Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Two Cents


*Yeah, Kate Scott, the most OVERRATED nothing diva told the world the other morning she was leaving "The Game" (95.7 FM Sports) to pursue her broadcast career and concentrate on her play-by-play skills. Yeah, and the world came to an end. Because the shock of losing Scott reverberated around the globe. I can't fathom life now. And Kate leaving "The Game" could plunge their ratings from 0.5 to who knows where. I'm just so torn.

*John Lund, Greg Papa's 55 year-old teenage radio wife, broke his own world record Monday giggling at least a hundred times every time Papa talked about himself. Lund's everyday edict: "Like you said", followed by, "As you said", followed by, "No doubt" and, "I watched you (Papa) last night", then, laugh, laugh, more "no doubt." Lund has been given instructions that if he wants to stay in the Bay Area, then he will ALWAYS and forcefully, tell Papa he is great and beautiful, no doubt, and if he doesn't follow orders, he'll be sent to Manteca permanently.

*Jon Miller could wear a Giants cap, strap on Johnnie LeMaster's jersey and bring a bat into the broadcast booth, I don't really care anymore because I guess you Giants' fans don't remember Lon Simmons, Al Michaels, Hank Greenwald and the like. Some of you guys (and girls) are more Dave Glass and Joe Angel. You might as well be straight from the booster club, God love ya, Larry Baer is having an eternal orgasm.

*Catherine Heenan is not fantastic, never has been. She's steady, reliable, classy and gives KRON a sort of Sylvia Chase-lite combined with nearly four decades of work at the same station. That's what known as a commodity and worthy, yes, of being taken care of.

*Papa's TD call is just way over the top plain and simple. There's no difference of whether the 49ers are up by a touchdown in the 4th or down by 30; other than that, he's fine and dandy.

*Lund says "weird" and "I get it" to the point where if you were in a drinking game, you'd be damn near Foster Brooks by now.

*Christine Craft would be a damn good talk show host on KGO, much better than the epic fool, Chris Merrill, but Christine is too busy being Christine.

*I used to think Papa was so much better on his KNBR talk show but Papa uses his show to shore up his EGO every day and make sure Lund is in line and kisses butt well. That and the goofy girly-voice every two minutes makes the Knibber show unlistenable.

*Scott Ostler has NOT written a thing about the Giants' attendence woes but continues to mck the A's over their Howard Terminal stadium fantasy. I agree with the latter but Scotty loses cred when he is silent on Larry Baer's head-scratching fan issue. (Or lack of).

*Here's the deal: yeah, of course it's COVID-related and the lack of people downtown (again) near the park. But 20 dollar beers and crab sanwiches are a problem too. Especially in a pandemic.

*LISTEN to WIP Radio in Philly and WFAN (NY) on-line and discover REAL sports-talk radio which will confirm how AWFUL SF Sports-talk radio is. The ratings prove this.

*KGO (Radio) has no money (again) which has been an excuse for over a decade now only why do they pay Mark Thompson over $200G and pretend Nikki Medoro is worthy? Oy-vay.

*Lund, the creator of brown toilet paper and who has a globe at home that resembles Papa's arse. "No doubt."

* Susan Slusser, the Giants beat writer for the Chronicle told a KNBR producer (quietly) she didn't like being called "Suze" every time Papa talked to her but Papa continued because he's really just a swell guy.

*Marcus Thompson, the local "Athletic" writer appears on KNBR because of his vast knowledge and edgy takes on sports which is sort of like me pretending I'm George Clooney.

*Tim Kawakami just BLOCKED his mother on Twitter.

*I'm glad they hardly ever play Papa's TD call on KNBR because you just can't hear enough of it.

*Dennis O' Donnell was never going to be at the 49ers game on Saturday night; turns out a 49ers broadcast person was informed by a KPIX station official well before the game. That's good because, as everyone knows, when you're on vacation, it's extremely hard to make a phone call.

*Beauty, presence, smart and proving full force that you don't have to had worked in TV News to become a STAR: former ABC7( KGO-TV) and Chronicle reporter, Cecilia Vega, now senior White House correspondent for ABC News.

