Monday, August 16, 2021

The KPIX/Dennis O'Donnell BS Brigade Runs Full Steam Ahead; KRON Needs to Pay Heenan; Papa's Corny 'Trey Area'; Stations Mull Anchors Reporting from Home as Virus Surges; Monday Grind


Nick Faitos said it best:

It has never ceased to amaze me that local television stations promote news anchors as if they were your extended family, yet on the rare occasion when viewers notice one of them is missing without explanation, and bother to ask where he or she is, they get Pravda-like silence.

He was referring to my reporting on mysteriously elusive Dennis O'Donnell. The KPIX sports anchor has been away from the sports desk for a few weeks and MISSED the 49ers-KC Chiefs game the other night in Santa Clara. A game he's never missed before and was noticibly absent. KPIX brass apparently were informed that O'Donnell wouldn't work Saturday night, but his status overall is a mystery.

KPIX is OK with their lead anchor and dominant sports guy being coy with the public. If it's something personal, then ok, go about your business. But if said anchor is absent from the anchor desk and misses a HIGH-PROFILE NFL game; a game he's NEVER MISSED; and all sorts of people are in the dark, then KPIX has an obligation to level with their audience, plain and simple. Echoing Faitos' tweet, you can't have it both ways.

*KRON is fighting mighty hard to make sure one of its better-known anchors and a significant favorite in the newsroom stays on before retiring. KRON would like the anchor to remain for at least another year. Well then, OK, then KRON (Nextstar) I'm sure the person, Catherine Heenan, might be keen on that request if you were to step to the plate and PAY her.

*MORE KRON: as much as they hate to admit it, KRON somehow, someway, consistently BEATS a number of stations, KPIX and NBC Bay Area, notably, in the early PM news slots. That's no big deal but when it happens with the frequency that it does, yeah, it's BIG news.

*Then again, PIX has NO IDEA what the hell they're doing. They are fortunate that CBS pays for their dreck and will continue to do so before CBS has a clue on why does their Bay Area O and O perform so awfully. PIX has NO DIRECTION, no clear focus and LOUSY anchors (for the most part) and reporters. Maybe their PR people are quietly being SILENT on station/personnel for a reason.

*Yeah, let's just say it out loud: O'Donnell is dealing with an ISSUE. The whole "on vacation" BS is just that, BS. O'Donnell has a right to privacy, of course he does and KPIX and CBS have a right to handle this matter with profesionalism and NOT the BS garbage they and their underlings are throwing out to me.

*STATIONS in town have an upcoming dilemma: when to retreat to anchors working back at their home and AWAY from the studio as the Delta variant makes its way back to life. Yeah, everyone's freaking out.

*Good timing award: Just as the virus has another surge and begins to hit kids and when Afghanistan explodes, KGO Radio cans weekend/Saturday live shows (save for Mike Finney)

*Greg Papa's BS "Trey Area", is a CORNY FARCE, yes, I agree. I had given Papa a decent grade for his muted tone on Saturday night but his Trey Lance crap is embarrassing and off the chart.


  1. Re: O'Donnell, you're trying to make a Mt Everest out of a sandhill.

  2. I find it humorous how we see things differently in life. I personally find Katherine to be a BORING person. I wouldn't resign her. Is it just me?

    1. Yeah, to each his/her own. Over the years, I've really liked Heenan's work and consistently pleasant on-air presence.

    2. I always thought that way about her as well until that day when Radnich blew up nationally for doing his shtick where he "got upset" at her for saying his lines or something along those lines. Even TMZ carried it. She had this look on her face when he did that that I'll never forget. So damn sexy. I bet it resembled her O face.

    3. "significant favorite in the newsroom"?
      Some may beg to differ. Has been known to use back doors to management to get her way. Once, a fellow anchor stood up in the newsroom and yelled at her, "What is your problem?" Reminds one of the line that "she walks around as though she's got a permanent smell under her nose."

    4. 12:28..Did you have fantasies of you, yourself ever having the power to sign anyone?

    5. I’ll sign you, Christine, to an exclusive contract. Guaranteed money!

      Channel 5 Sexy Action News
      with Rick Cartman and Christine Craft


    6. Re: Anonymous 8 /16 12:28PM
      No it is not just you. I find her as interesting as dry toasted white bread with nothing on it.

  3. No station owes you info on their reporter's personal info. Talk about being an entitled baby

  4. The technical glitches happen more often when anchoring from home. Anchors talk over each other, sound quality is dubious and the camera is not flattering. It is what it is…which is plain shitty.

  5. Replies
    1. Maybe she ran off with Dennis O'Donnell.

  6. Dennis has had difficulty delivering the sports for awhile. He had become unwatchable! Hopefully he’s not I’ll, but he should NOT be on the air in his current state.

  7. It is/was time for O’Donnell to go away…

  8. Heenan looks so tired and burned out with reporting horrible stories every night. They shouldn't give her a raise, they should let her go on those fun Liviakis gigs and threw a few drinks back every now and then.
