Weather)

  11. Bill Cosby, your thoughts?

    1. I'm not a Bill Cosby fan but I think his punishment was way to harsh especially when you consider some ex-jock who murdered his wife and her friend and who was acquitted.

    2. Rich, agreed. But I still insist (and I am probably going to get sh[t for this) that O.J. had help. I think his son was involved as well.

  12. 10 years ago or so I saw Norm Macdonald on "Norm Macdonald Live" and I noticed that he had gained a considerable amount of weight and looked really puffy. I thought at the time, "I bet he's on Prednisone for a health ailment". Around that same time Gary Radnich was on KRON looking real puffy. People were making puffy jokes on KNBR with him and mentioned that he was on prednisone. I *think* I remember that he was fighting prostate cancer? Did he announce that later? I may be wrong on that and if I am I apologize.

    Fast forward to a month ago and Norm passed away after a 10 year battle with cancer. My thoughts went to Radnich recently. How is he? Any updates on his health? I'd hate to wake up to terrible news one day. Love the great Radu. He's been radio silent for about a year on social media. Any update on him or his health is greatly appreciated.

    Love you Gare!

    1. Radnich never suffered cancer, He was raking steroids to battle joint pain --usually stemming from old age and the like. I'm not his doctor but that much I know.

    2. yeah, he would mention Prednisone a lot on his radio show. I think it was for his back. It's a steroid. Make's you get puffy.

    3. I thought I heard something about prostate. Either way, hope he's in good health.

  13. Where’s KQED’s nightly *local* newscast? All the O&O generally syndicate the same old stuff now. Thanks!

    1. KQED has a 2022 "NewsRoom" on its agenda but so far hasn't announced anything but take a look in January, or don't.

  14. Do you think KPIX 5 News will ever return to their former glory or has that ship sailed?

    Up here in Reno we can still watch the 10 PM news up here from the time when Cox owned both KTVU and Reno's KRXI-11 until a decade ago. It is sad to see the once mighty show go to pot.

  15. Hey Rich! Thanks for the opportunity to ask a question. The recent Gov recall election went nearly 80% in favor or retaining the Democratic Governor, at least among Bay Area voters. My question is: why are there then so many KGO-radio callers who seem totally anti-Biden, anti-Democrat? These same folks seem to call in day after day advocating the same agenda. I have no problem with their expressing their opinions, but there's a huge discrepancy in the % of Bay Area GOP supporting KGO-radio callers vs the recent Bay Area GOP tally. Any ideas what's going on? Tx ... George, San Jose

    1. Because a lot of those KGO callers tend to live in the suburbs like Walnut Creek and Pleasanton and many of those people are conservative. They also tend to habitually call radio talk shows and express their opinion. KGO has been that voice for years especially when KGO was on top.

  16. Hi Rich. I don't understand why KGO7 is still not showcasing Dion Lim. For an Emmy award winner, why do we not see her anchor but we get K Sze?
    Thanks - Steve

    1. KGO is trying its best to crank up the Dion machine but they have egos to deal with. I'm betting they stick with DL and in the end, they'll be better off.

  17. Hi Rich

    Pam Moore, what's up with her and health since she fell? I have always liked her but she should retire and enjoy the non work life.

    Is she still with Frankie Beverly? Thanks Rita in Richmond.

    1. Yeah, still with Franky and other than the usual aches and pains, she's fine.

  18. How is KRONoN doing? Anyone watching CBSN Bay Area?

    1. KRON is doing better than you expect --especially early nights. CBSN has a good following --probably better than the CBS-SF tech geeks expected.

  19. What are your thoughts about the Chapelle controversy? If people don't like his humor don't buy tickets,don't watch his shows. I am not a fan of silencing people. There is plenty of stuff called "art" I think is drek but I don't tell people to boycott it! Your thoughts?

    1. The more and more of Cancel Culture the more this country sinks into the abyss. I'm sort of a victim myself but they didn't silence me. Dave Chapelle is not my flavor but he has a right to say what he has to say--if his brand of humor is rejected, then let the consumer make that decision. Censorship is a dark road.

    2. No one is "censoring" Dave Chappelle. The first amendment only protects you from government prosecution( with exceptions, none of which are involved here). Nothing protects anyone from other consequences of their speech.

    3. I don’t support cancel culture at all, but I also recognize that Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

  20. Any thoughts on the passing of Mort Sahl, the father of modern standup comedy beginning in 1953 at Enrico Banducci's hungry i?
    Did your musician dad ever work a club with Mort? Any updates on Betty Ann Bruno, the best reporter KTVU 2 ever had (and a child actor - a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz)?
    When are you going to do some YouTube?

    The Captain in Emeryville.

    1. I used to watch Mort Sahl as a kid on the Merv Griffin show. Had a chance to watch his show a few years back in Mill Valley. Loved him and he was one of a kind. A true political satirist...Betty Ann Bruno is retired, 91 and living in the Oakland Hills...YouTube? I'm almost ready. Stay tuned.

  21. Speaking of KRON, have you heard the latest about the new news director? Boy, if sheep could talk.

    1. Yeah, the guy that has Pero footprints but when you offer nothing for a thankless job, you get precisely this--not surprised.

  22. You and I share our nostalgia for the good ol days at KGO. Is Lee Hammer just content with the current situation? Is he aware that Thompson's show is just a 2 hr BS session and Medoro is just babbling nonsesnse? Seems like it would be easy to fix

    David, San Jose

    1. Lee Hammer will continue on with his blather because otherwise he'd have to admit being wrong. So he let's the crap permeate. Just like his brutal love of Chris Merrill and I could go on and on.

  23. Rich, several questions:
    * You have not referenced at all the demise of the Bay's Alt rock radio station, previously beloved as 'Live 105'
    * Do you observe that with the Bay Area being at the forefront of technology, its media audience is ahead of the rest of the country in abandoning over the air media outlets in favor of consuming audio and video content via mobile and streaming? All of this meaning the media market in this market has less near term viability than other markets?

    1. I haven't referenced the demise nor the new station because it's ALL bland in my book. It's aggot material the stuff you read in the sports pages in small print. I can't highlight a new station because there's nothing new and/or refreshing about white paint.

  24. I know you typically don't cover the pop stations but do you have any insiders that can tell you what's going in with the JV Morning Show on KYLD 94.9? JV has been MIA for 6 weeks and mum is the word and honestly the show has gone to shit. Asking you Rich because you tend to have superpowers that can find us the answer that no one else can.