*The Chronicle is LOSING more money than ever and even Hearst deep pockets can't save it but I'm of the opinion that the Chronicle is too big to fail.

*Which helps explain the losses of Jon Carroll, Phil Matier, Willie Brown. Michael Bauer, etc.

*Raj Mathai: the Indian Walter Cronkite. (Am I joking? You be the judge)

*Jim Gabbert could buy KGO (Radio) for pennies on the dollar but Gabbert would have to lift a tensky out of his wallet and that would be just out of the question.


  1. Papa looks like he walks around with a butt plug installed 24/7...like it's just his thing and he knows that everyone else knows.

  2. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSAugust 17, 2021 at 11:22 AM

    Christine can save Raj from a brown curry explosion with her blanket, like how she saved Walter.

    Christine to the rescue!

    1. You have a strange obsession with Christine. She looks like the old lady from “Throw Mama From The Train.” Id rather be with a sistah

    2. I"m cute as hell. What do you look like? I'm not a lady.

    3. I don't know anyone named "Raj". Walter Cronkite did have an experience with the need for a blanket due to intestinal uproar. He wrote about it , not me. The lesson of it for other anchors was that the "show" must go on. This is not evil.

    4. Hi Peter. How is Davis?

    5. Geez Christine why the reaction "I'm not a lady". I agree with you by the way, your not

  3. Maybe you could get Willie or Matier to guest blog. Treat them to dinner at Tommy's Joynt.

  4. Why do you keep writing about Jim Gabbert buying KGO. I use to like him when he was a fill in host. However, I think he is in his seventies, even late seventies, if he wants to take it easy, why is that a concern. Mark Thompson did a really good analysis of Afghanistan this morning, too bad if you missed it. I don't think he is as bad as you make it out to be, of course that is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. I like his show for the most part, he is at least listenable unlike some other hosts that KGO have had since 2011, and unlike some of the right wing hosts.

  5. Gabbert doesn't have that kind of cash on hand. He's already transferred the majority of his fortune to land trusts and they give him back a certain amount of money every year for the rest of his life. source: Jim Gabbert

    Christine would be a possible fill-in had she not alienated most of her former coworkers (men and women) over the course of a decade. Rabid condemnation of your colleagues because they support Bernie Sanders doesn't really endear you with full-timers who have the ear of management. It's a stubborn lack of discipline. Also, general audiences are not interested in constant self-indulgent topic selection (read: dog talk).

    1. Then explain Nikki Medoro constantly talking about her kids and family life on the air. Nobody cares!

    2. FAscinating! Can you tell me which specific co-workers I "alienated"? I'm not a fan of berniebots because they helped bring us Donnie. That is a difference of opinion with only one host at KGO I can think of. Talk radio, at its best , offers many different points of view , hopefully some of which are not predictable. I worked at KGO for twenty years, not ten. I"m not applying for any work anywhere. I love dogs, as does most of America. Sue me.

    3. You could start with the talk hosts, producers, engineers, and those of us in the newsroom that blocked you on social media. We all grew tired of your unprofessional behavior. You're an arrogant bully who resorts to name calling instead of engaging in civil debate.

      I never said you worked at KGO for 10 years. I said you alienated coworkers over the course of a decade, referring to your final ten years. In subsequent years, your name would come up from time to time with new PDs and everyone warned them off.

      Regarding the election, some of us believe in the primary process, which is part of how our democracy functions. Hillary was a flawed candidate to run in OTHER parts of the country. According to Pew Research and others, working-class white men supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by a huge large margin (71 percent to 23 percent). Much like you, she continues to ignore valid criticism. Talk about predictable!

      P.S.: 53% of Americans have dogs, so a huge chunk of the audience would tune out after a while. Multiple PDs said you spent way too much time on such topics... but you're right and everyone else is wrong! There's a reason you remained a fill-in host.

    4. Talk radio is driven by hosts with big egos. It is not a "team sport". I produced most all of my own shows, often ran my own board, rarely if ever did any shows in SF after the demise of 900 Front, and still have facebook friends from KGO who are still engineers, news types, and long time producers there.Why is that? I loved being part of KGO in its number one days. You say that I was hideous and hated, but somehow recommended to cumulus era PDs by whom, exactly?That makes no sense. You say they didn't like dogs or dog subjects. Gosh, I recall collecting 30,000plus signatures from KGO listeners about a dog. She was a black lab puppy,hung from a tree in front of two scared kids while a perp hacked off her legs with a machete. Mickey Luckoff gave me the go get em to do exactly that. Baseball legend Tony LaRussa supported our efforts . I gave the victim impact statement in court and presented the KGO petition. The defendant was given the first serious dog cruelty sentence in Alameda County history, four years in the state slam. ON the air at KGO, I talked about everything on the radio from rape, murder, mayhem, politics to kindness to critters. YOu think that if a dog topic is raised, huge numbers of listeners will be turned off. How are those ratings these days, btw.? IN case you hadnt' noticed, one of the biggest ,wonderful phenoms of the apocalyptic covid age has been the emptying of animal shelters as people sought unconditional love and comfort. You should never have a dog, really. I always enjoyed doing talk on KGO, but stopped before the 2016 election. I didn't think that calling Hillary a "whore" was helpful to the country, and dared to say so. Imagine that. I still practice law in a place that isn't San Francisco. Can your sanctimony about how you and yours "respect the primary process". Hillary Clinton won the primaries. You are just sure that a crochety socialist who thinks everyone is entitled to free everything would have won that election . I only know the facts. Hillary Clinton got more votes that the orange vulgarian and acknowledged electoral college defeat in an instant. Isn't donnie still claiming he won? In any event, did you work at KGO when it was "hot", or now?

    5. Even if some of your comments about Christine Craft are true, that was very harsh and rude.

    6. dear 9:18...you claim that you work in a newsroom at KGO. Do they still have a newsroom ? KGO was one of the last superstations to have a real radio newsroom. That era is long gone. When you report something, you probably should fact-check. Re Americans and dogs, AP polling says 74% of Americans love dogs, not 53% as you claim.

    7. Dear 9:18, you claim that I angered poor little you and your newsroom colleagues for ten years.For the record, after 900 front street was abandoned, I came to SF to the 55 whatever building three times, twice for shows,once for meeting. I was in that newsroom only once, just passing through. I have never been in my whole life in the current building on Battery , but you felt so abused, poor dear. Did we ever even meet?

    8. You seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension. I wrote that 53% of Americans own dogs, I never said anything about how many people love dogs. Pet industry stats are higher than other surveys and if you google the Wapo article “How many Americans have pets? An investigation of fuzzy statistics.” you’ll see that that exact numbers aren’t known. Also, I didn’t say you should never discuss dogs. Multiple full-time hosts and the PD all agreed with the sentiment that you talk about animals too often. The fact that you won’t even consider reasonable criticism is probably why you were never seriously considered to replace Bernie. You were your own worst enemy and it's no coincidence you never left the fill-in category.

      I didn’t say you were hideous and hated, nor did I say you were recommended. For a lawyer, you sure do jump to a lot of conclusions. I said that when your name came up as a possible fill-in over the years, employees warned the PD to stay away. NEWS FLASH: Your coworkers aren’t going to tell you what they say behind your back. Even your animal loving friends at KGO admitted that you had “gone off the reservation” after getting into it with multiple colleagues. Everything I have stated is true and can be verified by others who worked there at the time. You are not the authority of how you are perceived, nor were you privy to the conversations about your behavior.

      You were disrespectful to those who weren’t in lock step with your candidate. During which time you tore down female colleagues who dared to support Bernie Sanders. Hillary must not have been very appealing if a Democratic Socialist was such a threat. Clinton was arrogant and avoided campaigning in all those Midwestern states where she lost. Unlike your beloved Gene, you are intolerant of those who disagree with you.

      You are obsessive and self-indulgent about your topic selection. Successful talk show hosts don’t bring up the same topic over and over again just because it’s of personal interest. By the way, it’s precious that you cite sexist Mickey Luckoff as a supporter. The same man who said no one wants to listen to a female talk show host. When asked why women weren’t on KGO, he would say “Sure we have women, just listen to our jingles.” Much like Karel, you are delusional and have more ego than talent.

    9. with all due respect, and that's de minimis, I have never had any argument with any host...period. When did I "get into it with multiple colleagues", specifically? Did you witness such a thing? I don't know what you mean by "my beloved Gene".What do you mean? Mickey Luckoff, a dog lover, and the most successful gm ever in San Francisco radio and I had a shared interest. You are the one who claimed that my name came up to subsequent PD types, none of whom made good talent choices as the current ratings indicate. I wasn't applying .Why would you assume I was. KGO was fun when it was good. Did you have runny bowels when Bill Wattenberg almost got into fistfights with other hosts, or was that hunky dory with little feminist you? Were you around when KGO was great, the market leader for 30 years, when KGO had live debate sessions with hosts virulently disagreeing with each other?
      Those were good radio.Reread your original post. You said I drove men and women nutzo over the last ten years I did shows there. For the record , I have never even been inside the door of the Battery street facility. Were you just hallucinating?

    10. Alienation is not anger. I said you alienated your coworkers over the course of ten years. The consensus is that you are not mentally stable. It's why many people blocked you. It's why you are persona non grata at KGO. You can't face the truth and it is pretty self-evident that you are insufferable.

    11. Dear 1:12...get caught with your facts down, did you? You claimed that a topic involving dogs would turn off half the audience? The Associated Press says that 74% of Americans dig dogs. You think that means dog topics shouldn't be on the air. I talked about a million things, but you only heard barks. You claim, with your vast successful experience as a PD, that hosts " don't bring up the same topic over and over because it's a personal interest"? Really? When Bill Wattenberg brought up the same topics again and again, always of personal interest , did you get the runs of outrage? The most successful talk hosts actually do let personal passions affect their topic choices. The old adage is, "Talk or write about what you know". IF you are demanding that talk shows hosts have to kiss each other's asses, you are clueless. There were no "female colleagues". at KGO in the run up to the 2016 election. When Mrs.Thurston delighted in calling Hillary Clinton a whore, I disagreed and wasn't afraid to say so.Did you think there was a girl code that a female talk host had to agree with another because they both had vaginas? That's not evil. That was my point of view and it still is. Do you extend the right to disagree only to male hosts? Interesting. Hillary Clinton still won the primaries which drives you nutz and got more votes than Trump, which really boils you. You are entitled to believe that the crusty socialist could ever win a presidential election. I think you should send him all your money for his tax-free, non-profit foundation, headed by his wife. His net worth is now in the multi-millions.

    12. Christine is just made because she got called out for making fun of John Miller's shirts and for looking like the old lady from Throw Mama From the Train!

    13. I'm "made"(sic) seriously? I'm old. I'm not a lady . I like octupi and octupi themed shirts. Got it?

    14. dear 2:08... I sent no friend requests to anyone at KGO, nor did I decline any such requests from others there.. I haven't been anywhere near KGO for half a decade. Your "persona non grata" nonsense is without foundation. Are you the one I saw at age five being driven around by your talk show daddy in a little sportscar filled with drugs? I'm not a fan of nepotism, or spousal abuse either. I'll bet that you either hid or feigned loyalty whenever Mickey Luckoff crossed your path. How did you like talk hosts who only ever talked about race, something they knew personally and felt passionately about. Did you balk then?

    15. Dear 2:08...I have never even had a conversation with you once, never. The "mentally unstable" host who is no longer at KGO, used to talk about his endless depression and suicide attempts. Better keep an eye on him, don't you think? At least make sure the testamentary documents are in order.There was also another woman sort of there that I never met, because I worked from home, whose children were taken from her because of her violent mental illness.She managed to get them back and produce even more with yet another husband. I believe she went to law school subsequently. I dared to comment on some post that she should try to focus on one thing during the law school experience. Did she ever pass the bar exam?

    16. Thanks in part to the great input of 2:08 into management decisions, KGO is now 23rd in the market.

    17. Dear 12:38...did you think land trusts were irrevocable?

  6. Kate Scott is an absolute ZERO. She did the play-by-play for the
    Loyola/USF basketball game earlier this year. She went on and on
    saying that LMU suited up only six players. Really, Kate?
    Playing six players is a far cry from suiting up six. They
    had five other players in LMU gear on the bench. Did she really think that FIVE injured players would travel in the midst of a pandemic?

    1. Hmm, maybe Kate got mixed up and probably meant that despite LMU suiting up 11 players, they only had six players that were available to play?

      Kate Scott is a rising star as Butcher Boy said. Yes, there's some things she can work on, but she's getting better with the experience she is getting. I think calling that Warrior game on the radio back in March helped her out immensely, as well as her work calling games in the Olympics this summer.

    2. Peter and Kate Felch at KCBSAugust 17, 2021 at 4:17 PM

      Kate can always go back to playing “Slap the Ham” on TV20 Dance Party with the Tenderloin Tard Crew.

    3. RISING STAR? WTF does butcher boy know.. He is a complete tool

    4. @2:58- I think Butcher Boy was giving her a compliment, but he's right though. Kate has received a lot of compliments, even from other broadcasters about her broadcasting work. Greg Papa even gave her a compliment in Giants postgame one time, and mentioned how hard she works. That's definitely a big deal coming from him.

      Butcher Boy is cool. Yeah, at times maybe he can be rough around the edges, and he can be a little too hyper for some in the mornings, but the guy is a real sports fan, and really cares about the Giants, Niners, and Warriors. You got to like his passion, even if you aren't a Giants, Niners, or Warriors fan.

  7. Love Catherine Heenan. Wish Ostler would just go away. Has he started to write sports again? He seemed to be impersonating a
    political reporter the last few years.

  8. Craig in San CarlosAugust 17, 2021 at 1:36 PM

    I love a good Papa post. Am I the only one that listens to Papa while looking at picture of Bonnie Jill Lauflin?

  9. Kate said she will still be on 95.7, but she left the morning show to focus more on her play-by-play duties. It will be interesting to see what role they will have her in, but for now, it sounds like she's just doing commercials. Maybe she can fill-in every now and then or maybe work some weekends occasionally if she doesn't have a game to prepare for. I wouldn't be surprised if she does some radio hits where she's interviewed on any of the weekday shows on 95.7 for a game she might be calling, or maybe be interviewed for one of those random what is this person up to now, interviews.

    But yes, it was too bad she had to leave, but I think she might've seen/heard what Bonta and Butcher Boy were doing and how well that show flowed while she was away for the Olympics, and maybe she probably realized that she might not be as much of a fit for that morning show anymore.

    In a way, looking back, it was kind of curious how she came back to doing morning radio in the first place, when she left KNBR for this same reason; to do more play-by-play. Maybe she wanted to work at 95.7 for a bit and see how that was like. She gave it a shot and tried it for 9-10 months and maybe it just didn't work for her, despite the show being on the cusp of blowing up.

    1. otis you are utterly clueless There show was about to blow up? WTF are you talking about? she is was and will always be terrible at hosting radio.. and NOBODY cares about her pbp calling of pac 12 womens sports

    2. @2:57- Their show is blowing up. Their show is simulcasted on Twitch and Youtube. Yes, I think locally, I first saw this when Gary Radnich used to have his show simulcasted on BayTV years ago, and then most recently, when NBC Sports California (then CSN California) would simulcast his show on TV. It's just nowadays, it's a big deal having your show simulcasted on the internet, and commenters can chime in in real time.

      As far as Kate, I think she does more than just women's sports. She calls some Pac-12 college football games here and there, and she calls some Pac-12 and WCC college basketball games as well. She called a USF game last basketball season as was already mentioned on here earlier.

    3. ive never heard kate scott call any men's college sports, just women, unless i missed something..and certainly never pac 12 football, they mostly use ted robinson, roxy bernstein, gary haberman and couple other people

    4. @unknown stuntman- Kate does some Pac-12 football games every now and then. I remember a few years ago she did a Cal game and she was calling the game with Lincoln Kennedy. I think it just a local telecast though. At that time Lincoln Kennedy was working with the then Oakland Raiders, so I think sometimes on Saturdays he would do some Cal home football games.

      But yes, normally Ted Robinson, Roxy Bernstein, and Guy Haberman call a good portion of the Pac-12 football games.

  10. Rich, you didn't mention the Eric Thomas Radio Station...KCBS
    Eric seems to be on the air morning, noon and night.

  11. Nice LeMaster reference, but you shouldn't use it. Your typical Giant fan is more interested ascetics of Oracle Park and eating Gilroy Garlic Fries, then knowing the game. Plus the typical Giant fans knowledge of history only goes back to the last 20 years.

    Plus, I think Miller would be wearing a Chris Speier or Darrell Evans jersey then a LeMaster.

  12. - LOL on first comment. Unfortunately, the national sports networks seek Scott to fill spots. Aye Carumba!
    - Lunkhead Lund
    - Don't forget that Greenwald also had to put up with the malaprops of Phil Stone and ex-LA MLB-er Ron Fairly.
    - GM Jim needs to understand Heenan's long-time value at KRON.
    - Just can't listen to Greg Papa anymore
    - Liquid Lund?
    - "C'mon, Christine! Bid for Chris Merrill's slot! Even your worst days are better than his best days (he has had none)!"
    - Lewd Lund
    - "C'mon, Scott! I remember you standing up to all LA sports executives when you were down there. Don't let Lockstep Larry Baer and the EIC intimidate you into silence!"
    - An unwillingness to cut concession prices does not help the Giants' attendance woes.
    - WFAN, one of a kind. WIP, one of a kind.
    - Cloud Clowns want to cut costs, but won't cut Mark Thompson. smh
    - Lavratory Lund
    - I'm with Susan on this. Respected by her peers, just not Papa.
    - LOL!
    - How many RL readers have been blocked by Tim K?
    - Thankfully, FOX, even with Buck sometimes calling Niner games, won't suffer a Double D'OH of stupidity with TD calls like Papa's. The Simpsons wouldn't put up with such an insufferable lead-in.
    - Has O'Donnell become Bentley Light, and mailed it in? Or is there really a health problem that viewers have made clear should not distract PIX's already struggling nightly newscasts?
    - Vega is very respected by her ABC News peers.
    - The Chronicle is just as directionless as the local TV stations.
    - Even His Willieness can't save the Chron.
    - "That's not the way it is, Raj."
    - The long time Mr. TV 20 has never been interested in the expensive red tape that goes with running local radio or TV. Good for Gabbert

  13. Gregy always calls ann killion annie..is it some of kind of sexist power he is trying have over them?

  14. Leaving 95.7 the lame is an instant promotion. How does anyone enjoy listening to a bunch of no name amateurs yell at each other?

  15. Cecilia Vega will have an easy job. With Hiden Biden he's hardly around, especially after his Afghanistan fiasco!!!

    1. The president did a national TV address on the subject and held a press conference and did a George S interview with tough questions...Did you miss all that? It was hardly "hidden".

  16. while knbr and the game aren't very good you can't compare it to wfan. it's a different fan base and they have NINE pro sports teams in their market. the station WIP in philadelphia was one good but if you have listened to at all in the last ten years you would know it's also not every good at all. not sure what you're talking about or if you're just referring back 25 years ago like you do for so many other things you talk about. there is not much good sports talk radio in america because of podcasts.

  17. Sportz is dumb. Why are all you wasting so much time debating this shit? It's BORING, and treating it like it has world-changing purpose is so ridiculous. You're all clowns.

  18. Not a big Papa fan by any stretch, but... SUZY Slosser needs to lighten up.

  19. It's Suzy, not Suze. Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.
